I went to my target today :) and got some really good deals:
Gift bags for 0.29 and 0.19
Tissue paper for 0.19
and I can't remember what else. I spent about $10 on V-day stuff
I have to agree with you on this. I have never gone to Radio Shack except for on Black Friday. Is there a list somewhere of the stores that will be closing?
I tried this code, and I don't know if I did something wrong, or if it didn't work because what I bought was on sale. Oh well I got a good deal anyway.
Just placed an order for 3 pairs of shoes for $38.97. If I had paid retail for these I would have spent $114.97. I couldn't find any shoes in the womens section that would fit me, so I went to the mens
I really should be getting my homework done (I have 6 group projects this quarter), or studying for my test tonight or my midterm tomorrow, or working on my take home midterm that is due Friday, but this site is just way too addicting.
I know that our WM still has a ton of toy clearance, but they aren't marking it down very fast. It's still only about $1-2 off the original price. My DH and I are also wanting that game, but our WM still has it for $30.