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Everything posted by momof3luvs1

  1. I know a bunch of us shop the deals all year round to save for holidays, birthdays, etc. What do you guys do with everything once you buyt it? Do you wrap it right away so you are not overwhelmed all at once? Or have an excel sheet? I just seem to buy all year round, hide it, and then in October I am overwhelmed by what I have and who gets what etc. So Im trying to think of a better system this year. Any ideas?
  2. Anyone's toys go 70% off today? I just saw a blogger write that their store went 70% off on the clearance toys? I totally cant get out today and was not expecting it until next week!
  3. I have been sick all week and havent had a chance to go to Target since last Friday, Im going tomorrow and hoping it will be 90! Anyone find anything good hidden that we should be looking out for? I know there are always little thing in other aisles that I forget about!
  4. My one store was still at 50% , very weird...
  5. My store was 70% as of this afternoon, ALOT of wrapping, bags , ribbons etc left but not much of anything else. Candy STILL at 30%. On another note a TON of the 30% clearance toys were changed today to 50% off and even a slight few at 70%. I bought the dora dress up outfits that go with the Dora dress up doll that my dd got for Christmas originally 16.99 for 5.08 each.
  6. Am I the only one who gets sad when CHristmas is over? It is my favorite time of year and it seems to fly by faster and faster each year...When it is all over it is always a bit dissapointing for me, especially with January right around the corner which is usually cold and not much to do.
  7. Wow, store was INSANE, I got there at around 730 and ALL the good stuff was gone! Found a few good things though. Everything holiday was 50% off but candy was 30%. ALOT of toys were marked 30% off...so Im hopefully for the Jan clearance!
  8. Thanks guilliam, the kids and I enjoyed everything =) Hope you had a merry Christmas!
  9. I have been very good this year I guess because I got - A new car stereo so I can listen to my ipod in the car ( and it lights up yellow, my fave color) =) -ipod dock pure player for the house -big bang theory seasons1-4 -vampire diaries season 2 -a neck and shoulder massager -a few gift cards to places I love and fun stocking stuffers Best part of all I agree is my kids LOVING everything they got! So all my hard work paid off =)
  10. I AM DONE, DONE, DONE, DONE.....LOL!!! I dont EVER want to wrap again..next year Im giftbagging everything
  11. I hope every1 can finally relax and enjoy the holiday!! So much planning, deal shopping, stressing, black friday madness, all for this moment!!!!! Merry Christmas to all!!!!
  12. Wrap a few gifts, alot of cooking, and then tonight set everything under the tree and in stockings. Dh has to put together the train table we got for ds. Cant wait =)
  13. I ONLY HAVE 3 PRESENTS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Although my dh has a train table to put together tonight =p
  14. Christmas eve I cook a big traditional greek dinner and add a bunch of seafood since my dh is catholic and thats his tradition. This year for the first time we are changing things up a bit. We are going to open all the presents from everyone else on Christmas eve and santa gifts Christmas day. Since we moved everyone mails their gifts to us and between all the gifts it was complete chaos Christmas morning so Im hoping to break it up a bit so its less overwhelming. We will see how it goes. My bff comes over and we all watch Polar Express, Track santa and then put kids to bed. Then Santa comes =) In the morning I make a quick breakfast and the kids have us up early and we open all the santa gifts. Then I make a big feast for Christmas dinner which we usually have early (around 3). We also do stockings at night to break up the fun! I cant wait for it all to begin!!!!!!!!
  15. STILL wrapping...lol
  16. Anyone know what time Target opens the day after CHristmas? I know if I dont get there at opening EVERYTHING will be gone within minutes!
  17. I would call corporate IMMEDIATELY! Hopefully they can do something...
  18. This is hilarious!!!
  19. The Santa Clause The Polar express
  20. IPAD2 since Mac does have the best quality products..but in real life I settled for the hp and am very happy with it =)
  21. At this rate I will be wrapping until I am 90!! It is just NEVERENDING!!!
  22. I actually only have a few small items left to buy...HURRAY!!
  23. best deal I found was for 89.00. So I grabbed it
  24. on the tv commercial it showed cookie for 29.99, a tv and some video games for 39.99
  25. Jingle all the way santa clause home alone polar express elf
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