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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. Never heard of Eastbay. Is it a store or do you mean eBay?
  2. I was just in mine yesterday and it was still 75% off then but there was nothing good left in the Christmas stuff to be worth a trip back over there. Don't know what the other stores would have, if anything. We've got about 5 stores here with one being a 24hr. store.
  3. If you want something fancier, check with a local sewing machine repair shop. They usually will have or at least know where you can find a good used machine at a reasonable price. Lots of sewers will trade up their machine and the used ones will work just as good. My mother had a Singer Athena 2000 machine that's at least 25 years old (or more since I can't remember when she got it) and it still works perfectly.
  4. I hope mine still has stuff left next week after my daughter goes back to school. I don't dare try to look at things like that when she's with me. If I stopped to look at something, she'd be into stuff so fast your head would spin.
  5. Anybody know of any current codes out there?
  6. Do try the TSC that someone else mentioned if you have one near you. They carry a lot of farm toys and every one that I saw there before Christmas was made of sturdy metal. They carry stuff like that year round so they should still have some there.
  7. When I make roast beef in the crock pot I just pour a can of beef broth over it, shake some salt & pepper on it and put the lid on. No fuss, no muss and idiot proof. Even I can't screw it up.
  8. I love oval ones better because you can get odd sized foods in there without having to cut off a piece to make it fit. A whole chicken can fit as well as a large beef roast.
  9. I was at the store here yesterday when it was still 50% off and it was so picked over I couldn't find anything I wanted left.
  10. I hope the store here still has some stuff left by the time I get my car out of the shop.
  11. One of my top favorites is Snoopy's Christmas Carol by The Royal Guardsmen. I could listen to it all day.
  12. I went to Meijer to get a few things for Christmas dinner and decided to look around the rest of the store while I was there and I'm sure glad I did. I got a reversible washable down comforter for $34.99 - regular price was $79.99. The one I got was a full/queen size but they also had twin and King size for the same price. They also had some nice down throw blankets for $9.99 - marked down from $19.99 but they are dry clean only. I've always wanted a down comforter but could never afford one until now.
  13. Today's the day I'm wrapping my daughter's presents from Santa. She's in school (last day before break starts) so this is my only chance. She was with me when I bought just about everything so the few things she doesn't know about are her Santa presents. When do you wrap your presents from Santa? At the same time you wrap everything else or separately?
  14. I wonder why you can't get refills in the stores though?
  15. I bought the VNMW last night but realized after I got home I have no idea where to get more discs after I use the 4 that comes with it. Anybody know of any stores that carry them?
  16. I'm in Indiana but if you go to the link in the first post, down on the right side is another link that says "Other ways to get it" where you can check to see if there are any stores around you that have it in stock.
  17. I bought the last one the store here had today. It seems to work pretty good, even comes with batteries. (Drawback is that it takes button cell batteries.) It can tell you all kinds of things - even to what your blood alcohol level is after drinking. Has tons of drink recipes programmed in it in every kind of category you can think of. Looks like it does everything except mix the drink for you.
  18. Gumball

    Kmart sale,

    Kmart was a lot better 25 years ago than it is now. My dad retired from there in 1989 and right after that is when the transformation began from a decent chain into something that would make him be spinning in his grave. I almost never go there anymore except as a last resort.
  19. I didn't know LeapFrog had a Flypen. I thought that was a different company?
  20. Somebody in another post said there was a Thomas the Tank Engine PVD but I have no idea where to look for one. Does somebody have the exact name of it or is there more than one like there is with the Clifford The Big Red Dog PVD's?
  21. Meijer here has barely anything left and for some reason, Walmart has the Video Now Jr. PVD's in a separate aisle from the other ones but they still didn't have much left to pick from. Same with Target. Dunno if Kmart has anything or not since the store here is kinda crappy with a tiny toy dept. that's right next to the seasonal stuff. I've run out of places to look at here in town.
  22. The blue & yellow is now not available either.
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