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Everything posted by jgm8

  1. We got in line around 6:30. We were able to get the 55" Samsung, the Samsung Soundbar, the Job Rocker and then some. They didn't have many phones and there was a huge line for them… That is one item they should have used tickets for. Check out was smooth, which surprised me. The problem that many of us had - There were no employees to help direct people to locate the sale items. It was a little hectic as people were trying to search for item numbers… Overall, not too bad.
  2. jgm8

    LG 50" 50LN5100 $448

    I read the general specs on the Walmart site and was searching Google for more info but can't seem to find anything… Does anyone know if this has internet capabilities? Any other recommendations to look for?
  3. I wasn't thinking about furniture, but found two pieces that are now must haves! We have purchased furniture from VCF in the past and love it. Our bedroom furniture is over ten years old and still like new….
  4. jgm8


    Does anyone know Meijer's price adjustment policies? I am hoping to purchase a few items now that will be on sale Thanksgiving day and just get the price adjusted.... Called my local store (11/22) and was advised they do not price adjust special events…..
  5. Trying to convince DH to head out for the LG.... I really, really don't like driving in the dark.....
  6. Would love to see what model the LG 50" for 448 is... Hope I don't miss it, for some of use working stiffs, my boss would kill me if he saw Amazon on my monitor all day....
  7. jgm8

    Shellac/Gel Nail Kits

    I tried looking on Walmarts website - no luck for the kit. I know there is no way DH would enter a Walmart, lol. Hopefully I can find it somewhere "safer"
  8. What is YMMV?
  9. Was hoping to get a look at the LG 50" HDTV for 448 but don't see it.....
  10. Sears carried a line of women's Disney jewelry. I would purchase it for several of us Disney buffs every year. Last year, they stopped carrying it. I asked several of the people about it in the department. They all remember it sold well, but, nobody can remember who made it. Any ideas?
  11. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good at home kit with UV light, polishes, etc?
  12. When I was purchasing the touch, the cashier had problems with the printed coupon and the mobile coupon. The store manager had to do an over-ride….
  13. I needed that after the day I have had!
  14. Target has had some cute one lately... I have come across patterns, Mickey, Batman, Hello Kitty
  15. Wish Apple would have something - even if it was just for accessories....
  16. My local store said there is a prorated amount to become a plus member... It will definately be worth it. I am looking at the Pioneer sound system...
  17. Okay, thanks! I thought I was still brain dead from the Nyquil…. Now to figure out pricing on the iPod Touch… Maybe I should just wait till morning….
  18. I am looking for the best deal on the Xbox One, so I have been skimming all of the ads. Am I missing something? Or, is there no pricing published in the ads?
  19. It figures - the only thing I want from WM is the Garth Brooks boxed set….
  20. jgm8

    Coach outlet sales?

    What site did you use?
  21. Has anyone come across a portable cell charger? I am hoping I just missed it. Has anyone ever used one? It seems to be on many gift lists this year.
  22. I sure miss those 700 thread count sheets.... We cleaned up a couple of years ago.
  23. If you know of anything she likes, or something for DD, you could always have it shipped to her house or the office from Santa. We have done this in the past for people we knew needed a pick me up.
  24. I have purchased online for BF. I had no problems getting what I wanted and the customer service was pretty nice when I had a question last year. Items go quick so be ready.... Got my items faster from Sam's than anywhere else.
  25. I have two shipments in Fed Ex limbo right now from Amazon. I have always used the same ship to address for years - DH's office. There are always at least three people there to sign. Well, last week, they moved to the office right next door, same parking lot, for meetings. The women in the office were great and left a huge note that had the address, phone number and an arrow. (They are having things delivered as well) Guess what? The driver left a notice that he attempted delivery right to the sign!!!! We have called Fed Ex several times. The response? Well, they are contractors. I said - Your point? Can they not read? Needless to say, Amazon isn't doing anything about it either. Now, there is a group of us that are no longer purchasing through Amazon and we are trying to make sure we no longer use Fed Ex. Fed Ex will not let us pick up either....
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