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Everything posted by bfaddict1977

  1. lol same here. I guess I'd better get wrapping today!
  2. This year I was very lucky, and so will my kids be, and they're going to have a wonderful christmas. They're getting just about everything on their christmas lists(I say almost because they'd love much more but I had to set limits). IT's going to take me hours to wrap and I'm overwhelmed at the thought of that. How long does it usually take you to wrap gifts? I know some people wrap as they buy? Does Santa put together the big gifts? I got ds train table but I cannot lift it back up the steps. My neighbor helped me carry it in. Xmas Eve I'm still trying to figure out HOW to get dd to stay sleeping for 2 hrs while I put out the gifts? Wrapping my neighbor volunteered to help watch my kids so I can do that but literally it's going to take a LONG time. And I'm hoping I have enough paper. I KNOW I need to buy more tape today. I'm going to start today, as I know I'll be getting more on bf.
  3. I know the feeling. I get anxious too. Now I'm overwhelmed with wrapping everything.
  4. I will say I purchased the ipad 2 from walmart today and it came with a $50 gc. TOTAL shock and happy surprise. I think that's the best deal I could've hoped for on that one.
  5. The other one is the innotab by vetch I am going with the leapster I think I'm going to check it out today at target and hope it is good can you buy the books too or only download
  6. I was wondering opinions of the leap pad and the other ipad type items for kids? I've read mixed reviews on these and was wondering if they're worth it for my 5 yr old twins? Anyone have any experience? Are they rip offs? Do you need to buy expensive games too or download them? Thanks.
  7. I've seen really great deals for tablets at toys r us for like $100 and a bit more. Are these junk? I'm still on the fence about an ipad 2 but that seems to be the only reputable one.
  8. I didn't get mine yet are they all going out today
  9. Since stores like walmart, target, and tru are doing door busters and having all sorts of pre bf sales, are they better then the real bf sales or just comprable? Like the razor scooters at tru this weekend were 50% off. Will they be even more off on bf or not even on sale? I purchased them for my twins, thinking that's the best deal I could find but I'm just wondering.
  10. yes there's a code at the bottle I believe of the item for online.
  11. No mine only said for wow items the scooters weren't a wow item
  12. Dd pointed out that the razor scooters my twins want are 19.99 each until tomorrow my local tru is all sold out so I ordered them online she thinks they're all sold out and feels bad score one for santa
  13. lol I'm the same way. I'd like to have them in hand too. I never trust shipping. Hoping they arrive first thing next week???
  14. Ordered these and they ship today but someone said they found them in stores and my tru said they don't have them anyone else find them yet
  15. this is why I'm getting my big ticket items before bf and just seeing what I want on bf, not what I need. I may shop for gifts for family and friends but my kids will be done.
  16. can someone post the remaining pages? Is that possible? Thanks.
  17. I won't be going at midnight. I don't go for the big item things. I buy them before bf. Not worth risking they are sold out. I will have lots of gc's this year to tru so that and walmart will be my first stops, then probably target but probably around 5-6 amish. Not before.
  18. yea and if they actually sent what you were owed instead of putting a cap on it. I'm due $15 nov 14 and I just got $30 worth of gc's today so I'm saving for something. Not sure which toy yet lol
  19. yup mine too. i'll be lucky and thankful if i get the ipad 2 but certainly am NOT counting on it
  20. ipad 2 and clothing for my kids and maybe some for me and a maid. no just kidding lol I don't have much on my list this year. The ipad is really the only thing. I mainly want to make sure my kids get everything.
  21. thanks so much! I definitely am checking this out
  22. When does layaway begin for tru and how does it work? How much down? Can it be used for all toys or only big items? Thanks.
  23. My son Alex is 22 months(2 in dec) and he has sensory issues and hearing loss and developmental delays. I need some really good ideas for gifts for him for the holidays. I have a shape sorter and peg puzzles but need other great ideas. Thanks!
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