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Everything posted by booga12345

  1. I have been lucky enough to narrow down the rest of my list to 4 stores :) 1.) Kmart- Thanksgiving Day 2.) Walmart -5am 3.) Target- 6 am 4.) Walgreens- 7 am I will be home by 8am . I have bought so much throughout the year, thanks to this site, that I don't need a whole bunch more. Besides a couple gift cards, I will be completely done after Friday.
  2. Toys R Us is the only store I refuse to go to on bf. The lines are ridiculous and I would be spending the whole morning at just this one store. If you have a lot of patience you will do just fine, I however do not
  3. My dh has a very very large extended family. We used to buy for most everybody, but we don't anymore. I felt the same way as your dh the first year that we didn't give to everybody. Now I am ok with it. Nobody really cares and Christmas Eve with all of them is just as fun, nobody even notices. We still give to all the kids, draw names, and always buy for the mom, dad, grandparents, and host (usually a bottle of wine). I would just ask dh to try it out this year and then he will realize it isn't really necessary to do every year.
  4. I say go all out :). She may not remember it, but it will be a memory you will always cherish.
  5. Our Walmart closes for Thanksgiving and reopens at 5am on bf, so the line is on the outside
  6. Chocolate chip cookies and milk for Santa, carrots for the reindeer.
  7. Another depressing ad
  8. Thank You, thank you, thank you! You've made my day Brad :)
  9. I might do something I've never done before, and make K Mart my first stop. I could use the 20" TV, Tom Tom GPS, and buy 2 get 1 free legos.
  10. It is Halo 3, but it is the expansion pack. So, yes in essence it is a whole new Halo game.
  11. Cool whip for pies, redi whip for ice cream sundaes.
  12. I will also be hitting up Victorias Secret.
  13. Thinking the same thing about the Target ad. I need that one really bad :)
  14. Those 4 ads are gonna make or break my day. I really haven't seen much of anything worth getting up that early for.
  15. I second the mexican buffet. For Christmas Eve we always do tostada's. Just put some beans in a crock pot, chile sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese. You can go taquitos, nachos, quesadillas. It is all finger food and would be super easy.
  16. I think it really depends on who the person is. If my mom or sisters said that I wouldn't take it as bieng rude at all, but if it were a third cousin I might.
  17. I hope this is the ad :). There are quite a few things I was planning on getting. By far the best ad I've seen so far. I knew Target wouldn't disappoint!
  18. DS7 (almost 8): Star Wars Game for the Wii WWE Game for the X Box Star Wars Legos Star Wars Legos and more Star Wars Legos DS5 Anything star wars Indiana Jones Castle I am just having a really hard time bringing myself to pay so much for legos!
  19. Does anybody know when the ad leaked last year? I really really want this ad :)
  20. I found this at Target this weekend for $29.99. I couldn't find it on their website though. It is the perfect gift for many people. Who dosen't love A Christmas Story? http://www.statuetoys.com/christmas-story-ult-edition-dvd-set-reg-version.html
  21. I have a co-worker that just had her divorce finalized last week and is really struggling financially. She has a dd7 and ds5. I think I am going to adopt her family and try to raise some money from my other co-workers so they can have a good Christmas.
  22. I found a station at work today that is playing it every other song.
  23. I will buy whatever I like for my boys (7 and 5). I do prefer to buy them Ecko when I can get a good deal. Sometimes it is better to spend a little more on name brand, beacuse it really does last longer.
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