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Everything posted by alimfp

  1. Wow, I've never seen such a thing at a DT before. I'm hitting DT and Walgreen's again today.. you know, gotta STUFF the stockings..
  2. Hmm - okay, here's the thing.. last year DH and MIL gifted me watches. I liked both, but took MIL's back, because I liked the idea of keeping DH's gift more than hers. Does that make sense? So you never know, your DH may be the same.. he may want that watch from YOU for the sentimental reason, and he may like it more than the one the boss got him (even if yours is worth less $, he may like the style/design/etc more!!). So I'd still gift the watch to him. Otherwise, what's his hobbies? Like Princess, I got my DH a Zune. He had an okay MP3 player but for work (he welds large airline parts), it wasn't cutting it.. so I upgraded him. I also got him a leaf blower, knowing he wants one. I got him flannel pajama pants, as his he has now are wearing a bit thin. Also a cashmere sweater, being he loves sweaters and sweatshirts. And he wanted a new weather thermometer thing, so I got him that.. and now I can't remember what else I got him? Hmm..
  3. PMing you, eve.
  4. That alone could send me screaming! I walked past the Santa at the mall the other night - 50 families at least and it was 9:30 at night, half an hour before the mall closed! We took the kids to see Santa a couple of weeks ago, during the weekday around 2pm - so we were second in line. Thank goodness. LOL!! I am going out today. I kept putting off a couple of things and now I'm doing them today. Totally kicking myself in the behind for not getting them done before now. :/
  5. When it comes from higher ups in a company, I don't feel obligated to gift them an item around the same price. In fact, I don't feel that obligation even with family and friends. How bad is that? But maybe that's because we all generally spend around the same amount, I think anyway. Plus, we're all understanding of when someone can't afford to spend as much (understanding isn't the word, it's more like we don't pay much attention really). Anyway, in this instance - I agree with w1df10wr. And I'd bet the boss does NOT expect a gift in return near the same amount of what the watch is worth!!
  6. What shipping method did you choose and what does it say on your acct (should have either estimated ship date or estimated date of arrival)?
  7. Patty, for the two older kids - you could go to Spencer's Gifts. Granted, they have some adult stuff, but they also have kid toys and such that are funny and off the wall. If Spencer's wasn't in the mall here, I'd go tomorrow.. but I am just not willing to brave the mall this weekend.
  8. Put the wrapped gifts on her front steps late Christmas Eve and then RUN back to your car and leave, lol. And don't put gift tags on them or rather, put "From Santa" or something. :)
  9. Yep, I already got my PA. TY!
  10. LOVE IT! Totally something I'd do to my Dad. That's a good idea. My kids dislike it for the most part still, I hope they begin to like it eventually. I'm the only one in the house that likes it, but I could easily finish off a medium container in one day.
  11. I'm waiting on a package right now which contains ALL of my Dad's Christmas gifts.. but it says it's on the Fed Ex truck for delivery, so I am hopeful. If I didn't get it though, I'd be STRESSED OUT this weekend!!
  12. Are you sure the Amazon item wasn't sold by a third party? I noticed some items jacked up in price, but then noticed it was a merchant on their site.. not Amazon themselves, if that makes sense. But I've noticed the same thing - a lot of hot items are double or triple the retail price. :/
  13. Do you still have the receipt or did you pay with a credit card if not? If you have a receipt and it's been in the last 90 days that you made the purchase, they should let you exchange it. No receipt, they can look it up via credit card (if you paid that way, of course) and still exchange it. They generally push an exchange if the item has a problem and discourage a full refund.
  14. I'm irritated with USPS though I can't say why quite yet (eve if you check the DC number, you'll see why!). *tap tap tap*
  15. I've decided once I'm calmed down, I'm going to write them a letter - I'll email and snail mail it. I'll send it after the holidays are over though. I just think it's terrible CS all around, but esp not to call and let me know one is on the way. I sat here Tuesday debating back and forth if I should buy the one on Amazon, but I figured if I didn't, I'd be mad at myself for not having one at all. And then, they put the contents of the package on the address sticker! Had DH not known about this, he would have known what was in it since he looked at the address (we keep getting the neighbors packages and they are getting ours from Fed Ex, for some reason..). :/ But hey, DH and I talked and I am keeping the Amazon Zune. I wanted one anyway (but in pink, but I'll take black and just buy a case for it!). Just stinks because we didn't necessarily want to get ME one yet but hey..
  16. I hope my person for the SS likes theirs. I hope I hope I hope. (If they don't like it, I'll take it back - ROFL. It was difficult to package up, 'cause I wanted it for ME!)
  17. Who is my ELF? I MUST KNOW! Thank you so much. I got this from my ELF: http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Bet-against-Me-Beating/dp/141431907X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1198187907&sr=8-1 Funny thing is, I was just telling DH I needed a new book to read. But I opened the box today and saw Brett (oh, and Deanna, lol) on the back cover and thought, "YAY!" I didn't even know what it was, but I saw a picture of Brett and it made my day, rofl. So thank you!!!!!
  18. I ordered DH a refurb'd 30 GB Zune from Buy.com on 11/23. It was billed to my CC on 11/24, shipped 11/25. By 9 days after that, I hadn't received it. So I contacted Buy.com and was told they'd submit a claim and to wait 3-5 business days. So I waited. I did ask a few times who they shipped through, if there was an actual real tracking number (besides the BS one given on their site that gives no results) and they ignored that question continously. 5 business days go by, I email again. They reply and say, "We're still looking" basically. I reply and say that isn't acceptable. I've been out $90 for three weeks and most likely will not get DH's present by Christmas. I ask them to please call me (as me calling them is a joke, the wait time was always 1+ hour!). They don't reply. I was going to email again today. I finally up and decided I wanted that Zune for DH, so I bought one off of Amazon on Tuesday. Guess what? I get the Amazon Zune at 1:40pm via UPS. TWO MINUTES LATER Fed Ex shows up with the Buy.com Zune (shipped on the 18th). Being DH knew of the Buy.com fiasco, I just told him I bought the one on Amazon as well. So now my surprise of "Hey, you actually do get one!" is ruined. He got the Fed Ex box, and it of course said what was inside, so he was excited. I just got mad and said, "And guess what we just got from Amazon?!" So I have a refurb Zune that DH is keeping and then a new one from Amazon. Nice. The entire thing ticked me off because I wasn't the only person to have this issue with Buy.com and buying a Zune from them. Yet Buy.com wouldn't give straight answers and then they requested to call me last week, so I said PLEASE DO SO. But no call, so I replied saying to call me, please .. again. No call. But the Zune shows up. I am happy it showed up, but I wish they'd given me a heads up. :/
  19. alimfp

    gift dilemma

    I'd just send a thank you card for the gift.
  20. What do you mean by that? I am just wondering.. do you mean you didn't receive anything or..? If you have issues, you can PM eve and she can help you out. She's been wonderful with all of this. Honestly, as I told eve awhile back, I'd commit myself (to the insane asylum) if I had to head up all she has. This was a bigger project than I even realized until her and I talked some via PM about some things (nothing bad!).
  21. Well, I got this for the accessory: DLO - Action Jacket for Microsoft Zune MP3 Players - Black I appreciate the ideas. I'm so excited, he has NO clue.
  22. I've had to wait longer with another place, but I was notified within a day of ordering that that would be the case. That is pretty cruddy. I mean, good that they offered the $20, but really - I know you'd rather just get the stuff before Christmas (and in an even MORE timely manner, sheesh!). They should have notified you of the delay within a week at least.
  23. I thought about putting condoms in DH's.. (being I am pregnant, get it? haha.. I know, lame..).
  24. I haven't received anything yet, but I was informed I have an ELF and will receive something soon. I just wanted to say thank you in advance. I know it sounds selfish, but I was getting a bit bummed thinking for the second year in a row I wasn't getting anything.. and heck, who doesn't like mail from a surprise person? LOL. So thank you in advance, once again..
  25. DH is getting the usual, but also tongs (he lost our small pair of tongs - how? NO IDEA!) and a new rear wiper blade for his Explorer. So any odd things going into stockings for your SO or kids?
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