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Everything posted by mgmckny

  1. I think that a minimum of 35.00 was also insane. I don't think the little tokens I did for the entire team of people I work with (around 18) was much more than that last year and they were thrilled to be remembered....
  2. I was probably doing black friday when this guy was in diapers!!! Like I need to read anything he wrote!
  3. Your son was born on my son's due date! Mine couldn't wait-- he came on the 1st. I inherited a cedar chest so that wasn't a gift but my mother gave me a rocker one Christmas when I was in my early 20's and I never had room for it until after I was married (10 years later). She used it to rock my boys so I guess that was the reason for the gift???
  4. Well, I still have to go to Walmart-- the nail salon is in the store-- but I don't have to buy anything else! I've started driving to the Supertarget that's further away for most of my stuff, hate that I have to feel that way. But other than one greeter and a couple of cashiers at the Walmart, they don't give a rat's patootie.
  5. Neat idea. I don't think I will be doing an all day/night this year but I bookmarked it for future use.
  6. What I'd like for the holidays is for dh to not be in pain from his back and hips anymore (chronic degenerative arthritis) and be able to enjoy life with the boys. If I can't have that, I'd like an adult tricycle so that I'll start exercising again.... A pair of cz earrings would be nice too (diamonds are definitely not in the budget)!
  7. Snow huh! And we're just trying to get the highs below 80 still....I'd love to need to wear long sleeves before Thanksgiving this year!
  8. I forgot until I read some of the recent posts that when I was just starting work out of college, I needed something for my older brother who was still trying to work his way through school. I took about 20.00 in quarters and froze them in a container and then I wrapped the container and kept it in the freezer. I gave him a card with directions to the "cold hard cash" that he had requested....
  9. You better believe that mom and dad give presents, I want some credit for the hard work I do!!! We usually give the clothes, and less desired items off their lists depending on the year. Grandmoms sometimes do the outfits and leave us the undies, socks, etc. to give.:)
  10. And I thought we were mean to make them wait until 7:00am. ( LOL) Growing up, it was my job to entertain my little brothers until the sun came up (they would be up at 4am and as I grew older, we were sometimes in bed less than an hour when they would be tiptoeing into my room with flashlights). I'm going to try the 1 at a time thing this year since the gifts are smaller in size (but not in price...). Usually dh and I watch them open their stuff from us (Santa hasn't wrapped in our house--that came from dh's side) and then we open ours.
  11. Wrap it with something like a Big chocolate bar, or a bag of a favorite treat. My boys like to get the big Hershey bars (like Walgreens has for $1.00 on BF) and Santa has been know to attach a gift card or a $1.00 bill when they were younger and Santa could get away with it...If they aren't into sweets, a bag of pistachios or something.
  12. I love that song! I also like Yellow Snow and many more (I have 4 CD's from that bunch)!
  13. You have a wonderful MIL! Mine has become more like that over the years too.
  14. Um, Was I supposed to stop listening to Christmas music after Dec 25 last year??? I didn't get that memo. LOL. Seriously, I listen to Christmas whenever I'm feeling really down all year long. Helps me put life back in perspective or something like that.
  15. I'm 49 and I vote for the purple! But I also love that color. She could mix it with white dishes if she wants to change it, or if she needs to stretch out place settings for a crowd...
  16. I like the wiseman idea! Where were you when my boys were small! LOL
  17. I actually watch Die Hard a lot around Christmas too. Maybe it reflects some inner conflict I have? I also like Gremlins. Weird huh!
  18. Just sent an email and will probably send another. I keep thinking of other things I'd like to tell them. They got my dander up!
  19. mgmckny

    How do you wrap?

    I feel you on this. IF I could find people who like to wrap I would host a party for them...
  20. I was thinking of having him send back some pictures that could be framed and given on Christmas morning also.
  21. I do try to keep it fairly even, but I've also explained to my boys that it's not about the money, it's about the thoughts that went into the gift. Also, some years one may get something more expensive and the next year the other one will (last year the younger one got a computer and the year before the older one got his---couldn't afford to buy them both in one year). Usually Santa brings the big gift (this year Zune for both) and then the small stuff, mostly clothes come from mom and dad. THe grandmoms and uncles fill in most of the rest of the "toys".
  22. mgmckny

    How do you wrap?

    I use my hands, my feet on occasion, lots of tape and I wrap when no one is around because my language is not so good when I wrap! Paper, gift bags, I am wrapping challenged!
  23. Me too actually. Had to work ot on Saturday and I put the headphones on and listened to favorites all day long!
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