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Everything posted by KBsDarling

  1. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Ruldoph's Shiny New Year Ruldoph and Frosty's Christmas in July Little Drummer Boy The Year Without a Santa Claus How The Grinch Stole Christmas Santa Claus is Coming to Town Jack Frost
  2. this is how ours was done...was good...except being in frozen food aisle....I just see a digorno pizza and start to chatter now after that VERY cold 5 hrs LOL
  3. I did miss the chat. Being hearing impaired the webcasts arent great for me but figured 1 out of the 1000s of people here it isnt really a major need for the chats LOL ....Hey can you closed caption the webcasts?? LOL Who can type REALLY REALLY fast?!?!? I like the posted ad section. Was an easy way to locate scans.
  4. watching people in the back continue to reach over and shop....wow....
  5. I am on my phone. Is there still a 199 bundle? I can't find it. Urgh 2 frustration w/ amazon today. Early had a laptop listed so had dh set to get up (he works 3rd) but was worried cause it said only 2 in stock. When it was time it was just gone....not in ended deals not in waitlist just poof gone...wonder if it was a booboo since I doubt they would do it w/ only two in stock
  6. KBsDarling

    $179 Laptop

    I am getting no where with AMD.com Trying to get everything updated and running into a road block on graphics
  7. KBsDarling

    $179 Laptop

    Funny! I am coming off my vista sporting toshi too...I keep telling myself I was ready to throw it at the wall cause I hated vista so much and it may be I just don't accept os changes well vs actual issues with win8 lol:-P
  8. I have checked 2-3 times and our Wags is out of stock of everything and my first attempt I had to stand outside to wait for them to open...that combined with the fail that was the redbox code....Made me remember why i am a CVS girl LOL Glad it has worked well for others. I really think its our store as it seems other areas have stuff fairly handily
  9. <-- Works with children every day in school, gets 30 hrs a week, no benefits and is paid $8.36....tell me again that Walmart workers deserve more? Wouldnt you think the people you entrust with your children should trump what anyone who can stand up right and put a can on a shelf get paid? But this is WAY ot at this point Our Walmart used the balloons as well and that was fantastic in locating stuff. My only complaint was we somehow "lucked" into the line that was assigned in the frozen food section. I swear it would have been warmer standing outside for 5 hours VS sitting in that aisle LOL At the 2nd (or maybe 3rd it blends together) walmart we went to I not only encountered a friendly worker but it was the so friendly cant escape them worker...I asked where the hardware action alley was and after a 10 minute spiel about how silly she thinks it is for them to use terms like that for those of us that dont work there I was directed to the right area LOL
  10. The suit that is available right now is a good price for a pbt suit. Waited in vain hoping that they would have more sizes when it went live but only little ones. I know it says jr. but had hoped.....went ahead and sent out a email to our jr swim team though LOL
  11. frozen blocks of ice
  12. KBsDarling

    $179 Laptop

    i hate 8 but beyond that am finding it...ok. dh was playing wow on it fine so that says quite a bit as we all know wow is a total hog grabbed 2...will probably keep both
  13. totally agree...we actually left several mall stores because there were just MOBS of kids and what stinks is they were just milling around. They were not shopping really. Just hanging out...it was H377!!!! We circled back around 4 and had a much better time of it. I am NOT in favor of these early times. Leave the kids and lookieloos in bed!
  14. Been waiting for this! 1- Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer 2-Ruldoph Shiny New Year 3- Ruldoph and Frosty's Christmas in July 29- The Tangerine Bear 5-Frosty the Snowman 27- Ice Age- A Mammoth Christmas 7- Santa Claus is Coming to Town 8-Jack Frost 9-Meiser Bros. Christmas 10-A Charlie Brown Christmas 11- How the Grinch Stole Christmas 21- Year Without a Santa Claus 20-Whinnie the Pooh and Christmas Too 14-Prep and Landing- 2010- Secret Santa 18- Shrek The Halls 16-A Special Sesame Street Christmas
  15. if home bound is what he will be what about some stuff for home? New recliner (might be over $) Movies as suggested above, What about a wii? They make fishing games and my gpa got one 2 yrs ago (was 78yr old) and liked the fishing/hunting games?
  16. So did anyone get "waitlisted"? Our WM had PALLETS AND PALLETS...We were able to get 2 of the laptops we needed and then get into line for the tv. We were #116 and they still had pallets....also when we checked out the corral for the ipad was empty and they still had a rolly metal cart with 20-30 of them....no takers. That surprised me
  17. grrr was checking status forever and then finally "waitlist full" O well would have been tv #2 for the weekend anyways LOL
  18. we cycled back to 3 walamrts on journey home and only 1 thing i couldnt find was the stinking towels....first time in like 4 yrs i didnt get any LOL
  19. bummer.....TY for helping me remember!!
  20. KBsDarling

    VIP at mall?

    Been looking with no success...last year the mall offered a VIP experience (food reserved parking etc) I think it was through living social... Anyone remember more details or heard of anything this year?
  21. http://shopping.yahoo.com/news/walmart-black-friday-tv-deals-kick-off-on-thanksgiving-.html says midnight that heavily implies Thur/Fri
  22. totally seeing Nick Burns your company computer guy setting someone in promotion straight that having that many people needing to be on the EXACT place on a website is not a good idea!
  23. and when the site crashes if everyone has to register these cards by midnight how long till they refund $?
  24. my fear was they mean 1 line so you will have 700 people in 1 line and of course they will only be able to process a 1/10 of that in an hour....call me a pessimist but WM BF gimmicks have burned me before. Trying to devils advocate to see where/how this could go to decide if its an acceptable risk...hee hee sounds like I am planning an invasion vs a shopping trip
  25. can you get cards/items for multiple of theem (i.e. tv and blu ray) What if the line doesnt move fast enough? I.e. in line from 10-11 but the workers arent putting people through fast enough. What trumps? The in line or the 1 hr?
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