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Everything posted by arelf27

  1. I'm already going through shopping withdrawl . The Christmas stuff is pretty much gone now (not that I was even able to find that much..) and we also had a mini ice storm overnight so there really was no reason for me to get out this morning. This ISN'T FUN.. I wish they started clearances at night (or some random time like middle of the day) than I would have a reason to go somewhere when hubby gets off work tonight! My ds1 is not an early riser - this is the one time it is a bad things too :) We usually sleep in until 9, so the earliest I can get out of the house is 10. Sure hope I don't miss it all!! One would hope I would have an advantage being a SAHM over all those folks who are working, but it doesn't seem to be the case..
  2. Is the Toy sale the same as Christmas stuff..you have to get there at the Opening on the day it goes 75% or else you are out of luck? I don't really NEED anything..stocked up for both kids B-Days on Amazon Christmas sale but I would love to pick up some of those "Cars" for DS2 and maybe some legos or anything else that's educational and/or can be played during outings..
  3. Thanks!! It will definately come in handy. Cause I'm tired of looking for those scanners and I've seen way too many of them lately which don't even work.. OT: we have diff. ones too and the ones in my local Target are the worst... For the life of me I can't figure out how those work cause they only seem to scan half the time.
  4. You could prob. buy some big Toy for $60 then return for store credit. At least that won't be expiring any time soon..
  5. Anything left at any of the stores? Was thinking of possibly going, just discovered we have one about 25 min. away but not sure if it's too late at this point??
  6. So is there anything at KMart worth looking at?? This thread hasn't been as good as the Target and/or Walmart discusssions. This is my 1st year looking for deals so I don't know if it's worth going? I don't really need any Christmas stuff but would like to see some gift packs for upcoming B-Days party favors. Also looking for any other juicy deals..
  7. You'll have to remind us of that next year! Now, do you also shop the Toy sale and do you have any receipts from that??
  8. They don't add 15%. All the people above were sayint is if you take 75% off $100 you get to $25. Then if you take 15% off $25 (that's 15% plus 75% = 90% WRONG LOGIC!) you get $21.25. But if you take 90% off $100 you get $10. So that was just the point that one cannot say from 75% to 90% is just a matter of 15% diff. because it's NOT! Don't worry about it I'm terrible at Math too!! Which surprises a lot of people cause I'm a darn good programmer! :) Oh..well..for me it's all about the logic part rather than the Math.
  9. I saw "Cars" toys now down to 50%. There was pkg. with mini ones (prob. 6 in pkg.). Also 3 packs ones (full size.) Also there was another pack of cars (similar to hot wheels and matchbox but some other brand) also prob. 6 in one pkg. down to 50%. Also I noticed some white packages of Mega brand things down to 50%. They are located in the same isle as Parents brand toys. Those seem to be like mini activity sets - color with water, etc. I'm keeping my eye on those as I like to stock up on little activity sets to use in the restaurants and when we go out to keep ds1 and dd3 occupied.
  10. Thank you!! Do you remmember when they reduce prices on those?? They are at 30% now..is there a particular schedule they are following with these?? Also if I miss this sale do they also get reduced after Valentine's and/or Easter??
  11. Yeh..Remmember the days when teachers would post your grades outside their office with all those social securities #'s right there.. Wasn't too long ago, either :)
  12. What size do they start at?
  13. Which store?
  14. I guess that's my problem, I HATE gambling! :) Even when I visited Las Vegas I spent most of my time looking at the Hotels, going to Shows and eating in the Buffets! My limit was $20 per day on gambling.
  15. Went to 3rd Target at CT which was also 75%. So that's 2 at 75% and one at 90% (virtually nothing left at this one.) I didn't really need any Christmas stuff anyway (stocked up at 75% off & at Walmart.) Advent calendars were ringing up full price in all 3. Tried to price adjust them along with some Christmas books but they all looked at me like I had two heads. I don't know how you guys do it. I did find four sticker books next to electronics section in one Target for $1.99 down from $6.99. (I think that's 75% discount.) One was Winter something but the other one was Little Mermaid. I think their orig. price was off by one dollar but they were discounted to the same price so not sure what that was all about. I bought two and stashed the other two so I can hopefully get it at 90%. Also stashed some Bath gift sets in Target nearest to me. They were only at 30%. There were Cars, Tinker Bell, Spider Man, Curious George, Einsteins. I really want these as they will make awesome party favors for DS 2nd Birthday. Do you think those will go lower and to what percentage? Ooh.. and I did find some toys in all 3 Targets that were at 50%.
  16. Where were the goodies located?? Thank you!!
  17. I just realized I need one of those plastic containers to put away the ornaments and maybe one more for the rest of Christmas stuff. Are these on clearance now or will they be priced better later? Also who has a better sale price for these - Target or Wallamart? Thank you
  18. Now that makes me wonder - if so many people are having issues with this "Company" to the point where one can't even trust that they are legit and/or they will deliver the merchandise, why is the first page of deals on GottaDeal is so dominated by "Deals" from Buy.com?? Don't get me wrong Brad I LOVE this site and I check it daily but that seems WRONG to me. Kind of makes me not trust this site as much. Cause you know what they say about Guilt By Association.. Again sorry Brad, I really don't mean to question your ethics and/or intentions cause I realize how much work you put in to this site and how much you help us find the Deals but maybe instead of Advertising their deals we should have "Buyers Be Aware" sign next to their name on this site. I realize someone might say that THEY had a good experience and didn't run into any problems when dealing whith them but it takes a certain number of bad dealings with a Company (which seems in this case Buy.com has well exceeded that number) after which there must be some kinds of reporcutions (sp?)
  19. Went to one in CT which was 90%. Actually I called 1st and the one that's a little closer to me (by one mall) is still 75% or at least that's what they told me. I called this one (also by the mall) and they said 90% so I went. It was picked clean though... One isle and NOTHING interesting.. Black dot spot was picked clean too (not even signs left.) Also browsed through the entire store and nothing with wintery pattern left. Everything rang full price too. Doesn't seem like we have as much merchandise or great deals up here. We don't have that many Targets either (3 within 30 miles radius) so maybe that's why? Actually I did find two Dora Winter Land coloring books and one Barbie Christmas carol but couldn't get them to reduce it in price. I asked two employees with guns and both said Nope. And I asked the person by the register and she was thinking it should be reduced at first but she asekd another one on the register next to her and he explained that books don't usually get clearanced as they just send them back to manufacturer.. That's seemes a bit silly to me. Wouldn't they rather sell it to me?? (I envy all of you guys who get all there price adjustments as our Targets don't seem willing to budge) I found some Burt Bee's (sp. ??) on sale but only down 60 cents or something like that.. (Were people finding these clearanced out a lot??) I hid two pckgs. - more for the experience as I've never done it before and I just want to see if that works for the future.. Also saw some bath packages and make-up with kiddie characters - Cars, Curious George etc. Also only down about 60 cents. Will those go on sale more?? (I thought these could be great for my dd3 B-Day gift packs) Also I found two Pooh newborn sets in electronics and I was hoping those were on clearance. But they rang full price. I thought Pooh stuff was all on clearance a few days ago (signs for 75% off) or was there a particular Christmas pattern?? The only things I bought were 4 bear mugs gift set for $10 down from $20. I think my hubby would love these as we don't have any bear mugs and he likes bear. And also special gift pack of two large old spice body wash and a wash cloth. I think it was $5. I was debating whether I wanted it but I realized it was all color red and I thought this would be great as Valentine's present. I have another question. Is there clearance/special pricing before Valentine's or only after?? (Just wondering whether I want to be on the lookout for presents now or wait closer to Valentine) Ohh. and it looks like Toys at this Target are at 50%. There were some "Cars" and some other things that have been scanning at 50% and marked at 50% for a while.. Weird since the other two Targets are at 30%. And it looked like some of the Toys that were marked 30% in other Targets are not marked-down at all??
  20. Anyone has free shipping code with no minimum purchase??
  21. Went to one Target in CT. That was a big waste of time. I think it was still at 75% but the isles with Christmas stuff were so empty, the signs were knocked over and lying somewhere on shelves. I also walked throughout the entire store and didn't see any deals.. The only deal I saw were some hangers for $3.50 instead of $5. The nice velvety-with-grip ones. We needed hangers so I picked those up. There were no candy, no gold fishes, no MM... I have a couple of questions: Those great deals that people are finding are marked somehow, right? I mean I can't scan the entire store in hopes of finding a clearance price. Also what about all those household items like glad press-n-seal and zip locks and garbage bags, papper towels that were on clearance. Do they have holiday packaging?? Because that is what I was looking for anything that has wintery pattern I scanned. Also I don't think I saw any black dots in our dollar spot, but there were two sides that had 75% off signs (Hello Kitty stuff mostly) and the rest didn't have any signs. I scanned Hello Kitty stuff and it scanned at 25 cents but the rest scanned at a dollar so that was all that was 75% off right?? Again I don't know if this was just my Target but it didn't seem like there was that much stuff. I was kind of thinking the whole dollar area was 75% at first...
  22. Any of them at 90% yet? I'll be going out in 2 hrs.
  23. Thanks!! I'm too lazy and too pissed off to deal with them at this point. I figure I try the manufacturer directly and if all else fails I can always buy a new one from one of the local retailers and return the broken one with that receipt. Even though someone might think it's unethical I figure the broken item might make it to manufacturer this way in anyway...
  24. That's exactly what I was wondering too.. Any other departments?
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