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Everything posted by jgm8

  1. I am not having any luck with findingany of the sale items. I keep trying to click on the jewelry link and I get a page with scrolling boxes that I can not access...
  2. How do I know what size I need? We would like to put all photos, music and dvd's on an external drive.
  3. Ordered mine too!
  4. Would you like to come to my house and set me up? We are slowly but surely becoming an Apple household. It took until the iPhone 4 for dh to convince me I would love it. About six months ago, my fourth laptop in five years crashed so I got an iPad 2. DD still has a laptop that I use for excel. I want to try out numbers before I purchase the software. Anyways... When I was chatting with the Apple Support, they said if we link the iPad, we can use Hulu & Amazon. Thanks for all of your info! I am so excited!
  5. The tv has to be HDTV. This is the second year DH has asked for it. My uncle has the older version and loves it so much he purchased a second. It you have an iPhone or iPad2, you can link it to the Apple TV. We will be able to lower the cable bill by using Netflix/Hulu through the Apple TV.
  6. Edit by noehlp: Try this link to get to item: HERE Otherwise go to www.BestBuy.com and search for item # 1331156 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcat17053&type=page&skuId=1331156&productId=1218251780234&h=387 Best Buy has the Apple TV for 89.99 online when you add to cart - This is the price in their BF Ad.
  7. I tried my iPhone to purchase from BB last year with no luck. It kept locking up. I was up all night to purchase the Nooks from them, talking to reps. I finally got a great rep that said he would call as soon as they went live - He actually did! Wish I remembered his name for this year, lol. I am hoping for better luck this year! Thanks again Gotta Deal! Even DH is coming around now that you have made it easier!
  8. There are two things I would just love. The first, is to have my house cleaned ceilings to floors. I am getting a quote Tuesday to see if it is a realistic gift, lol. The second, would be a vacation. It doesn't have to be fancy, or even leave the state. It has been more than five years since I have been able to take time from work.
  9. Can anyone read the text for the Apple TV? Hoping it says it will be online.
  10. Any chance the Apple Store, B&M or online, will have anything? DH wants the Apple tv and I haven't seen it in any ads. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen it stores. Was hoping that since iPads are now being sold everywhere, I wouldn't have to go far.
  11. I didn't see those in the ad. What page? I have scoured it several times, I couldn't believe they weren't there. If they are the same as last year, I need 10!
  12. Last year I did mostly online. But, I couldn't resist the adrenaline rush on BF and DD14 begged to go. DH decided he would go with us, his first time ever. We got to Target about 15 minutes before they opened and he dropped us off at the door once everyone else was inside. We each had specific items to get. Of course, it was the 700 tc sheets, blankets and one toy. Nothing spectacular, but we had everything in 20 minutes. As we were heading to check out, the rush hit DD14 and we let her take off while we got coffee. She helped an elderly woman get the video games she needed for her grandkids. After that, she said it was too nuts. On our way home, we got a call from some family asking for help, so we headed back out. This year, she has two things on her list. A Varsity jacket and clarisonic. I think we are officialy done with BF. Unless someone asks for help.
  13. My Target has been doing this for years. Employees would hand out maps and sell Starbucks. Security would let a handful of people in the store. There were several employees that stood in the entry aisle and if you ran, they told you to stop or be removed. The big sale items, sans electronics & games, are along both sides of the aisles. It has always been a relatively calm experience. Well, for bf.
  14. Do they usually have the Iunes gift cards on sale for BF? Last year I got $50 GC for $40. They are the only thing I need from BB. Of course, I need more than 10 of them...
  15. My tree is up... Acutually, It has been up for three years. We usually take it down around New Years, but my daughter was having a party and asked if we could leave it up. Every time since then, either her or hubby stop me. Her friends love it. They will come over and turn the lights on and sit and chat. Weird, I know, but sometimes, I will just look at it and remember little glimpses of past holidays. Then, I can't bring my self to take it down either. It is now part of the dusting routine.
  16. My order status says the same thing but I got email confirmations and the money is "in process" for payment...... I hope my nook isn't backordered....
  17. Fell asleep between 5:30 & 7:30 and woke up to sold out. Just kept hitting refresh and it came back up after 8:30 (Est time)
  18. Nook is live again
  19. I have been waiting all night for the nook... I tried the Android app with no success. I called customer service to see if there was a work around. I was told that there is a misprint in the ad and it will not be available until Midnight friday online. I was also advised that anyone that purchased it through the app wouldn't receive it. If you were able to purchase - you may want to verify with customer service just in case.... So totally bummed. I stayed up all this time for nothing!
  20. Not working on my backflip droid.... figures
  21. What app did you use? Mine only lets me browse products.
  22. Any word on the time for the nook?
  23. Put in my number but it says they are closed for the holiday....
  24. Nobody answering... just disconnected me.
  25. I think we are opting for a soundbar and wireless subwoofer. Sam's Club has a Vizio and Phillips for around 199.
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