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Everything posted by misshayley

  1. I went to Target today hoping to score 2 iLamps for my SIL's birthdays and luckily they had 2that were still in the boxes. They had about 5 other ones but they didn't have boxes, and they were still marked 14 something. The ones I got were 7.98, what a deal. I also noticed that the economy sized stuff that they brought in after Christmas was at 15% off today.
  2. Would Michael's have santa hats? I am trying to find more for a production we are putting on next year.
  3. Our K-Mart was 50% off before Christmas and at least the day after. So I would doubt that mine has anything now. But would it really take them that long to go 75% off?
  4. My best deal today besides the Christmas stuff that we got 90% off, were 2 games the first one is a Mad Gab game and it was $14 something and the other is Name that Tune the 80s edition (which DH has been wanting for a long time) and we got it for $14 something as well so they were both 50% off I think.
  5. A beautiful necklace that DH had a friend of mine who is a jeweler make. I am really picky about jewelry and I love what he designed. It is a heart shaped mystic fire topaz placed in a white gold mounting with a white gold chain. I was very surprised.
  6. Man I wish I would have known that the one on campus went 90% off today. I would have been there. Oh well I guess since I already got everything that I wanted that I really didn't need anything
  7. I had the same thing happen to me when I tried to order pictures 2 weeks ago. I was able to use the code FREESHIPJAN (it only lets you ship 100 prints) but I was able to do it a few times.
  8. I just called one of the Targets in Columbus, OH and they told me they are still 75% off. I hope this is true and that they go to 90% off tomorrow.
  9. Dh and I found Scene It JR for 7.XX (I don't remember exactly what it was) but we thought it was a great deal.
  10. Which columbus store did you go to? DH and I went to the one in Whitehall, the one on campus and the one off of Fishinger. The one on campus had a ton of outdoor decor left. They had the blowups and all kids of other things
  11. We went to 3 Targets in the Columbus Area today and 2 of them had a ton of stuff and they were 75% off. We bought over $200 of stuff total and had a blast. I told DH that depending on when they go 90% off I might have to go up and check out the 2 that had the mother load because I would love to see what was left then. They still had tons of the outdoor stuff including blowups. I would love to get some of that stuff at 90% off, but right now I can't justify it at 75% off because I am not sure if i will use it or not, but I could justify it at 90% and just give it away if I decided not to use it.
  12. We went to 4 different WM's tonight and all of them were 75% off.
  13. Dh and I have been watching to find the best price for Season 4 and we finally bought it from half.com for 32.00 including shipping and handling for a brand new set. If you choose to go this way be sure to read each sellers feedback to make sure you will be getting a good deal.
  14. Called my local WM and the one in the next town over and they said that they are still at 50% off. I wanted to go shopping today
  15. I'm glad they were liked.
  16. Just finished taking ours down
  17. Thanks for sharing the pics they were great.
  18. Our Christmas started Friday night and ended on Christmas day (5 different places to go) and we still have 2 more gift exchanges to schedule. I wish it was a little less eventful.
  19. I got everything I wanted (and what I didn't get I ordered yesterday.) I got Gummy Bears Season 1 and ALF Season 4 from my MIL. I got a beautiful white gold necklace with a mystic fire topaz (my favorite stone) charm, and some DVDs from DH. I also got Over the Hedge and Robin Hood Men in Tights from my parents and a ton of other stuff from my parents and my sisters. We still have 2 more gift exchanges to do, so I don't know what else i'll be getting. The worst gift I got was a stomach virus I've been so sick since yesterday. I must have gotten it on Christmas or Christmas Eve.
  20. Does WM's Christmas clearance ever go to 90% off or do they just go to 75% off.
  21. our Wal-Mart is closed, but Walgreens is open
  22. That's what I was thinking
  23. I've had the wrapping done for about a week and today I finished the grocery shopping.
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