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Everything posted by momof3luvs1

  1. An insane amount of soaps from Bath and Body Works! A few dvd's, sheets, a down comforter( or some type of comforter) someone in my house always seems to need one. Throws, luggage, pj's, and then more Bath and Body Works...lol
  2. No....just No....
  3. I got a lot of work out clothes and running accessories. I also got a new keurig for work, perfumes, body washes, coach sunglasses, gift cards, and a lot of Harry Potter gear so I am a very happy lady! Kids and family got everything they wanted too. It was a wonderful Christmas. Most importantly I got to spend another holiday season making memories with my family and that is the best thing of all.
  4. WE do not go out until Thursday evening but every store we went too was not busy. People were there but not the Black Friday crowds. The outlets were practically empty. I miss the good old days of 5am openings! I think the people and the market got better results that way...
  5. My best memory was when KB toys was still around. My brother was manager there for year's. I would always work Black Friday. Everyone on line was always in a good mood. We uuse to hand out candy canes and talk to people while they waited. It really felt like the start of the holidays. Black Friday is so NOT like that anymore with sales starting on Thanksgiving. Worst memory was when I was pregnant. I was not feeling 100% but thought it was because I was tired. After 2 hours of shopping I felt faint and just drove home. Ends up I had a horrible high fever and obviously missed the rest of the day/weekend shopping.
  6. We are still waiting on the really big ads. I was disappointed in Kohl's but I thought Macy's was amazing. So it just makes more to buy there and I don't need to wait on that insane Kohl's line this year! I the big ads will have some good deals to come!
  7. Bareminerals anything for 10.00 is an amazing price. Even there smaller sizes last a REALLY long time.
  8. I always do about half throughout the year and the other half on Black Friday. Then I was have a few odds and ends that I scramble around for in December.
  9. Hubby- Apple Watch Oldest dd 13- debating between a tablet or netbook Middle dd 9- American Girl everything... ds 7- Wii U and star wars disney infinity 3.0
  10. This year FLEW by.... I feel like I couldnt enjoy it like I usually do! So, I am going to start peparing early so I am ready for BF 2015 aned holiday season =)
  11. Santa was very generous to us this year...my ds as always LOVED all of his Disney die cast cars....they have been his favorite since he was 2 ( he is now almost 7!) and he is really getting into star wars so we found star wars themed die cast disney cars and got the whole set so I think those were his favorites! my middle daughter got almost all Frozen and American girl items and she loves them all! My oldest daughter got a sewing machine so she is very excited to try to start making her own things on it. My hubby's favorite was probabbly the big tool box thing I got him for the garage and my favorite was my new dslr camera! Great year with GREAT memories to always cherish....soooo, is it almost ready to start thinikng about next year yet????? =)
  12. I did online shopping, the mall, and then the outlets. Walmart- Tool storage for my hubby ( he will be thrilled) A bunch of dvds I needed for my kids and my classroom. Kmart- A bunch of dvds a hair dryer for my mom b1g1 shoes for the kids Target- popcorn maker vampire diaries dvd =) ( finallt a dvd for me) a few more kid dvds Pennys- Clothes for the kids Macys- nutribullet huge body sized cool memory foam pillow ( for hubby) this was one of the best deals. kenneth cole work boots (for hubby) again another great deal! kohls- boots for me and my girls some sweaters for work bbw I scored BIG - bags n bags full of tons of gifts, lotions, candles, body wash, candles , 2 vip bags etc for 85.00 =-) outlet stores- coach- bag for sons teaher micheal kors- bag for mom kenneth cole- dress shoes for hubby loft- ton of work clothes for me =) childrens place- clothes for kids justice- clothes for kids Joanns and Amazon- big gift for dd - sewing machine and tons of fabric and, Im sure a few more odds n ends I cant remember. I did all my toy shopping over the past few months since I went back to work so I did not have to hit the toy stores on black friday. So Im probably 75% done yay.....and I know my hubby scored big for me ....he got me the tsv early from QVC for the new Cannon dslr camera bundle and ordered me the 3 stone yellow diamond ring I have been eyeing for our 10 year wedding vow renewal...originally 4500 and got it for 1800.00!!! So black Friday was VERY good to me =)
  13. Not as readty as usual. Still havent read all the ads yet or made final lists but I am excited!!!
  14. Thank goodness I preordered that snow glow Elsa months ago! It is all my daughter is talking about and Im sure it is goingto sell out fast! Besides that none of the other stuff on the hot list interest my kids this year...
  15. My best friend and I....I make a wonderful huge family Thanksgiving. We enjoy the day with the whole family. after dinner and dessert and family time I get the kids ready for bed and then I used to get a few lovely hours of sleep but now we head out after the kids are sleeping.
  16. I buy any of the "hot" toys I know will sell out fast and not go on sale anyway. I actually almost bought all of my dd8's toys already full price because the Frozen merchandise is SO hard to find! I have been picking it up little by little whenever I get lucky.....besides that I try to wait for the deals...
  17. Yes, yes, and yes =)
  18. I started working at KB toys at 15 when my brother was store manager. I LOVED it right away! Back then it was all about fun, nowhere near the crazy it is now....so if I start counting from there this will be my 18th year shopping black friday....wow!
  19. The only three things that annoy me are : anyone who is rude. A deal is great but it is not worth acting like an animal to get one. The other is people who have young children with them, underdressed in the cold in the middle of the night. I lived in NY most of my life and that was when black Friday was actually Black Friday and WAY too many times I would see people in freezing weather from midnight to 5am with little ones. The last one is that it is no longer Black Friday but Black Thursday. If it is true that stores are opening at 6pm this year I will miss most of the doorbusters. I will not leave my house that early....it has really ruined a tradition I looked foward to every year.
  20. Anyone have anyidea on the mailing date? I think we got it last year about a week and a half before the start date?
  21. Yes, I always find a few great deals I need =)
  22. no and no....I will never give up my family time or Thanksgiving for any deal. I host a huge dinner and usually have everyone gone and kids in bed by 8pm and thats when I start venturing out now. In the good old days (lol) I was ale to sleep until 3 or at least midnight...
  23. My list is so large this year. I have my 3 kids, dh, mom, dh's parents, 6 nieces/nephews, 4 friends, and a ton of teachers, coworkers, etc. I have been shopping for months already but am hoping to get everything done on Black Friday. I have no idea what anyone wants yet except my 3 kids, my oldest wants a sewing machine, fabric, body form so she can make dresses, my middle daughter wants everything frozen or american girl, and my youngest son is a mix between paw patrol, super hereos and disney cars. I really need to get my list statred for everyone else...
  24. My dd8 wants mostly EVERYTHING FROZEN, lego friends, and American girl things. My ds 6 is still obsessed with Disney Cars so he still wants a bunch of die cast cars to add to his collection, planes fire and rescue toys, and PAW patrol which I know are hot toys this year....My dd12 wants a sewing machine, fabric, and art stuff so I know I will be able to find some good deals there.
  25. Anyone know if they made all the barbie/monster high and remaining things 70% off yet? Or will that still be another week?
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