I'M GUILTY!!! Well, not exactly. A few years ago my boyfriend (now husband) really wanted some video game that was released just before BF and it was on a really good sale but, OF COURSE, no stores had any and they weren't getting anymore before Christmas!! So I happened into my malls movie store (SUNCOAST I think) and there was this 6 year old boy walking around with their LAST COPY!!! I followed him around the store watching to see if he put it down and he didn't. Keep in mind this was a very adult game and he had no idea what he had. So when he wondered into the kid's section I asked him if I could "see it" for a second and he WILLINGLY handed it to me. I pretended to read the back and when he lost interest in me I ran up to the register and paid for it. I kind of felt bad, but he was too young for it anyway!!!