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Everything posted by jgm8

  1. SOOO Very Mad! I didn't know my reward zone needed to be activated online! Even though I have Silver status, I won't get the perks in time.
  2. DH has a friendship going with the guys that run a gas station by our house. They always set aside two sets of ads for me. Then they call him to let him know they are ready on Wednesday.
  3. DH begged for a netbook last year - He said since he just does basic surfing and online games, he didn't need anything more. Yeah right! The thing sits around getting in the way and collecting dust. Total buyer's remorse! Now he just has to have the HP Tablet. Of course, I missed the 200 off deal. Any chace of finding another deal?
  4. My Targets do not have ads on hand for customers. They post one copy behind glass!
  5. I have been dreaming of those! I wonder if the price changes for a gas dryer instead of electric? Anyone know how BB handles this?
  6. Ummm.. I got my Nook last christmas and haven't heard of "sideloading" or DRM, etc... Where can I get more info?
  7. Not one thing has impressed me. This is the first time in almost fifteen years I won't be heading out. DD wanted a flat screen and blu-ray which we got great deals on at Target last week (99.99 Blu-ray & 367.00 32" LCD TV). DH wanted a netbook, purchased at Target Sunday for 199.99.... I can't think of a single thing I want. I kind of want a Nook, maybe a steam mop for my hardwood floors... Nothing too exciting. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. AOD250-1197 This Acer is 349.99, it also has a larger hard drive....Why can't these stores list choices to help reduce ones you don't want to see, like E-Bay? It would make it easier for comparison. The description set ups are not always the same... Sorry for the rant I already own Moicrosoft Office for XP & Vista. Would that work with Win 7?
  9. Got one today as well.... After browsing this thread, I am now wondering if it isn't such a good deal after all. DH will use it to surf the net, online games, fantasy football, Facebook and what not. Will it really have enough speed, power and battery life? Uuuhhh I can't stand having to replace a pc. The technology changes so rapidly, I can't seem to keep up.
  10. I picked up the Acer from target this morning... No line, barely anyone in the store. I am now having doubts about my purchase. XP versus Win 7, 3 hour battery versus 6.... I just wish there was an easier way to make this decision. At least I can return it easlity enough.
  11. Looking for the same for the XBox 360 - I would rather not pay 299. What if Rock Band wears off after 6 months? The drums will just sit there.
  12. Just make sure to price check another store first. DH wants Call of Duty World at War. TRU price is 79.99 GameStop price is 59.99
  13. Will the BF prices be available online? If so, is it possible they would be available on turkey day?
  14. Correct - :)
  15. Last year I purchased a BRP with 5 free movies from BB. I have yet to receive my movies. I won't be doing that again....
  16. I have offered this service to family & friends for over seven years. I always make sure there is an understanding that doorbusters are not guarenteed. Most of the time I get the money up front. The only time I charge a fee is if I am going to a store not on my list and that is not in the same parking lot as a store I am going to. I have been lucky to have people tell me to buy something for myself as a thank you. Fingers Crossed for this year - As most of the lists I have received have been for items that I have been able to get great deals on already, hopefully there will still be a reason to go out...
  17. How did I miss this? I can not believe I didn't see this post. Does anyone know if they will have this sale again before Christmas?
  18. I have been given a list of books by DD11 & DH as part of the XMas wish list. I can get them cheaper online versus in store, but I was wondering if anyone has come across a BF sale. Here's to hoping!
  19. jgm8

    CC BF Deals on web

    I wish I was that lucky - We missed out on several items b/c of this. I was on the phone w/CSR for an hour. There was a crappy connection and the rep barely spoke English.
  20. I start planning strategy when the ads start to come out. At the end of September, I created and excel spreadsheet for the people I am buying for, what is wanted, price points, store locations, etc. My 11 y/o DD really wants books again this year as she hasn't found anything to interest her. If this is still the case, I may do all online. I have been getting calls from other people asking to ad their shopping lists to mine. If they supply the prepaid Visa & a finders fee - Maybe I will go out - I just LOVE BF!
  21. Me too! Most likely Allen Park (Great new plaza), Woodhaven, Southgate, Michigan - Freezing as usual.
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