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Everything posted by jgm8

  1. ThanksBigJim! Hoping there are some great prices on LOTR too! Have you ever purchased film cels from WB?
  2. I am hoping that the WB will have a great big sale this holiday season. I am hoping to pick up some Harry Potter collectibles. Does anyone recall previous years? I did a search and didn't find anything. Thanks!
  3. DD is now 16 and has no idea on what she wants, other than a car. Of course, she needs to take her driver's test and pass it first. If anyone has ideas, it would be greatly appreciated. Last year she received an iPad mini, the year before a Nook, plus clothes, jewelry, makeup, etc..... At 13, we gave her a flat screen tv, wall mount and blu ray player. She is an only child, only grandchild and first great grand child and tends to get a little spoiled. Her birthday is in the middle of September, so that is not helpful. She has always enjoyed cooking and around 13 she asked her Italian Great Grandma to start teaching her how to make things like Ravioli... Cooking classes would be great, but they only have novice ones near us.
  4. DH - Never wants anything and won't volunteer ideas! Some years I get lucky and he is the easiest. This year, not a single idea DD 16 - She has nothing on her list. Any ideas are welcome! Cousins 1,3,8 Cousins 18, 21, 22 Brother 35 Granmother Dad/SMom - Have everything and can buy anything. I usually buy SMom jewelry. Some other people will be added as time goes on.....
  5. jgm8

    Stocking stuffers!

    http://tartecosmetics.com/tarte-item-Amazonian-clay-waterproof-eyeliner So far, she likes the pencil best. This goes on quick and smooth, not much hassel. It is a little expensive... Last year I was able to get a five pack, hoping it comes out again!
  6. jgm8

    Stocking stuffers!

    Stockings are a big thing in our house too! One year, I gave DH a new smartphone. I had the carrier switch service over in the middle of the night. The next morning you could hear it ringing from the box in the stocking. It took him forever to figure it out. DD(16) received her first expensive jewelry this way a few years ago. I try and stuff the toe with something unexpected and special. Then it gets filled to the brim with Tarte Make up for her, they have waterproof eyeliner and she is a varsity swimmer... And he gets RC vehicles. They both get gift cards for iTunes and XBox. Last year I found some great deals on Transformers for DH. He still likes getting small toys, especially when they remind him of his childhood..... This year is gonna be really though. I need some inspiration!
  7. Well...... There are tons of answers for every question I do a bunch of shopping online before I head out and while I wait in lines. Most of the store sites are very slow. Last year, I used every available tablet and pc in my house. I logged into a seperate store on each and had a list of what needed to be ordered, the price and the time the sale started by each machine. Remember, just because the store opens at 8:00 doesn't mean the online sale starts at the same time. Most of them start Pacific time. I would also check with each store beforehand to see if the items will be online. Some are, some are not. Most of the sales are the same, but I have come across special flash sales. As for putting stuff in your cart before hand, that is just luck of the draw. It worked for Best Buy last year, but not the previous year. Is it worth it? It definately was for me. I was able to get everything I needed from Best Buy the last three years without having to enter the store, Lap tops, TV's, iTunes Gift Cards, Nook... It has saved me tons of time! I was even able to get many items that the guys in our family wanted for their spouses, but knew they would wait until the last minute and the items would be gone.
  8. I, too, feel sorry for the employees that do not get the option to take Thanksgiving off. On the other hand, this will be nice for my family. Several of us prepare dinner together and while the balance of the family cleans up, we scour the ads and plan a strategy. Then it is a waiting game until the wee hours before we head out, hoping we can make it without any problems. Once coming back from shopping, the cooking starts again as we have a big crowd, and the relaxation is out the window. This year, we will be able to hit the stores we all love and still be home and in bed to get a great night's sleep before starting all over. Last year, I didn't plan on going out at all, but the "older" generation decided they wanted to give it a try after thinking I was crazy all of these years.... What a shock it was! This year, I have already been put on notice to be ready. They loved the time we got to spend together and the deals were an added bonus.
  9. Usually I can save the ads can as a PDF. Will this feature still be available?
  10. Just got my email confirmation! Good luck all!
  11. Me too! Now I am wondering when my confirmation email will arrive. :cheesy:then off to bed so I can be at Meijer by 6:00....
  12. I was just wondering if I could go through that mess again... What a disaster!
  13. Still sold out for me... If I could order these, I would be able to get some sleep by not waiting for BB. After refreshing a gazillion times, finally got my max of 5! Come on Best Buy or Toys r Us - need that PS Vita.....
  14. iTunes cards are sold out...
  15. I am hoping for the Playstation Vita with Call of Duty...
  16. As for price matching - I will believe it when I see it. I found some curtain panels that I liked at the store closest to me. They were on sale but didn't have enough quantity. The employee was great about calling a store near my office to confirm they had the balance of what I needed and requested they pull it and gave me a rain check to make sure I got the same price. The next day, I stopped at the store that was called. First, they didn't have my items waiting, then couldn't find them. When I finally got to check out, even though I gave them the rain check, they refused to price match! They said that each store has it's own pricing based on the area's economy.... I could not believe my ears! I am having a hard time shopping at Target now....
  17. My husband was watching last week's episode of "Big Bang Theory" and Sheldon has a case on his iPad with a bullet hole going through the Apple. My husband has talked about it and looked for it non stop. If anyone knows where I can get this, I would be ever so grateful. I have seached using Google and Yahoo.
  18. jgm8

    Best Buy Backorders

    I ordered the 299 laptop at 9:30 am on the 24th and received it yesterday. I also order 3 of the iTunes gift cards, 2 shipped. The third states in process. It won't let me cancel it. I have sent an email request on the status after I spent an hour on hold yesterday. I just tried to call again and the automated response was to check their site.
  19. Not only are these sales horrible - What is the deal with the new web site? I am not impressed...
  20. The 9th rep said that corporate was modifying items numbers which could account for the delay. She said it is just a wait and see kinda game now.
  21. I am on the phone with customer service, the fifth person. Nobody can figure it out.
  22. Okay - I am done. My eyes are on fire! DD got up to use the bathroom and freaked, she said they were super red. Hopefully I get the codes for the iTunes gift cards....
  23. Nadda
  24. Trying to purchase 3 gc. The first shows 60, the other 2 are 80.... Just did three separate transactions and already received the emails confirming the orders. Lets hope I get the emails with the codes....
  25. Anyone have a free shipping code? I don't want to pay shipping on gift cards, lol.
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