KrisinTn Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 Curious- what's the oddest/funniest thing that your child has ever asked Santa for? You know, that one thing they never mentioned wanting... that is totally not in character for them? When my son was 4 he asked the Santa at the mall for " the train set that Burger King was giving away in their kids meals" It was from a movie scene in whatever movie it was at the time that they were promoting. Santa actually came over to the fence where I was waiting and told me... needless to say- we stopped on the way home and ds got a train set with his meal at BK. My niece asked for 2 gallons of milk when she was 5- while she loves milk her mother was totally unprepared for the "talk" from Santa... lol. Okay, spill... who else has one of these stories?
conj Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 ok, not to Santa, but DS had "handsome clothes" and "handsome shoes - to go with the handsome clothes" on his list last year. he was 7
zoemariesmamma Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 conj said: ok, not to Santa, but DS had "handsome clothes" and "handsome shoes - to go with the handsome clothes" on his list last year. he was 7my nephew calls his church pants "gentleman pants"
amberleigh2 Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 Not really funny or odd...just had never heard about it before she wrote her letter but dd7 requested a big lime green chair w/ silver stars on it, I asked her where did you see one of these?? She replied I have'nt that's why I need Santa to make it!! Great........this just may be a test, she's getting to that age where she's hearing the rumors but she's just not sure:gdparanoid:
lakj98 Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 My son (8) asked for a weather machine. Wasn't sure what it was. He said it is a machine that you can use to change the weather to make it sunny and melt the snow. I told him they dont have anything out like that. He said well the elves should be able to make it. They can make anything. He too is at the age where he has been asking ALOT of questions. I told him that the elves only make toys and that they could not make something that would go against nature. My youngest son (2) says he wants pop for Christmas.
dramaqueen72500 Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 When my dd9 was 3 she had a lisp and that year she wanted a "dump truck and a barbie." However, when she saw Santa something that sounded very profane came out of her mouth-it sounded as though she asked for a "dumb f***ing barbie." Needless to say I received a horrible glare from Santa. I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing.
MathGirl Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 dramaqueen72500 said: When my dd9 was 3 she had a lisp and that year she wanted a "dump truck and a barbie." However, when she saw Santa something that sounded very profane came out of her mouth-it sounded as though she asked for a "dumb f***ing barbie." Needless to say I received a horrible glare from Santa. I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing. I seriously need to stop taking a sip of my drink when I read posts on here. I almost spit my Coke on my laptop because I was laughing so hard!
fluffkin79 Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 dramaqueen72500 said: When my dd9 was 3 she had a lisp and that year she wanted a "dump truck and a barbie." However, when she saw Santa something that sounded very profane came out of her mouth-it sounded as though she asked for a "dumb f***ing barbie." Needless to say I received a horrible glare from Santa. I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing. Thanks! I needed a good laugh! This year my DD3 told me that she asked Santa to bring her a Birthday Cake and... cars that she could give to her little brother. I think that is managable. The next day I pulled out the cars that I was going to give to DS2 and let her help me wrap them from her to him. I love her!
momomof4 Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 When DS23 was 5 he wanted a "four door luxury car" This request was fulfilled with a Matchbox limo and when he was 6, he told Santa he wanted an alarm clock because I kept oversleeping! :)
smorebore Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 Jellybeans. Santa brought him a huge box of Jelly Belly's. He sat all morning eating them. I think he was 4 yr. old. Oh the memories.................
my3girlstoo Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 On my 6 year olds list is a request for her sister to be her maid for a year. Her sister is 9! This letter will go in a keepsake box.
harrispizza4 Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 DD7 put Diet Pepsi on her list this year:). I don't buy diet but she loves it for some odd reason. Her grandma gave her some for her b-day and she thought it was great!
mgmckny Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 dramaqueen72500 said: When my dd9 was 3 she had a lisp and that year she wanted a "dump truck and a barbie." However, when she saw Santa something that sounded very profane came out of her mouth-it sounded as though she asked for a "dumb f***ing barbie." Needless to say I received a horrible glare from Santa. I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing.My youngest used to say Fruck instead of truck (and yellow was lello) and he would get so excited every time he saw a truck and if our windows were open in traffic, he would yell fruck fruck and I would want to die......
jstluvem Posted December 12, 2008 Posted December 12, 2008 dramaqueen72500 said: When my dd9 was 3 she had a lisp and that year she wanted a "dump truck and a barbie." However, when she saw Santa something that sounded very profane came out of her mouth-it sounded as though she asked for a "dumb f***ing barbie." Needless to say I received a horrible glare from Santa. I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing.Thank You for sharing that.....I too needed a good grandchild wants they can make smores ALL the time
KrisinTn Posted December 13, 2008 Author Posted December 13, 2008 Thanks for sharing your memories... it's nice to know my family isn't the only ones that have made "different" requests... It has definately put a smile on my face picturing these kids in the above situations...
Princess7915 Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 A co-worker of mine last year who I was good friends with was in some hard times last Christmas as her husband had lost his job. We all pitched in and bought toys for her kids (who are adorable little boys) so they could have Santa presents. When my husband and I went to her house for a Christmas party her youngest son who was about 5 wanted to show of his list for Santa. There were a few of the typical toys on it like transformers etc, but he also had listed underwear and my very favorite...CHICKEN!! Times had been a little tight and the child wanted Santa to bring him Chicken Nuggets as his trips to McDonalds had been cut a little thin!
abentley Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 OMG!! My DS11 asked for a case of v-8 juice, jerky, and cheese sticks!!!
sgigi Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 My DS has asked for a rubber chicken every year for the past three years. He is developing quite the collection!
jazzy442 Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 When my stepdaughter was younger she made her list to Santa at our house. She asked for all kinds of toys she wanted. She also told Santa he could leave her mom coal if he wanted. LOL.
Kat07 Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 DD who is 6 wants a Chia Pet..... that is probably the strangest request and she asked Santa for it :)
kailatilear Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 My daughter who is 6 wants a flag pole and a mail box. She has wanted this for the past 3 years. Why? I have no idea. She is getting the mail box this year. Oh and last year she asked for a box of her own mail. I saved all the junk mail and my family out of state all wrote letters to her. I printed labels out for the junk mail in her name. She loved looking through that box of mail all day long.
noehlp Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 On Jessica's list this year is bubble gum. Guess what she'll be getting in her stocking? lol
countryshopper1 Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 I usually have my niece & nephews go thru the ads one Sunday sometime in November and write their name next to items that they would like for Christmas, to give myself and my Mom some ideas for them. About 3 years ago when my niece was 7, she was looking thru the K-mart or Target ad and seen the page with cereal (Raisin Bran) on sale that week. She asked if it was OK to want some, we said sure if that's what she wanted. I got her the Raisin Bran that year and she was so happy to have her own box that she didn't have to share with her brothers.
loves30 Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 m ds 9 asked for a real wrestler to come to our house and wrestle in front of his dad. dad loves this stuff.. then he also put a maid for mom so she doesnt have to do everything (robot) he wrote next to it . lol and a peice of string. now what he wanted with that i could only think he wanted to play with the cat cause she loves string and he loves animals. lol he will get a cat toy . but as for the other two.. nope cant make it happen lol
penor Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 my 12 y.o. son asked for an "Abraham Lincoln hat" this year. I'm assuming he means a top hat. I have no clue why but I'm afraid to even look for one because he'll wear it. lol
mysschevous Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 I sent my FIL shopping with my DS5 to pick out gifts for us and his brother. I don't know what we got yet, but his brother is getting Lucky Charms wrapped up because he says he loves them. :) So cute at this age. I'm sure everyone will laugh when that gift gets unwrapped!
loves30 Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 penor said: my 12 y.o. son asked for an "Abraham Lincoln hat" this year. I'm assuming he means a top hat.I have no clue why but I'm afraid to even look for one because he'll wear it. loli had to laugh when i read this .. my ds 17 is the the boy of many hats . he loves hats and with her personality he does not care what anyone thinks or says. he loves to wear them.. he was wearing a tall light orange hat with fur for the whole month of oct. i was smh. but had to laugh it was so him to not care. now this wk he is walking arround with a winter hat with eyes on it and gloves that match bright red, some girl gave them to him only to see its the (cars )hat. lol he even went to the mall and sat on santas lap with it on.
sherril Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 Kat07 said: DD who is 6 wants a Chia Pet..... that is probably the strangest request and she asked Santa for it :)my dd5 just asked for one this am!!!!! darn comercials!
EmConMom Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 My DD6 has chapstick on her list. My ds3 wants yellow stuff. LOL
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