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Everything posted by KBsDarling

  1. they probably *did* have 48...just 12 made the floor...
  2. I am so happy that in last 2 days have gotten season 1-3 of big bang for 12.?? each.....totally cancels me going to target friday!
  3. I just looked through my flier and see nothing about them doing everything (BOGO ETC) a previous poster said...I know its not the popular sentiment but http://www.canadiandriver.com/forum/Smileys/CarTalk/ttiwwop.gif comes to mind LOL
  4. but i just...the list...done....doh...
  5. But be warned....if you GD all year long you usually have everything LONG before BF and for cheaper!!
  6. bummer that this doesnt work w/ the school book clubs ...
  7. same here but it also cant be specialty.....when asked what that is she told me that I would have to ask for each item and she would let me know....thanks anyways but I get tired after the first few hoops to leap through LOL
  8. Walmarts (have never known any of the 5-6 we BF at) will not do % off or B1G1 or Gift card or anything like that. They will ONLY match a 100% stated price for an EXACT item. I have had issues at 1 of the WMs argue w/ me when it says "save over 50%" with a price right there since it was a larger font type for the % then stated price....as much as I was impressed with the cashiers attempt to shut me down on a PM I do not think her manager appreciated having to come over and "ok" the sale. Manager: it says the price Cashier: but it says % off Manager: but it says the price RIGHT THERE Cashier: <blank stare> Manager <angry stare back> I love that WM PMs I appreciate it to no end. Its why they get 99% of my BF $ BUT I do wish things weren't as interpretable and the cashier were bettered versed on company policy. The whole "local" issue drives me buggy. 1 store basically will do it if you can bring in an ad. Have had others that CALL to get a mileage from CS.....
  9. I can open all that I had saved without issue.....I do know I *still* cant get the Joanns to DL and save..... Dunno why as all others worked for me
  10. Hee Hee I thought my frowny face would go undetected. It was my personal protest aginst JJ...I hated to post the deal but I too have a JJ fan to buy for and know the ONLY chance you have of trying to get stuff pre Christmas is order soon
  11. LINK http://nascar.imageg.net/cms_widgets/36/17/361744_assets/Chase_johnson_960x348.jpg Shirt DieCast Hat This is basically a "presale" since shirt/hat are 2 weeks out and diecast is several months but if you have a JJ fan this may be fastest way to get Champ gear pre-holidays
  12. because many times they do not put an item right back on to the floor. It may have to process through the system that it as "returned" not saying no Target would ever do this just that it does have known pitfalls
  13. KBsDarling

    Nintendo DS

    Last year we had a pallet of the DSs and there were TONS left. Think we had them for a few days even at the BF price. Shocked me silly to see it is a "line" item. Why on earth was it grab and go free for all last year but this year it is a line w/ assigned spot on map?!?!
  14. which ad exactly? I just looked at my scans and I am okeydokey so far
  15. my paper didnt have it...weird.....
  16. bummer no MH dolls online or even really any MH stuff
  17. i understand that its not how they intended the deals to work but for one know MANY sites that wont let u enter in but 1 code. i figure if they cant in this day and age set up a proper checkout for a major chain (not joe schmoe's bait and tackle) they have no right to cancel orders and even if we were 99% in the wrong to cpmbine a customer service rep needs to not be the personality type to get rude and hang up on someone. i KNOW i lack the personality to do it so i wouldnt put myself ( and poor unsuspecting customers) in the path of that diaster. sorry i "wall of text"ed not sure how to do paragraph breaks on phone lol
  18. DOH! Was just coming to post that Does it say Amazon is matching doorbusters?? When will THAT be starting LOL
  19. i think there is a min. post requirement as well so if you are new you may be doing everything right but just not have permission yet
  20. Do you do it in teams? Like if I have a store am I it or will there be 2-3 of us per store to try and keep it checked as often as possible?
  21. Yay! finally on at right time! Also TY for waiting till after Big Bang Theory! LOL I cant seem to see the "chat" area though so everyone ask really good Q's for me LOL
  22. OOOO Hope they let you adjust!!!
  23. i had put together a deal and it came to 16....didnt pull trigger ...got mad at myself hen i saw someone say deal wasnt on any more....now thrilled I waited cause I just got it all for just under 11$!!
  24. ooooooo even better question I dont *see* a one per household...but that type is teeny tiny LOL
  25. ok there are several w/ the 10$ price tag and sticker on them.....i would think any that have the allure sticker would be in the rebate yes?
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