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Everything posted by Princess7915

  1. I love our Prime! Definitely worth the $ if you are thinking about it and you order more than a few items a year. I order more from them now! And I get my stuff super fast - usually next day - it's amazing!
  2. -Wish I would have seen this deal two days ago! I just purchased some gift cards at Food Lion the other day! Too Bad...
  3. Bath and Body Works has a bunch of stuff on sale in-store right now. Check the website for details: www.bathandbodyworks.com And I was able to locate a $10 off $30 purchase that makes the deals even better. Here is a link to printable coupon http://ebm.cheetahmail.com/r/regf2?aid=528207786&a=0&n=40&D_CODE=2319&cm_mmc=CH-_-20100419RDM-_-10010599-_-mainPrintCoupon&[email protected] I personally went in for the lux bath bubbles in the aromatherapy line. They don't have as many scents as they used to, but if this is something you like it's a great time to stock up! They are buy 2 get 1 free plus the coupon made it a bit over $25 for 3 of them (normally $16.50 each). They also have 25% off Mom's day gift baskets if that interests anyone needing a last minute item -lots left at my store.
  4. I can vouch for the Chocolate Raspberry - they are really good. But they are $23 not $18 (still on sale though)
  5. I had a 15% off and a $10 0ff $50 at home, but I hadn't planned on really shopping when I went out - but still good deals so I can only be so bummed! I didn't spend the $50 anyway to get the $10 off. I'm trying to be good and not go back!!
  6. J.C. Penny has some great deals going on right now in different departments, but mainly I noticed the coats department. I got a $200 a.n.a. down coat for $35 today. The selection was less than normal, but they still had plenty to choose from if you were just looking to pick up something for a good deal. Worth checking out!
  7. Oh thanks! I like that Starbucks set. And I have one of those right up the street from me so it's super easy!
  8. A Godiva box was on my list of options, but the nice ones are a little over my budget for the gift. But I saw the Macy's 20% pass and was wondering if anybody knew if they sold the Godiva in store?
  9. Hi all! I need advice on a good hostess gift! We go to a Christmas Eve party every year and I always try to take something to the hostess - but she never expects it. Here's the kicker - in a round about way, she's kind of family and I see her often through the year. She is my aunt's MIL. She's really nice so I like to get her something I think she'll like - however I don't really want to spend a whole lot of money on it because she's not someone I really would exchange gifts with. This year I'm just out of ideas! I've taken her candles, ornaments, poinsettia plants...help! I always try to aim for something nice that I've scored a great deal on with coupons or gotta deal help (you know that $30 item you pay $12.50 for!). She's a coffee drinker, loves chocolate and a fairly typical woman - though Bath and Body is out because I know she has allergies to fragrance. So, hit me with you wonderful advice - I need it!!
  10. My DH started collecting silver coins a few years ago. So now every year for Christmas I have a standard gift - that I am very thankful to have! He can be real hard to shop for sometimes! I usually get him the current year Silver Eagle and a foreign country -whatever I like the design of that year. This year he asked for down pillows - that threw me a curve ball! But I found a great deal on some and it was a good idea - and who doesn't like new pillows!! My DH is also a big video gamer with a Wii, PS3, and XBox so there is always a game (or 4) to choose from! My DH works outside so I got a deal on some thermal underwear -not exciting, but he'll be glad to have them!! Years past I have picked up things like a nice new wallet, cologne, shooting range ammo (it's expensive for a day at the range!!) new clothes (DH loves clothes) and my DH likes to cook and he loves kitchen gadgets. I've gotten him stuff like ice cream makers and magic bullet blender! You could also go to the ABC store and get a nice bottle of whatever he likes to drink like a tequila - that something you don't spend $$ on for yourself every day!
  11. I stack coupons at my store too. I have had a cashier tell me I couldn't and I left my purchases and went back a few hours later and had another cashier let me. If the coupon does not say "only one coupon per transaction" you should be able to - otherwise it's just up to the store.
  12. DH just bought this last night for $54! I could die! GRRRR!
  13. I just got a Harry and David catalog in the mail and they are doing free standard delivery on many of their popular gift items. Try the website and see if it's available through the site. Everyone loves something from H&D - when in doubt send the Royal R pears!!!
  14. I'm with you all! There are a few games for Wii and Xbox on my "to get" list, but I'm just not in the market for paying $50 or $60 for a video game. And you know it will be on a shelf for $30 in a few months. It's just stupid - if I can't find it on a decent sale (not $5 of) then I think I'm making alternate gift choices.
  15. I got mine last week at Ollies. They had some really nice ones at pretty good prices. I made mine a few years but I just can't see spending all the money to do it anymore. I bet I put a good $50 into making cards and I usually only made about a dozen. I just can't spend that much time and money doing it anymore knowing people trash them (except my mom!). Maybe next year! I usually try to get them out the week after Thanksgiving. I love being the person that makes everyone else go "Holy Crap! She's already done Christmas Cards!"
  16. My furbabies absolutely get presents! They are the most fun to buy!! I have three kitties now and a dog and a bunny. The bunny kinda gets jipped b/c he's back in his room but he still gets goodies brought to him. This year is the first Christmas for two of my kitties. We got one the Mondy after Christmas last year so all holiday stuff was packed up. I don't know if I'll survive a tree this year with a year old cat and a 6 month old kitten! A few years ago we bought a cat tree for our older cat (who is 2 and was the baby then) and our 7yr cat who has gone to heaven. My DH built it for them Christmas Eve and it was a blast! They were climbing the pieces and he couldn't get it built!!! Each of my furbabies (I don't have human ones) have stockings but most of their gifts never fit into them! They get toys, beds, treats, dishes - whatever looks cute. I don't have "real" kids to spoil so I spoil them shamlessly! We also have birthday gifts. The dog gets vanilla ice cream and cake (no frosting). Kitties have catnip. :) We always do the pet presents first in the morning. I get them arranged at night before bed and all I have to do is whip them out of the closet - I keeps them occupied while DH and I open our gifts.
  17. A few years back my friends kids were showing off their Christmas Wish Lists to everyone at a Christmas party. She has two boys that were about 4 and 6 at the time. The oldest one had underwear with some sort of specific character preference on it. And the youngest had FRIED CHICKEN on his list. Cracked me up!!
  18. I do a stocking every year for DH. He never really had one as a kid growing up so I go WAY overboard on the stocking!! I've gotten better over the years (right!). Usually I set a limit of $50, but I try to include some sort of "real gift" in there that is wrapped. One year I gave him a nice eel skin wallet. Some years it's a DVD or CD. The past few years he's become a coin collector so now the tradition is for me to put his silver coins that he gets into his stocking. It has gotten to be fun for both of us. I look forward to putting it together and as much as he puts on about not needing a stocking I know he likes it - he even does one for me now too!!
  19. I became a Fan on my FB page, I'm set to private but I'll PM Brad and add him as a friend to verify! Brad's a friend :)
  20. My favorite BF is still my first BF. It was about 8 years ago now and neither my mom or I had ever been out on Black Friday shopping. We had both always wanted to go but neither of us ever had been - we never had a shopping buddy, the money or what have you. Well this would be her first Christmas with her new husband (my father would have NEVER let us go out like this!) so we decided to get up very early and go shopping!! We were totally unprepared!! I think we had barely even looked at the ads on Thanksgiving evening! We got in the car at about 4 a.m. and picked a store (J.C. Penny's as it turned out) and off we went! Of course, we found a mad house. We knew it would be crowded in the mall but we didn't expect a line to get into the store!! We were HOOKED!! We shopped all day long and came home loaded to the gills. It was by far the most fun Black Friday I've ever had. Sometimes I think all the planning that I do now takes away from all the fun that I had that year that we went out and just flew by the seat of our pants!
  21. I have them and love them. My DH hates them! He always complains that he can't get his clothes off the hangers - I tell him that's the point!!! They keep all my shirts with low open necks from falling and ending up in the closet floor. I scored big when our Linens n' Things went out of business and got some really cheap. I know my aunt has gotten some off of ebay for a good price. I'm not terribly picky about color if the price is good. I have camel and light grey. I'm afraid the dark will bleed on light colors if wet. I have heard the knock off brand will shed the felt flocking after awhile of use.
  22. Well, I think that's just stupid. I can see clearance items but not sale items! I would have left my items there and walked out of the store for sure if that happened to me! I hate when stores play silly games!
  23. I hope it's better. The past two years just haven't been that great for me. I don't know if it's because the deals have been lacking or I just have not been in the market for what seems to be really popular sales items. Either way I'm wishing hard for some of those Black Friday's of years past where I come home with my car packed to the brim!!
  24. Virginia Beach and Chesapeake VA
  25. Ace Hardware October 2, 2009
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