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Everything posted by misshayley

  1. Wow, you should take pictures when you get them up and let us all see them. I am envious of the Boyd's and Coca cola ones
  2. Wal-Mart, Target and Best Buy
  3. I love Emmet Otter, Dh bought it for me last year. It's definitely one of my favorites and I actually watch that one year round
  4. Right now we don't have a theme, but I have enough ornaments to do a Coca-Cola tree and a small care bear tree.
  5. I've never gone alone, but if that was my only option then I would do it.
  6. I pmed Best Buy and Target at Wal-Mart last year with no problems.
  7. We go to our friends house for lunch, and then we go to my family's for dinner. They are both traditional meals.
  8. Thanks, I'll have to check it daily.
  9. The paper that I bought last year after Christmas.
  10. I have a total of at least 40 people that I have to buy gifts for.
  11. I typically send about 20-30 cards, and I just send cards that I have bought the previous year. Last year I put a family newsletter in it, and I will probably do that this year too. Also we are planning on having a family picture taken so I will include that as well.
  12. I don't use layaway so it doesn't affect me.
  13. Some of my family actually go with me. My Mom, Sisters, DH, and Aunt and cousin.
  14. I start the day after Christmas for the next Christmas, and birthdays, etc.
  15. I will still shop there because it's the only store within an hour of my house, and they will price match the other ads.
  16. I just made a purchase through LTD, and was very impressed. I thought that because the items were lower priced that they might be cheaper, but they seem to be quality, and are very cute.
  17. DH and I have started collecting the Coca Cola village
  18. Has anyone been able to find one of the personal vending machines in Ohio? My DH really wants one and we haven't found one yet. ~Thanks
  19. FAR= Free After Rebate
  20. Last year I took the ads that I was price matching (I only go to WM and price match everything, because the next closest store that is not a WM is about 1/2 hour -45 min away) I had the pages marked so that I could show the items, and I had a list of what I was getting. It worked really well. I was in the store at roughly 4:30am and out at 6:30am and had everything I needed, it helped that my Mom, DH, sister, Aunt and cousin also went so we had a few of us line up at pallets and the others went around the store and got the other items.
  21. misshayley


    I think it's great that you make cookies for the nursing homes, I'm sure that they greatly appreciate it.
  22. misshayley


    The only problem with splenda is you should label that it is in it because some people are allergic to it. I know that I am and a friend was trying to be nice and made me some cookies and didn't tell me that it was in there and I had a terrible migraine from them. Just an FYI.
  23. Eat and then sleep
  24. Last year DH and I went to 2 different K-marts on Thanksgiving so that we could get in on the sales, we got the Disney DVD's and the BOGO games.
  25. I only go to one store WM and price match everything that I can. (If I wanted to go to other stores I would have to drive about 45 min- 1 hour and as much as I love to shop, I hate to deal with the crazy traffic, so I go to the WM that is 3 minutes from my home )
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