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Everything posted by misshayley

  1. They still have it at ours, but there was not much to look at.
  2. Thanks! Just messaged my sister in law, who works at our Old Navy and does the markdowns to see if its here too.
  3. Found a ton of Crayola Wonder Coloring books for 70% off. Also some rose art play dough sets for 70% off.
  4. My Target seems to have more toys that they are clearancing that are mixed in with what has been reset and they are only at 30% on those right now, they have pulled some of those to a separate section and salvaged some of the others that they pulled earlier in January, so not really sure what's going on with that. I found a Sir Tophamhat for the wooden Thomas the Train set clearanced for 30 but mixed in with all the take n play trains. When do they start clearancing the big packages of things? Will they clearance the big packs of pull ups? We're potty training right now and I would love to stock up on those if they will be clearancing them. Thanks!
  5. Is anyone seeing any Thomas the Train on clearance? I saw 2 sets that were Target exclusive and figured those would be but they are in the reset so I guess not
  6. I love my Dyson. I paid full price for mine. I would have loved to have found a deal but there wasn't a deal when I needed one. Went to our store tonight and most of the toys are still at 30 with a few at 50.
  7. Our Big Lots went to 75% off today
  8. Does anyone know if the Target Exclusive Thomas the Train stuff has been marked down 50% yet? I've got a severely sprained lower back so I am not to be out too much but my little guy loves Thomas. If anyone sees this go 50% can you please let me know. Thanks!
  9. Can someone please tell me how to post a picture so I can start posting deals I find too.
  10. I got it too. I placed two orders and they both took forever but I didn't complain. Props to Kohls for making things right without us even asking
  11. Yeah, we're not sure how he gets away with it, but my sister works third shift and has told me about all the stuff that she has seen and moved.
  12. My sister and I were joking about this because she works third shift at WM and her store manager is stingy and doesn't like to clearance things. So I really hope it's more like unadvertised sales that they have to do, than at the actual managers discretion because our store won't be having any of them if they are.
  13. This is definitely a YMMV, because our store manage doesn't like to clearance items and the proof is in the stock room and all the boxes of stuff that are still there from years past
  14. I love Meijer and that they already have their ads on their site so we can plan ahead!
  15. Thanks! This ad has some things that make me happy. What a great way to start my day!
  16. I was so excited to find the Christmas Puffs at my store and they rang up 0.29 tonight. DH was wondering why I was paying full price for tissues until he saw them ring up. Thanks to the people who posted about the Mickey hoodies too, I was able to find 2 at my store.
  17. It's actually a game for my DH and I. We are huge Disney fans and love games we can play together
  18. DH and I just bought a Wii U the one that came with the Zelda game and are going to be buying the Disney Infinity starter set. Do you think it will be a hot item this year? What do you think think the lowest we will see the starter set for is? Right now Amazon has it for $59.95 do you think it will get much lower? Thanks for any help
  19. Do you think this will be the cheapest we see the Disney Infinity?
  20. The Target we went to today had the candy at 30% and I don't need candy so I didn't scan any, but the rest of the stuff was 70%
  21. I don't mind answering questions, but there are really only 2 people I will buy items for. My mother who isn't able to go with us because she is watching my 2 year old son, and my sister who works at Walmart so she has to be at work.
  22. Talked to my sister who works there and she said her store isn't scaling back, they tons of toys and Christmas stuff and more in storage
  23. I was able to get 3 lunch bags at 70% off yesterday. There was a lady from the markdown team working to salvage some of the school supplies and she told me if I found a book bag or lunch bag that I was interested in that she would see if it should be lower. It really pays to be nice to people because she marked down all 3 of them for me because I asked instead of making me wait until she got to them.
  24. Our Targets were 90% and 70% off. Found some of the purple Dora balls, and some red Cars ones but only the Dora rang up 0.50, the Cars rang up $3.00 (anyone know why the price difference?) found these in with the regular ball section. The 2 stores we went to still had a ton of candy. I stocked up today though in case we don't make it back out. My sister came along to keep my almost 2 year old occupied. Found a Disney princess lip gloss set for 0.29 don't know if anyone has mentioned those yet, it was mixed in with everything and the only one I found. Also there were Jello bunny mold kits that have 2 boxes of jello plus the mold ringing up for 0.95.
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