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Everything posted by elena_398

  1. Am I the only person who lives in an area with total BF diehards? Literally, if your not in line by 2am you are at least 20th line or further. This is for toy stores so Best buy- haha, you better be in line by midnight.
  2. Deals you are thrifty!
  3. Go for it! Its just sarcastic enough to prove a point, yet not mean enough to deem a response from them. lol
  4. elena_398

    Christmas gifts

    My kids get too much so if anything they are even more excited christmas morning. I have one who knows that mom and dad provide christmas and one who thinks it santa. It was so funny last year because she came downstairs and saw the spread all around the tree and said, " Wow Santa really must think we were good this year"! My husband and I laughed so hard at that one
  5. Same kind of outfit every year. Jeans, tennis shoes, sweatshrit, and winter jacket.
  6. lol
  7. Yeah, it was attached to the outside cover. Stick on card that you peel off. It was spend $50 and get $10 off. Expires when that last ad does on October 31st. Helped me as my son wanted those science toys that were $19.99 a piece
  8. I got the $10 off coupon in last weeks sunday paper. It is good until October 30. Same advertisement where the buy two get one free Bratz was in. It should have been attached to that ad in the back
  9. My husband already said NO. Don't ya think I've tried! LOL
  10. My husbands company has been doing that for about 4 yrs now. It helps so much. Things are never tight now in January like it used too.
  11. Gas dropped the other day to $2.45 a gallon
  12. I've sold on ebay, but never bought on BF and resold. I have sold my own kids items in the past. Gymboree clothes, the previous years christmas toys (haha), etc.
  13. My area stores are already getting the christmas stuff out. I went to the Flower Factory the other day and they have all their christmas cards out and about 2 aisles of decorations.
  14. elena_398

    New one

    Welcome and enjoy. Hope you stay awhile
  15. I dont have any christmas cds. I just listen to whatever is on the radio. I know my kids love the Chipmunks songs. Also Rudolf.
  16. I don't have a budget. In general, I spend between $150-$300 on the kids (each). My sons one gift (remote control hummer was $100). Depends on what they want. Of course they don't get everything they want, but I try to get some items from their list. My husband is buying my son a keyboard for christmas so that is running around $200. So I may be spending about $500 for his christmas this year. My husband gets a christmas bonus check which runs around $2000++ so that pays for our christmas and pays for the gifts for my nephew and nieces too.
  17. I've bought a lot so far. Im actually half way done with my daughter. With her being 5, its so easy to shop for her. Now if I can get one of the giftcards here that would help too!
  18. Snow is fine as long as there is no ice and the roads are clear.
  19. Im usually a smart butt. My response is usually : " Im sorry was I in your way?". VERY SARCASTICALLY. LOL
  20. Yes, also there is a $10 off $50 or more circulating also.
  21. I already went this morning to Toys R Us. Got my nieces their christmas gifts as I bought some other items that was in the ad. Also had the $10 coupon you can use if you buy $50 or more. Saved big today
  22. yeah, join the nut house. LOL
  23. He and welcome. Ohio member here too. Enjoy
  24. elena_398

    Scene It Game

  25. Heck no. They wouldn't get up. Thankfully I don't have to find a sitter as My husband's work gives them Thanksgiving and day after off.
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