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Everything posted by arelf27

  1. Thank you. I decided to go with the Dora vanity and picked it up at the store tonight. Hopefully it will be a hit!
  2. Thank you!! ***Does anyone remmember from last year what the Amazon lowest price was for the Dora vanity? I definately remmember it during their Christmas Toy Blowout. Or maybe if someone can help me to find that thread. I'm looking but I'm not seeing it.
  3. PLEASE POINT ME TO SOME FABULOUS DEALS, PLEASE!!! I know they were a big hit last year. There was the Dora one and Princess and Barbie. I missed the sales last year but my dd was too little anyway. I was really hoping to see some amazing deals this year but haven't seen any. Anyone? Some deals I'm looking at currently: ToysRUs has coupon for Fisher-Price Dora Vanity for $39.99 in-store. Big Lots has Disney Princess Enchanted Vanity for $39. Hoping to find a better deal but if not which one of these is better?? Are these decent deals?? Any help will be much appreciated. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41NiueKXP8L._SL500_AA280_.jpg or http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31eV88BqhXL._SL500_AA250_.jpg
  4. Ohh.. I see. I don't think the link was there before. Doesn't look like there are many deals though. O well. Back to boredome.
  5. So how exactly do Monday markdowns work? What time do they become available? Also where do I click to see them?
  6. I was wondering the same thing. Is it like BF kind of ads with doorbuster specials or how does it work?
  7. They have a couple of good codes out there to use if your order is over $50. Before Amazon Lightning deals I looked at LeapFrog website and I think I was figuring I could get a tag system with one book and a case and one or two additional (misc. books) for a little over $50.
  8. They have a promotion running. It is on their website on main page. It says Countdown to Christmas. Deals of the Day. There's a get today's coupons section. They post 3 pages of coupons everyday. On them it says these can only be used in-store but I have seen some items go down in price on their website so you can pick it up there without using the coupon. This princess set has been in this promtional coupons last three days in a row. New coupons are posted every day either 12a.m. or 1a.m. eastern time. http://video.os-0.com/toysrus/images/21/todayspecials.gif
  9. I second the Tag system. I got it with "Cars" book for 4 y.old (friends of family) B-Day. Amazon has a pretty good deal ($20 off $60) so you can get Tag system and one book for $40. (though I got mine as Lightning deal on Amazon for $20) (if you have Prime I think today is the last day to order) Also hot wheels, "cars", Thomas trains, any of those race track systems by Hotweels or Matchbox or others. Leggos or poss. K'nex are good too. I'm getting my dd3 bike for her 4th B-day (16"). Also there are neat games like Gator golf and Silly Six Pins Bowling Game, depending on whether they have these or not. Also basketball hoop. Fisher-Price Shake 'n Go Crash-Ups Speedway, MATCHBOX Pop Up 360° Haunted House Adventure Set
  10. You can still get it at the store with a coupon if they have any in stock. They were OOS at my store on 1st day though.
  11. Thanks!! Not that I need anything but looking for deals is so addicting. I've been borred to pieces sitting at home this weekend all snowed in and nothing good anywhere on-line. :)
  12. Thank you! I will have to check that out.
  13. So I just looked at Deals-A-Day promotion and looks like 20-piece room is on it yet again 3rd day in a row. Looks like they are marking it as OOS and then putting it back as being In Stock so if anyone still wants this deal and sees it as OOS I would check back later. Not sure if this is just the case with "Princess" or maybe I just missed today's window and the "Cars" one was listed as In Stock too.
  14. So after looong conversation with ToysRUs I think I got them to credit me with 15% off my order for that coupon code. They told me I should see a lower price when my order ships so I guess I'll just have to wait until then. I did realize though that other manager that I talked to yesterday didn't know what she was talking about when she told me that coupon was ineligable as it was for BabiesRUs. Actually it is for one Babies item and this qualifies as that. Also both she and this guy kept telling me I can only use one code on my order, which is also not true. Grrrr... Why did I need to waste my time explaining to ToysRUs employees the way THEIR business is supposed to work. I mean come on ToysRUs. I already avoid it on BF and during sales promotions since I know they never stock up enough merchandise. I think from now one I will avoid it all together since I am not a very happy customer right now even though I did "supposedly" got them to credit my account. Thank you for listening to me venting
  15. **They keep putting it back in-stock. I always felt ToysRUs is very shady when it comes to their specials. Like advertising a great deal just to get everyone in the store and then they are always OOS cause they only have like 20 items for thousands of people. This proves it though!! No way are they restocking that quickly..just don't really want to sell it at this price!!! Besides that, I found this description on Ebay (selling for $199 - "Cars" one though) Up for auction is a BRAND NEW IN BOX & Manufacturer Sealed of Disney Cars 20 piece Playroom in a Box by Delta. Let's decorate your kid's room with the following 20 pc set Includes : Wood Table & 2 stool Set 3 Wood Shelves Fabric Toy Box Height Chart 2 Storage Bins Door Organizer Picture Frame Wall Art Coat Rack 6 Hangers
  16. I'm looking for some "Cars" themed party supplies for ds2 B-day in April. Is there a best time and/or store to stock up?? Like everyone's talking about Target/Walmart after after-Christmas sales, will they have themed party supplies discounted as well or is there a better time to stock up on these items?? Also, maybe some other on-line stores that sell these at discount. I would really hate to pay full price when the time comes so would really like to prepare ahead of time if at all possible.
  17. This is now down to $30 through 12/21.
  18. OOS Now. **I just called ToysRUs because I was trying to have them credit my card for that 15% off coupon code and they told me it's not a valid code for them but rather for BabiesRUs. I was wondering about that too because it says 15% off one baby item. Well I am trying to put it in now and it's no longer working. Sorry I ever called..grr..
  19. Just a thought but Kohl's has some princess items on sale which would be great with 30% + free shipping coupons for card holders. I'm so tempted to buy some of these: This will be $6.99: http://media.kohls.com.edgesuite.net/is/image/kohls/400475?wid=230&hei=230&op_sharpen=1 $9.79: http://media.kohls.com.edgesuite.net/is/image/kohls/400795?wid=230&hei=230&op_sharpen=1 or http://media.kohls.com.edgesuite.net/is/image/kohls/400412?wid=230&hei=230&op_sharpen=1
  20. **Hmm.. out of curiousity just tried to use the code and it didn't work for me??
  21. No minimum?? I wish I'd known earlier. I went all over net looking for code but couldn't find any, which is usually the case with ToysRUs. How did you get that code?
  22. Look at ToysRUs on-line and store ads. I think they have some discounted (def. saw one today at the store) to $99.
  23. Esp. a good deal for those who have free shipping ($15) credit from RewardsRUs. This is from the Countdown-To-Christmas-Deals-A-Day coupons thing. Even though it says coupons can only be used in-store looks like this deal is available on-line as well. The "Cars" 20-piece set is OOS but Princess still available. (BTW I was down at the store this morning around 11 and they didn't have any left) Got it for $33.26 charged to my card. I'm so happy. Used $15 shipping credit from signing up for RewardsRUs program a while back. I think it was actually supposed to be expired (I signed up a day before BF) but it worked!! Also my hubby co-worker just gave him $25 Toys R Us gift card today for all the help and whatever (he's new) so worked out perfectly!! http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3261310 http://trus.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pTRU1-5182993reg.jpg
  24. Actually princess is available. Shipping $20. Got it for $33.26 charged to my card. I'm so happy. Used $15 shipping credit from signing up for RewardsRUs program a while back. I think it was actually supposed to be expired (I signed up a day before BF) but it worked!! Also my hubby co-worker just gave him $25 Toys R Us gift card today for all the help and whatever (he's new) so worked out perfectly!!
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