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Everything posted by elena_398

  1. elena_398

    Hot toys

    I still have my Cabbage Patch Doll from the 80s too! She is safely packed in her box again with her birth certificate. My daughter is 4 1/2 and Im going to buy her one for this christmas. Another doll she absolutely loves is the Zapf Creations' Chou Chou doll. They are on the pricey side, but so life-like. She has 4 of them now and on Walmart I found the new one put out and got if for $10 cheaper than Toys R Us. Didn't want to chance availability on that one so bought it early!
  2. elena_398

    Official ads?

    I always get mine right on Thanksgiving. When I do get them, I bring my favs to my parents and the hubby's of my sister and mine get the kids out of the kitchen and we go over our game plan! Im so excited to see Walmarts ads, Toys R Us, and KayBee.
  3. KayBee Toy Store, then head to Toys R Us, then Walmart. Somtimes I hit Target instead of Toys R Us (depends on ads)
  4. elena_398

    Black Friday

    My walmart is 24 hours, but they hold back all the BF specials (toys) until they officially start sale at 6am. They actually tarp all the stacks of toys. Needless to say you know where all the specials are because you see all the blue tarps all over the store! I wish I could go early and get stuff into cart by 6am!
  5. elena_398

    Hot toys

    Video Now Color is going to be big. I lucked out and got mine when Kmart had them for only $42. You should have seen the rush! The PVDs are hard to find too with it being so popular. I found though, Toys R Us/Amazon lowered them to $5.99 each down from $8.99. I bought tons of them. (I bought my daughter the pink system/headphones and my son the orange system/headphones
  6. I got hooked about 4yrs ago and ever since line up by midnight or 1am every year in front of KayBee. My husband and I don't live near our families so its just me. He gets scared for me waiting in line by myself, but Im a talker and love meet other people. So far I always meet new people and have a blast comparing our shopping lists. My friends say Im crazy and NO ONE joins me, but I don't mind. Im so excited to see the toy ads this year for the kids!
  7. Thats odd, because I love my KayBee. Your're right though, they only allow 10 people at a time but the organization on BF is amazing. I get in and out within 20 minutes. I go super early because of the very reason (small store). BUT for the past 4 yrs, they have the most items I want. My sister runs to Walmart for me and my mom goes to Toys R Us. I go to KayBee first, then race to help my mom at Toys R Us. The past 2 years, Toys R Us opens at 5:30 instead of their advertised 6am. Im thinking to compete with KayBee. They are right by each other
  8. I go to KayBee Toy store every year and it is so great. Lines are ridiculous, but they run that store like the military!! Only 10 people are allowed into the store at a time (this is a small store inside our mall). They have all their employees at the front of the store besides the ones manning the registers). They give you a clear plastic bag and ask to see your list. An employee is "assigned" to you and go around the store and fill your order so you don't have to run around looking. As you are waiting, you can go around store yourself looking for any extras as they always have surprise items for sale. They put footprints on floor telling you which way you are to go up and down aisles so you don't collide with other shoppers. As you leave, the next bunch goes in. One goes out of the store, one comes in. Very professional and organized. BUT this means you HAVE to be the first 10 as stock is limited. Thats why I go so early (opens at 5am/in-line by 1or2am. Im in and out within 15 minutes. Target is a mad house. I try not to go there if I don't have to. They haven't figured out any organization on checking out at all. MAD HOUSE! Last year, I was about 15 in line (Target opens at 7am and Im out of KayBee by 5:20am) to get 3 items. They passed out pastries and coffee to everyone which was great, but when 7am hit, it was ridiculous. The line wrapped around the store and people who were just coming to store from their cars, rushed the doors and several people were pushed to the ground. They obviously didn't care about the line who had been waiting for 2 hours and literally ran passed us into the store. I finally got into store, got my three items and then had to wait over 1 1/2 for checkout. Worst check out experience EVER!
  9. When ads come Thanksgiving, we go to eat at my parents. Hubby and brother n law take the kids out of the room and my sister, mom and myself go over the battle plan. For the last 4 years, KayBee Toys in my area always has the best deals for what I want. They open at 5am so I usually get in line at 2am. 2 Years ago I got in line at 12:00am, yes midnight, because they had $19.99 GameBoys and $4 games, and also $15 Fur Real Cats. I never go to bed the night before as Im too excited to go to sleep!! My hubby thinks Im nuts, but the security guards who patrol KayBees have become my friends over the past 4 yrs!! Same older guy works the mall so he stands with me for awhile.
  10. People are absolutely insane here in my area!! Never see any Dads, just us Moms!!!! KayBee Toys is so expensive in our area except on BF. The deals are through the roof. I do most of my shopping there, then speed down the road to Toys R Us. They always open earlier then stated too. You should see the lines by opening at 5am. Total insanity!
  11. I am looking for a DVD/VCR combo for my parents gift this year. Toys of course for my children ages 4 and 10. (Video Now Color PVDs). Bougth the systems already. Also a 20" or larger for my son's room. He has a PS2 system and X-box. He took over the 36" TV in the family room so we want to move one system to his room! Lastly, PS2 Games and X-Box games.
  12. I lay out my outfit in the bathroom downstairs so I don't wake up the whole family while I stumble around the dark (and dog). Usually anything comfy. Jeans/sweatshirt. Heavy jacket too. Last year it was freezing and I was in-line by 2am. I didn't even go to bed!! Kay Bee Toys opens up at 5am so I have to be in line that early. By 3am every year there is literally 100 people or so waiting.
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