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Everything posted by KBsDarling

  1. shameless facebook steal http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/424621_482269508463609_1359338229_n.jpg
  2. Towels...the cheap scratchy walmart ones too! Daughter is a competitive swimmer in the pool daily so there is no such thing as too many towels....and when I pay 1.88 she can leave them all over northern Indiana for all I care as it seems we leave at least 1 behind somewhere every meet.....Each meet we have 3-4(two for on deck drying and 2 for post meet shower/hair) and most meets are 2-3 days so for a weekend we pack 10+ towels....She doesnt like the chamois so cheap towels it is
  3. Those dang walmart towels are a fight every year! I do the video games/dvds but i make hubby do the towels.....little old ladies are MEAN I gotta agree I think it depends on area BUT remember no matter how mature YOUR child is it isnt YOUR child you have to worry about. Its the 300lb linebacker that is willing to plow her for a $5 barbie. You can't control who all is going to be around your child. All you can do is control the situation you place your child in.
  4. yep we are phased out as well...welcome to electronics....used to be for 200$ the tree looked PACKED now 200 is a down payment on 2-3 items LOL Somehow $3 board games $5 barbies/dolls just fills the tree up faster then an itty bitty tablet box
  5. Done and it worked fine for me and I had WoW running in background
  6. the year we did a trip instead is still probably one of our favorite...mm maybe that is an idea again
  7. Dreading....last year was hard as DD is out of the toy phase and i just was bummed about that.....its all GC requests now. This year we will be doing new laptop but i just know that you guys will find me a better deal days before BF and I wont have a reason to not spend time with my in laws....ugh
  8. DD and I both have one and am headed to see if link is still live for DH to get one. They are NEVER not with us. DD uses it for everything and yes that is even homework. She has looked up info on it for research, uses the calculator app for math, and reads assigned books on. All that on top of games, movies, music....A fellow swim parent has an ipad2...her son fell in love with my kindle at a meet. Says it is more fun then the ipad lol
  9. also it wouldnt work if i tried to paste it in but worked fine when i typed....
  10. Ours still has RACKS of Christmas clothes...most have stickers so it isnt even across the board 75%....I dont mean like the fancy dresses etc but the "dear santa I can explain" tshirts....
  11. Someone has to explain to me why it costs me 8.99 to ship a pair of undies from Victoria Secret but someone can do a 41' tree for 7$???? LMAO
  12. Thanks for the info! Was just curious how it came to be. Really puts a # in my eyes to how many people you have hitting on here during the pre-BF crazies!
  13. Have kitchen aid (bought with divinity in mind actually LOL) Use Digital Candy Thermo...Will double check calibration but divinity is my only fail other sugar candies are coming out ok Maybe my idea of dull is not dull enough?!?!? I am usually doing ALL my baking in 1 day/weekend....the humid may be it as it would be warm in kitchen
  14. What happened on Nov 21st, 2007 at 5:28 PM to have most users ever online (3,677)? The date suggests maybe an ad leak? Just curious if anyone knows what caused the record
  15. ok glad someone said divinity....i try it and fail every year....HELP....I get it to peaks i pour the syrup in obnoxiously slow while beating...It just never sets up...i have like sticky patties of divinity....have tried multiple recipes and it always comes out same so i know it has to be ME lol
  16. the last time they did this it crashed out as well..we use them often but am kinda disappointed they didnt learn from past mistakes....DH works midnights so going to have him check at 4am or so and hope the servers are a little less bogged
  17. i want one too but just havent pulled the trigger...this deal is SOOOOO tempting!!!
  18. i did just place orders but we are prime so I use it to send nieces/nephews gifts easily but I agree I kept waiting for something GREAT priced but just too close now to keep waiting and had to go ahead and pick some things
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