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Everything posted by HansieDZ

  1. HansieDZ


    As always,my first stop on Thanksgiving! So many things I hope to get like the Carhartt coat for $24 and the Tracphone for $20
  2. FINALLY! Thanks Brad Off to look through them...hope they were worth the wait!
  3. Those are my ideas of deals,too
  4. HansieDZ


    Hoping Brad is busy typing up this ad as I type this *hint hint* I can't even plan where or when I will be shopping until I see the ones from Meijer. Seriously,will this be the LAST ad to be posted?????
  5. At the top right of this page,click on the Settings tab. Then under the My Settings column (left side of page,scroll down a little) click on Edit Avatar. From there if you had enough posts you can choose a Custom one (like a photograph from your hard drive) or scroll down to see all the ones offered here at Gotta Deal. Don't forget the use the drop down box for more options (like holidays,sports logos,etc.) HTH and welcome!
  6. So far,I really want the Roku at Best Buy and a TON of stuff from Kohl's,Sears,CVS and Wags! I am still waiting on the Meijer ad though-hopefully tomorrow?
  7. I have a $5 off $50 toy purchase gift card that I won't be using. It expires 11/21. If anyone wants it,PM me. Please include a SASE.
  8. You sound like an AWESOME employee and if you were at my WM, I would definitely write to corporate and commend you! It's employees like you who really making a shopping trip to WM enjoyable.
  9. Thank you and mtsuboy for all your WM tips! Many of us appreciate you taking time to post your insider knowledge. Happy Holidays to you this season
  10. HansieDZ


    Last year the ad was posted ten days before BF (11/15 and BF was 11/25) so we should be seeing them by Tuesday, right?
  11. HansieDZ


    Waiting for this one to finalize my game plan! Come on Meijer!
  12. I will be getting that Minecraft t-shirt for my addicted son!
  13. I just got my flyer with 3 cards: 15% discount (11/15-11/20), 15% discount (11/21-11/25) AND that dandy $10 Promotional Card (ISO) midnight 11/22-1 p.m. 11/23. Love that free $10!
  14. Jingle Bucks were for the following week so you had to go back lol. I rolled RRs multiple times at several different stores that whole 3 day sales period. Are they doing JB again this year? I haven't checked the upcoming ads yet. HTH
  15. lol,I am serious too! I originally ordered mine from the website (Genie Bra) last year and LOVE them! I got the one from WM and it's not exactly the same as the one from the website but pretty close and I'm totally happy with it. Don't know how big your "Chickies" are (I'm a 40C) so I get XL and my girls are comfy. I will droop to my navel before I am cut to death by an underwire
  16. Are you anywhere near a Meijer? That's where I always got my boys' guns because they used to have great deals on Thanksgiving/BF/BS. Walmart also has a good selection and good prices.
  17. Thanks for all the suggestions! My daughter doesn't ride,and wants them mostly just to wear occasionally. I think they are treacherous on ice and we get a lot of snow here. As a p.p. mentioned,she will grow out of these by next winter and I know she will never wear them during warm weather. Now Big Sis has several quality pairs but her feet are done growing and they are an investment. Little Sis wants cute boots like Big Sis I really can't spend more than $30 on boots she will wear occasionally but she really REALLY wants them and these red ones from Zappos are so very cute! I will check 6pm.com. Thanks peppysfireball and mrsjackrabbit for all your helpful info; I appreciate it. Our needs are different though. If anyone is interested,I will post if and where I get the boots from. Happy shopping everyone!
  18. It's a lot to take in,but I like the "paying forward" of their Holiday Receipts program. I did a lot of my holiday shopping with Kohl's last year and hope to do the same this year as my teens are asking for clothes/shoes. Waiting to see what their deals are. I'm hoping for $15 KC for every $50 spent. That's when I get MY presents~
  19. Cute avvie I'm waiting for Target too!
  20. As always, TOO much I want!
  21. I'm not kidding-that is my FAVORITE bra! I just bought one last week for $10 at WM and will get a few more for $6.
  22. HansieDZ


    I'm going with this! Shopping at Meijer on Thanksgiving is the kickoff to my holiday season
  23. I may be jinxing myself,but I think I will like the earlier opening hours. We can be done with our family T'giving by 7:30-8 and for the first time,I will be able to bring along DD17. At my age,it's easier to STAY up than it is to GET up I will have already done a lot of shopping earlier in the day (Meijer,KMart,CVS,Walgreens) so then can hit Kohl's,WM,and Target or wherever is open. One thing-I don't stand outside for hours in the cold anymore. Almost all of our stores are 24 except Target and Kohl's so I won't go there until they are open. Can't wait!
  24. I will apologize up front if this is not the proper forum for this question but I would love for someone to tell me the best "tablet" for a child (8 y.o.) for UNDER $100 (preferably $80). She basically wants to play some games (Minecraft for example), I see some really cheap ones advertised for $40 but I doubt those are what I want. I just want a very basic one. Anyone have thoughts,suggestions,opinions? I really can't spend more than $90 at the very most. TIA
  25. DD8 really wants a pair,preferably red or brown(probably size 1Y). She wants the taller kind (not the low-cut fashion style). Thing is,we don't live on a farm and I don't really want to spend $50 on something like this but don't want a cheap-o pair either. Here is what she would love: http://a3.zassets.com/images/z/1/5/9/4/8/3/1594831-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg and I would love something like this only $25 cheaper. Any suggestions for on-line or B&M stores? I've looked at TSC,Sears,WM,KM,Kohl's and western stores. Help please! TIA
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