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Everything posted by momof3luvs1

  1. I really would like The Vampire diaries dvd, a few of the board games, and double dvd player in the walmart ad but There is NO way that I am going to be in WM on Thanksgiving day at 8pm ( and actually you need to get there much earlier) So, Im REALLY hoping that they will have those online or Amazon will price match... The Kmart ad had a few things too but Im confused to all of these new times and when things go actively on sale...I cant goto a store 4 times in a 12 hour span... Im still hoping Kohls, Target, and tru will have a lot of stuff I want since those are probably the stores I will be going to this year =) I must say though, I am impressed with the ads so far this year..am just not liking the times/4 doorbuster times!
  2. I would love a new dish set...I havent gotten new plates since my bridal shower. I also need some new perfume, clothes, and my dvd series sets..so hopefully santa thinks I was good enough this year =)
  3. I love the actual start of the holiday season, the tradition, the deals, and knowing that for the next few weeks will be my favorite of the year =)
  4. I had gotten a few in the past as well but the last one I actually got was like a year or so ago. It was for some DISGUSTING frozen drink. I was so excited to try it and my friends and I literally gagged on it and threw them down the garbage disposal..... I did not complain since it was free but did tell them we werent a fan...after that I have never been selected for one..so I think that for reference just always tell them you love everything..lol
  5. I dont have a set amount. I always have a ballpark figure of a thousand in my mind...but sometimes I go over, sometimes I go under. It just depends on the ads this year..
  6. Legos, dvds, and anything on my kids or hubbys lists..lol
  7. I usually put out appetizer between 12-1 and we eat around 2pm. Then we relax and I cleam and have coffee and dessert around 4-5.
  8. I HATE this double doorbuster times, so they want me to be there at 8pm and 5am??? UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, sorry for my vent, I am hating all of these Thursday hours and just needed to vent for a second..I am done now =)
  9. I always have great experiences because I shop at the outlets and a REALLY not busy Kmart. By the time I hit Toysrus and the mall it is around 8am and its not anything like the crazy night hours. My husband does Target each year for me and last year Walmart for the first and last time. My hubby is a 6 foot 4 big guy and he said he almost got knocked over multiple times and could only grab one thing on the list with how crazy it was. Way too many fights broke out there and I for the life of me cannot understand why people get that crazy over stuff! As far as me the funniest thing I ever saw was my bff being 4 months preggo and tired and ended up falling asleep on a doggy bed in walmart waiting on a line for a tv..lol
  10. I live in a deeded community so I cannot put up decorations outside until after Thanksgiving. I have always decorated the Saturday after Black Friday but the past two years I did it earlier (inside) or later because of vacations and I really like the tradition of the day after BLack Friday so I will be doing that this year.
  11. I would not mind a pig as a pet but we lived in a deeded community with no live stock allowed and VERY little backyard....but a 4 year old boy does not want to listen to tose facts, he just wants his pig...lol I really hope he is not heartbroken when Santa cant bring it to him...
  12. I hope so, the past 2 years it was just their usual 40% off...
  13. Lots of coffee please!!! no sleeping for me, just shop Black Friday is here =)
  14. I always do the photo cards....but I do miss sending the other old fashioned cards too...lol
  15. I tell them that parents give Santa the money to make the gifts. I had to do this a few years ago because we do toys for tots and angel tree and when my dd was 5 she asked why we bought gifts for kids when Santa brings gifts to everyone...I have found it to work great with all three of my kids...
  16. I shop year round but I always buy the bulk Black Friday and on...but Im hoping to be done ear;ier this year..
  17. I am surprised noone has it is, usually its leaked by now. It has to be really soon =)
  18. I just saw my first Christmas commercial from Target....soo ready for the season!!!
  19. The big book should be in mailboxes towards the end of this week, at the latest beginning of next week!!!! If anyone gets it in their mailboxes please give us a heads up =)
  20. My son wants a pig. A real pig as a pet...when I try to explain to him that we arent allowed to have a pig as a pet he justs says santa will bring it...oh boy!
  21. After looking at this it made me listen to my first round of Christmas music for the year.....hehe
  22. My kids poretty much have their lists done but when the big book comes out in a week or 2 they will make their final lists and send them to santa! This way there is no changing their minds after that...
  23. I havent seen any yet and I LOVE the holidays but I do think anything before Nov 1st is a tad bit early...
  24. I personally hate the earlier times. Thanksgiving is an important holiday in my house and I don't want to spend any of it out of my house or worrying about rushing to get deals. I always hit midnight madness at the outlets then would hit kmart while my dh hit target at 5ish. Now with everything opening early I need to choose between all the stores and outlets and last year was a mess for me. This year my bff is going out of town so I lost my bf buddy, so Im waiting for ads and times to come up with a plan that will hopefully work better then last year...
  25. Are there any free shipping codes going around?
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