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Everything posted by motoXmom

  1. Has anyone tried White Barns Spiced Cider scent yet? This one has quickly moved to the top of my list! LOL
  2. OHh this one smells like you could just dip your finger in it like cookie dough and take a big bite of it. lol I know it's just a candle but it smells so realistic.
  3. My MIL buys these quite a bit and mails them. So far only one has made it in the mail in working condition. I think something during the processing of the mail it damages the chip or whatever it is inside. After so many of them showing up not working she stopped mailing them and now just hand delivers them and haven't had a problem since. They are cute!
  4. Well to keep up with me.... he just might be ready! lol;)
  5. OMG I'm dying here! That was really good. Thanks I'll need all the luck I can get. Nah just kidding I think he'll do fine.
  6. Oh I'm sure I'll be a whole lot safer with him there. LOL He's been training for Cage fighting (which I'm not too happy about) and Muay Thai along with some others so I think we'll be ok. He better protect his momma! Thanks
  7. My oldest son just informed me he wants to "Do the Black Friday thing" with me this year. I'm kind of excited! When he told me I automatically went into "Training Mode!" lol It was funny to watch his face while I'm going on about OK do this, this and this but watch out for this and that, etc. He said "Wow I knew you loved it, but never knew how serious you were until now." Hmm wonder if he'll change his mind before BF?! I told him if you're not up and moving when I leave, I'm going without you. I'm not waiting around for you to do anything, you better be up and ready to walk out the door. He was like man mom you're harsh! Tee Hee He's going to be 20 this year (Nov.8th)so I think he's ready for BF basic training. Wish me luck with my training! If anyone has any tips or ideas to help me train him let me know. I'm so use to it I'm afraid I'm gonna forget something. At least I know he won't be like my DH and hold the door for everyone else in line. LOL I told him you're young and agile so I think you'll do fine. {{fingers crossed}} This is my first BF that I won't be alone so even though I'm excited I'm also nervous.
  8. Could you put it over a Tshirt? Would that help or no? I love the Therma Cares because you can take them off pretty easily when you get into the store. ** I got a free sample a while ago for the ones made for womans cramps so I'll use those. They're smaller but hey I'll put one on each "cheek" ROFL! They usually last about 8 hrs or more, that's what I've found anyways. If I layer too much I about pass out in the check out line from getting over heated.
  9. Done ! Way to go Ross, Brad and Mrs Honeybee!
  10. There ya go! If you have enough from stocking up sell them in line for a buck or two! rofl I know if I was freezing I'd probably pay that for a little warmth!
  11. One Walgreens near us never got the ones for the hands in, they only got the ones for the feet and I think they are 2/1.29 or something like that. I did pick up a couple of those but for my main part of my body I use the Therma Care Heat wraps. Those work great!
  12. Oh how I wish they did the super doubles up here. I'm from Lake County Ohio and I've never seen or heard of any of our local GE doing that. Bummer! But we have been getting .20 off a gal of gas for quite awhile now. It's been a really long time since it was .10 off a gal. for us, so maybe that's why we don't have super doubles?! I have no idea!
  13. I always feel bad if I don't give at least a little something. We do give to Toys for Tots and others each year but I still have a hard time walking past them and not dropping something in.
  14. This reminded me... one year I was at a garage sale where the lady was a retired teacher. She said it killed her to sell this stuff because she knew each one was given with love and remembered the look on the childs face, how proud they were when they handed her their gift. She would pick up something and you could just see it in her face when she was telling me about who gave it to her and how each one made her feel. It was very sad really. She told me she was just getting too old and moving down South so if she didn't sell it and see that it went to someone that wanted it,if something happened to her they (her family) would probably throw it all out. She said over the years people would ask why do you still have this or that and she would say to them if your child gave it to you would you throw it out. She was such a nice woman, I spent quite a bit of time there talking with her. And yes I did buy a lot of stuff and used some of the Christmas decorations for the wreaths I make for the Humane Societys Bingo Christmas Party, about 15 of them so I needed a ton of stuff. Oh sorry didn't mean to get so far off topic. I just thought it was sweet she held onto so much for so many years. I can see how it would all add up! And Yes she did have a LOT of coffee mugs! The more I think about it I may give DS teacher a Gift Cert. so he can pick out what he'd like.
  15. We save our change througout the year along with some singles and of course whatever we save for Holidays it really adds up. So to answer the question Cash. Very few things I use debit card for on BF.
  16. motoXmom

    keeping warm...

    There's a lot of ideas in this thread http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=48565
  17. I about died laughing watching this one! Love it!
  18. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v517/MotoXmom/canadianflag-1.gif Sorry just had to use that one!
  19. Aww come on where's the BF Spirit?! j/k Only 2 ads have been leaked there are many more to look forward to! I never expect much from Kmart anyway so I'm dissappointed yet! I am a bit surprised with their TD sale though I will say that.
  20. From The White Barn Candle Co I have quite a few of the Spiced Cider Wallflower units. OMGosh it smells soooo good. I like it because while it has a cinnamon scent it also has a cider scent so one isn't overpowering the other. Great Stuff! I also like the Warm Vanilla Sugar-Wallflower units.
  21. I think it was last year I sent a care package for the troops. I included a DVD one was Charlies Angels I figured a couple of hot chicks mixed with some action should be ok. I guess they really liked it and watched it over and over again. My youngest son had a great time picking out "gross things" like gummy bugs and silly stuff like that. We had a ton of fun doing this!
  22. OMGosh especially if I got a HUGE Deal on something. It just about kills me not to tell him (DH) how much I saved on this or that. With DH I usually end up blowing it.
  23. OK well it's stayin' home! lol I was thinking about using it before anyone gets there, like last year it was a couple of hours before anyone else showed up. But you all are right it's not worth the chance, you just never know who's watching you ( and now I'm offically creeped out! lol). Duh what was I thinking?! Thanks guys!
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