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Everything posted by HansieDZ

  1. Smaller cities and towns do not have 24 hr. Walmarts (or any other stores ime).
  2. Awesome! I'm glad to hear some other people got deals
  3. Ok this is wonky. I added some boots to my cart and those also were only available in Defiance OH! Apparently,my store a mile away didn't have the tv or boots but one in another state did.
  4. I look at it as a dry run for BF. I kinda failed my first run to CVS this morning and it only impressed upon me that I am not exactly ready for BF today but I sure will be come Thursday!
  5. Had it in my cart for $97 but I would have had to drive to Defiance OH to pick it up ! PASS I wanted some boots and the heated throw but they weren't offered. Oh well,I'll get them later this week.
  6. I'm not exactly sure,but I don't think the Doorbuster tvs are for sale tonight. I could be wrong though so keep trying!
  7. Congrats racerfan! Glad someone was able to get a deal but you're EST too so how did it work for you?
  8. Same for me but why does it show 23 hours when 5 CST (8 EST) is 3 hours away? I clicked on the Members details tab and it said quantities were limited,pick up in-store at your convenience this week and it ends 11:59 CST 11/19. I guess I'll have to wait a couple more hours.
  9. I'm just not seeing it. I've tried the SearsLocalAd, Sears.com and the SYWR page. Where do you see the prices have dropped? TIA
  10. WTH??? Now I have a -1 Days 23 Hours xx Mins xx Seconds on the page! What does that even mean?
  11. I have had Weekend Only delivery for years but fortunately,that includes all major holidays too. It's cheaper to get 3 days of home delivery (Fri/Sat/Sun) than it is to pay for the Sunday paper at the store! Plus,I don't have to leave the house
  12. HansieDZ

    Black Sunday?

    Traffic was up at the mall and every shopping center here this weekend too! It was warm and sunny and everybody and their dog was out. Weather is supposed to be extremely mild here for Thanksgiving/BF which means longer lines.
  13. We'll see in 12 minutes!
  14. I "think" that would be 5 p.m. PACIFIC time which would be 8 EASTERN (8EST=7CST=6MT=5PT). Right??? Or am I just ?
  15. I'm confused too!The email I have has the countdown that says 2 hrs plus and that would mean it is at 5 p.m. EST??? Or is the email just a generic one for PST? I think I will try in 2+ hrs. just in case!
  16. I don't know about a shopping list but the store itself is enormous and in multiple states so it's not small. There is a Meijer.com but I honestly don't know if they do their BF sales online. It's a good question though; several people always ask each year because the ads are so good
  17. I did a trip early this morning and here are a few more coupons: on the original Carmex lip balm,there is a $1 off peelie for Carmex lotion (someone has this on sale coming up-I've seen so many ads; I can't remember), in the Command product,there is a .50 coupon so this would be a MM. Also,inside the box of South Beach bars is a .55 coupon (also MM) be careful opening the box. HTH I am going back after church because I forgot some coupons I had. A lot of the things were located on an endcap at the end of the card aisle.
  18. My deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother . Hoping you have a better 2013.
  19. I stopped into CVS today and they were sitting all their Free After EB (11/18-11/21) right up front (like mac&cheese and those Glade Plug-Ins warmers). I asked if they were going to issue rainchecks for items and the manager said he was still waiting to hear officially but he was pretty sure they would NOT be. I asked why and he said it was because some people had 5 or 6 cards and would clean out the entire supply for a month. I also asked what time the T'giving Day sale would start and the manager said he thought 6 a.m. (This is my nearest store and it is 24 hrs) but the cashier seemed to think it would start at 12:01. The great deal I found this week was the CVS brand batteries. 20 AAA,AA and 8 C,D were on sale for $3.99 (reg.$10.49) I really stocked up!
  20. They are running the Buy2Get2 deal right now. Usually,it's AFTER Christmas that I get the best deals (or used to anyway. I have so many stockpiled it's shameful).
  21. I'm sorry; no snowglobes this year
  22. HansieDZ

    Maps are up!

    It worked for me in Mozilla Firefox
  23. Offering a different perspective: 1.JCP ad: those $8 appliances,for example, are pretty nice. Some of the boot deals are good. 2.Rebates in and of themselves are not so bad. Depending how much you are willing to turn in the receipts/forms,you can have a great deal with these but I am one who fills out the rebates for maximum profits. 3.I LOVE my Genie Bras! I got them off the website last year and they have been my most comfy bras ever (once I got them on)! I am currently wearing the one from WM which will be for $6 on BF and it is a little different but still acceptable. Once I get this bra on,I never have to worry about the rest of the day-I really love mine! 4. I know it's hit or miss on some of these but I got one of the $3 cheapies from WM probably 5 years ago and it works each and every time! It is a mini-food chopper and I honestly use it maybe 5 times a year but it serves the purpose.
  24. I don't know but $9.99 isn't a bad price for a 3 qt slow cooker and it would be a great deal for someone who likes animal prints!
  25. Now that the Meijer ads came out,I can finally figure out where I'm going to be and at what time. Trying to decide which part of town to shop in is the hardest part. I just know that I will be doing a LOT of shopping in the next 10 days!
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