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Everything posted by misshayley

  1. I have no idea, that has been the problem. DH keeps asking me what I want and I don't have any idea.
  2. Ok I'll tell, but I hope DH doesn't find this...He absolutely loves the movie My Fair Lady and he has always wanted the barbie of her in the Ascot Dress. I found it for a great price so I got it for him Also my sister and I both love animaniacs and I have an animaniacs cookie jar that she has been drooling over since I got it (she always asks me when it will be hers) anyway I am going to give it to her this christmas, I know she will absolutely love it Those are the 2 gifts that I am most excited about
  3. Where did you get your information? I would love for this to be true:yup:
  4. I think that it is fine, as long as the item is nice and in gift-giving condition.
  5. Yes, as long as it is the same item and brand. I PMed a George Foreman Grill and many DVDs last year along with some other stuff that I can't remember.
  7. If I remember correctly, this will be the 4th year.
  8. We are going to try to send a picture out this year, but that means that we have to get one taken soon. I'll probably have a friend snap a digital picture and then use the snapfish codes that I won from the McDonald's Monopoly game to print the pictures.
  9. I have to agree that CC has terrible customer service. We went there last year to get a DVD that they had advertised on sale (I can't even remember what it was now) and they didn't have any and were very rude to us when we asked if they were getting anymore, of if they would do a raincheck. I don't understand how they stay in business with such poor customer service.
  10. On Christmas Eve we have Christmas with DH's family, then we come home and go to bed and then go celebrate with my family. (I don't know what we'll do when we have kids. This works well now, but we'll have to see how it works then.)
  11. I love christmas cookie or sugar cookie
  12. I don't think I will be regifting this year, but I have done it in the past.
  13. My Super WalMart didn't close last year, which made it nice so that we didn't have to wait outside and we could get the other items we wanted without having to wait.
  14. I have an entire book of them, are there any in particular that you are looking for?
  15. It's a small zip lock bag with a dry mix that you combine wet ingredients with to make dip that you can use on chips, veggies, crackers, etc.
  16. I am making Dip Mixes for my extended family for Christmas, and I am trying to think of an inexpensive and unique/creative way to wrap them. A normal sized gift bag would be too big. Anyone have any ideas?
  17. We went to 2 CVS's tonight and neither of them had any clearance
  18. Were these great deals just through out the store or were they in the clearance stuff?
  19. So I'm trying to decide who would have the best price on the Little Mermaid DVD, Walmart, Target, or Best Buy. And I am wondering if it might be on sale during BF. If I wait until BF do you think there will be any left in case it isn't on sale?
  20. I used to do a lot of baking, but last year I didn't bake and instead made cookie jar mixes and dip mixes, and my family really loved those. So that means I don't have to bake and can just make the mixes :) I am too tempted to eat the cookies when I bake.
  21. Dh found his (Personal vending machine) on an endcap in small appliances, he says it doesn't look like the Greatlands carried them, that it was only the smaller stores (he used to be a manager at a Target.)
  22. DH just called me and he found one of the personal vending machines, so he bought it
  23. There is a thread about this in the Deal discussion forum http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=44592
  24. I try to watch it, but if I'm not going to be somewhere where it will be on, I'll tivo it and then watch it later
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