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Everything posted by Brad

  1. I bought a similar Westinghouse 42" 1080p a little over 2 years ago for 3 times this price. And no free DVD player either And that free DVD player isn't a cheap throw-away model - it sells for $125-175 most places.
  2. My own tip: buy as many BF ad items online as you can before you leave the house. Many stores put their BF items online starting Wednesday night and throughout the day Thursday and early Friday morning. If you can buy something online, that's one less thing to fight the crowds for, one less thing to spend time searching for and one less thing taking up space in your vehicle :)
  3. It's contest time again This one is very simple. Reply to this thread with your best Black Friday tip (or tips). Try not to copy anyone else's tip if possible. We might use the responses in here to put together a guide for BF newbies, so try to be as unique and informative as possible. The contest will run until tomorrow (Friday) at 8pm ET. One winner will be randomly chosen tomorrow night from all replies and they'll win a Black Friday T-Shirt AND GottaDeal.com Backpack! Good luck to all!
  4. Sorry, no images (or dynamic code needed for any kind of countdown) are allowed in sigs.
  5. usually for any of the cards there is a long page of terms and conditions. what specific card(s) didn't you find it for?
  6. ... and despite the fact that the holiday exchange is not an "official" GD event, if anyone wants to send home baked cookies to their favorite GD adminstrator, feel free
  7. Yes, I believe it's 360-exclusive until sometime next month.
  8. Check our "sister" site: http://www.bettercreditcard.com You can select the "cash back" link on the left to view the current cash back cards available. Unfortunately the Citi CashReturns card no longer has the 5% cash back for the first 3 months like it did last BF. I know A LOT of people on here took advantage of that card.
  9. The winner, randomly chosen from all replies, is iamcraftier Look for new ways to win very soon :)
  10. OK, time for the first Black Friday @ GottaDeal.com t-shirt giveaway We'll make this one simple: just reply to this thread stating why you deserve a free t-shirt. Entries will be accepted until 10am ET tomorrow morning and I'll randomly pick someone from all the replies and that person will get a shirt mailed out to them tomorrow. With most of these giveaways, I cannot guarantee a specific size t-shirt. If you win I'll ask for your first 2 or 3 size choices and will try to get one of them to you. And in case you are wondering what the shirts look like, here you go. All of the shirts I'll be giving away will be basic black shirts (the BF forum mods were given the only opportunity to get custom colored shirts as a way of thanking them for their help this year). And thanks to Marcster for the slogan idea that he came up with late last year: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/images/bfshirt.jpg
  11. There will be many, many different ways to win. Some will be longer contests, some will be quick ones (such as I'll post a thread and everyone who replies in the first 10 minutes is entered, etc...).
  12. Also remember that the coupons are only good for a short period of time, so if you already requested them, chances are they will expire before BF.
  13. just an update: the shirts arrived yesterday and i'll start giving some out this coming week :)
  14. I'll just copy the message I posted on the BF site:
  15. I've actually chatted with the owners of the other BF sites and all of us want a longer summer vacation and won't be posting any ads that we get until October 15th, so come back then
  16. Or maybe I'm just holding onto a couple ads I've received but not posting them just to annoy all of you who keep posting these threads even though it's the beginning of September and you should have other things to be concerned with
  17. Thanks to BJS for coming up with this great idea. Should help spread some BF knowledge, as well as spread the word about GD Everyone, be sure to give this man some questions and topics to include on his videos!
  18. I also got it, but haven't made any significant purchases at BB in 2+ years. I have a feeling they made a mistake with the e-mails and sent the highest "Black" level to everyone, whether they qualified or not. When I log in, it still shows the "Basic" tier.
  19. a couple of radio station web sites mentioning GD and BF: http://www.k105fm.com/K105AirStaff/K105MorningShow/tabid/99/Default.aspx http://www.wlit.com/pages/robin.html
  20. Please remember to use the standard format (see beginning of thread) when posting your finds. You can edit your previous posts to add the extra lines and they will show up.
  21. Walmart link: http://www.gottadeal.com/Deal/27539 Shipping is around $15. No site-to-store shipping available, so unless tax is not charged for you, RadioShack is the better deal.
  22. Link: http://www.gottadeal.com/Deal/27538 Won't last long... Free shipping but tax charged where applicable.
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