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Everything posted by Princess7915

  1. 1. Kohls was the best ad for me. We usually start there because there are lots of different people that I can get crossed off of my list all in one place. This past year was no exception. 2. I would tell any new person to Black Friday to take advice from a BF veteran! And if you can hook up and go shopping with some experienced shoppers then even better. Plan your lists of what you intend to shop for and get it in order by what you must get that day and what you can really live without you happen not to find it. ORGANIZATION is your best friend!! 3. Other than great deals, I choose what stores I shop at based on past experience with customer service. I know that it is a busy, crazy day and people are tired. However, I feel that a nice shopping experience is important. If I remember that cashiers or stockers were friendly -especially on a hectic day- I am much more likely to return to those stores. On the other hand I am just as likely NOT to return to stores where employees are rude.
  2. I really think it's funny how some of these managers take it so personally when you score a good deal on a product. They almost act as if you're stealing something from them! It's a corporate store for gosh sakes!!
  3. One of ours in Virginia Beach is closing - out off Holland Road. It's a yucky one - but we have seveal yucky K-marts in our area. I wouldn't be sorry to see a few more of them close - I don't know how they stay open!
  4. DH buys from them. He's pretty picky about who he buys online from. Can't say one way or another about rebates because we try to stay away from "rebate offers". I kind of think that if they can offer the price with a mail in then they should just offer that price period - someone will sooner or later! Sorry to all with bad experiences we've all been there with one company or another!
  5. Wonder when the sales will start! I have a few in my area - I usually don't shop there (as appears would be the case for many people) but I will put them into my rounds to watch what the sales look like and what goodies I can grab at a good deal!! Maybe a great Ipod deal!!! That would be fab!!
  6. the True Blue Spa stuff at mine was on sale 2 for $20 the other day when I was there. My mall store was running low. We have a stand alone store in a shopping center- it's a little further out of the way but I think I may want one of those blankets as a gift so I may have a better chance of getting one at that store than at the busy mall stores! Thanks for all the tips guys! BTW if you're looking for somthing to get someone I lOVE the new cashmere stuff! So that may be something you could get for someone if you're not sure what to get. It's a bit pricey but it was 30% off when I was in there the other day. I stood in line - got the gift card deal ($65 for $50) and then made a purchase using the GC with a $10 off $30 purchase - major deal if you ask me!
  7. I like the hair stuff idea! All little girls love that. If she plays on the compute a Lilkinz Webkinz is the right size. Candy was always a favorite of mine! Cans of Play doh are good -especially the small ones. Crayons, markers etc. are always good for kids and the right size.
  8. I think that either believing or not is another family tradition that you choose to participate in. I can't really say that I would choose to if I had kids of my own - but you can kind of go half way. My mom still always gives me one gift "from Santa" and I'm 29. I don't think there is any harm in it because I think some of the magic and joy of Christmas comes from the joy of giving gifts and the spirt of that is embodied in Santa. But you don't have to spend years perpetuating elaborate tales in order to to have the spirit of Santa and that part of Christmas be a part of your holiday. I do however think that what you choose to do should not ruin it for anyone that chooses to believe and on the same turn I don't think that if you choose NOT to participate in "Santa" that you should be looked at as if you're missing out or jilting your children out of their childhood.
  9. A co-worker of mine last year who I was good friends with was in some hard times last Christmas as her husband had lost his job. We all pitched in and bought toys for her kids (who are adorable little boys) so they could have Santa presents. When my husband and I went to her house for a Christmas party her youngest son who was about 5 wanted to show of his list for Santa. There were a few of the typical toys on it like transformers etc, but he also had listed underwear and my very favorite...CHICKEN!! Times had been a little tight and the child wanted Santa to bring him Chicken Nuggets as his trips to McDonalds had been cut a little thin!
  10. I love the fact that we adopted our cat Grace (my avitar!). It just makes me feel so great that I know I truly saved her life - somedays I swear she does the same for me. I think it's a good thing to instill in a child as well. I think taking her to the shelter or foster home would be a good idea. Letting her pick her pet (with help) wouldn't ruin a Christmas surprise at all. I think it would be more of a bond that she got to help choose. My aunt also adoped a cat from a shelter. They determined he was about 3 and he is the most loving cat. They decided against a baby because the young adults get passed by so often. The great thing about a slightly older cat is you truly know their personality where as a baby changes. I also had a cat that I got at about 1 1/2 yrs old. He's sadly passed on now but I never knew anybody with a boy like he was! So I tell you not to completly count out a young adult either. I think "second chance" animals make the best pets - they know some how what you've given them and they love you that much more for it.
  11. I got my cat from petfinder. She was in "fostercare" from a lady who had several from the animal shelter. She is a great pet! She was a $50 adoption fee she'd had all applicable shots but we had to do her surgery.
  12. My store has buy 2 get 1 free on all used games right now.
  13. They cancelled my order like a week ago! I was so mad - glad you got that code! I ordered something else. Now we'll just see if that item actually comes in. :)
  14. I think some store use the term "black friday" in their early sales to generate hype for the shoppers that wouldn't dare venture out on actual BF. It's not like this is the first year we've seen "better than BF deals" thrown about two and three weeks early. It's kind of like Macy's - how many Biggest "One Day Sales" can they have in a year? Usually around every holiday!! But they use that over and over to generate excitement.
  15. I keep my receipts handy. If something I buy comes out at a really good deal in a week or two I'll take back what I bought and re-purchase it somewhere else! I guess it does me no good if we are talking after Christmas - but I really can't see where it does the retailers much good either. They have to have their inventory low for the begining of the year and people are notoriously broke after the holiday season and nobody is shopping!
  16. I really understand your point, but I guess it's just one of those things you're going to have to find a way through. I would definately focus your effort on a useable item -not something that could get "junk drawered". You could even go the "family gift" route. That sounds good to me. Figure what you would spend per kid and per adult in each family and tailor each gift basket to each individual family for that $ amount and pick a theme. You could do movie night, game night, goodie basket with fav. food items, fav. music of each person. Or you could by movie theater tickets and give those to each family- sometimes you get discounts for buying in bulk and wrap them up with jumbo candy you get a the $1 store for a nice presentation and do a "night at the movies" gift for everyone. It would be way easy!
  17. I always have touble with my Mom's husband (married like 5 years -I'm 29 so not really a step dad). Seem's like there's one on everybody's list. Most years he ask's for Amazon GC but I feel like it's always a cop-out. I know he likes them but sometimes I wish I could get him something that was a little more personal. He likes sweets and we have a nice chocolate shop and last year I got him something from there. So some "problem" males with sweettooths may really like some specialty chocolates -not the typical Godiva or Lindt stuff.
  18. I can remember BF's years ago and coming home with bags and bags of stuff! I had no where in my closets to put all the stuff I bought that day. But the past two years I come home with just a few items - it probably takes me less than 5 minutes to sort through it. I'm wondering if the economy has a part in it, not on the consumer side but on the retailer side too. Not that I feel bad for the poor billion dollar mega retailers! But because so many of them are going under or afraid they will that they already don't have their "comfort margin" profit markup on items and so they are unwilling to mark stuff down too much more for the great sales that we want to see for traditional Black Friday deals. And they have been giving "sale" prices for awhile now to attract shoppers to the stores so the "extra" discount for BF isn't too much better.
  19. I think gloves, scarves or hats would be a great idea for the gift. I wonder if you went to the the local colleges and asked to set up like and angel tree sort of thing just for those items or any "personal care" if they would let you. I think it's a great idea. Another try might be a small church or two in your area that might be willing to take donations. Anything you collect is better than nothing!
  20. You could also do two movie tickets for each employee for a local theater. Sometimes you get a good deal when you buy in bulk. You can get those great VIP tickets that are good even for brand new or sold out showings. Movies are expensive extras these days and it would be a real treat for most people to go for free. My old boss gave us each 4 of those one year and they were really nice to have - I loved that gift.
  21. I thought I saw something for instore, but then this one is for online only.
  22. Sometimes depending on the cashier the computer will still let you use it on excluded items - it's worth a try.
  23. Right now EntirelyPets.com has FS over $100 or Flat Rate anysize order under $100. Plus a few codes: $3 off $45 GIVING3 exp 11/30 $5 off $80 GIVING5 exp 11/30 $10 off $150 GIVING10 exp 11/30 HAPPYPET 15% off entire order $50 or more (no exp given) Those should help! Happy pet shopping!
  24. I love to make my own too! But I prefer Cool Whip extra creamy. I hate Reddi Whip! My favorite Cool Whip treat is to dip Thin Mint cookies into it Yum!!!!
  25. Sears is known for this kind of stuff...just like Best Buy! Their ads say one thing but it's actually another item or price. Or they just plain out don't have it! I have heard so many bad things about their customer service! Good Luck to you all!!
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