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Everything posted by my3girlstoo

  1. Is there something for the mailbox so my parents don't have to walk down the icy driveway just to find out the mail hasn't come yet?!
  2. Is there other coupons out there, the 10 off 30 and free signature I got in the mailer doesn't start till Nov.28?
  3. Looking for a laptop to mostly stream movies and t.v. shows on. What's the most important component I need to look for?
  4. Thanks, everyone. Looking at 32". Will check out cnet.
  5. Of course, we didn't decide to get the kids a t.v. until after black friday. I see a Westinghouse 32" Led, is this brand okay is there something better out there right now? Thanks.
  6. Still had some accessories in stock now yet. Thanks, bought three. Already had the hamsters just was looking for the accessories.
  7. I ordered a t-shirt with other items on Nov.18th. The other items came but I just looked and it now says the t-shirt will not even ship till after Christmas. It's for my 14 year-old so she will understand but over a month!
  8. I will tell my children when they ask. My SIL's children never believed in Santa and every Christmas one of them would tell one of the cousin's the truth. Every Christmas we are on edge about it and the SIL would punish her kids by sending them to their room to play video games! She doesn't see what the big deal is, that we would rather explain to our children ourselves if they ask and at a older age when they are questioning.
  9. On my 6 year olds list is a request for her sister to be her maid for a year. Her sister is 9! This letter will go in a keepsake box.
  10. Thanks for the reminder! St. Nick never came when I was growing up even though I am also Catholic of German decent. We've done stockings but last year they somehow got miss placed so we did Dad's heavy wool socks. This year I mentioned to the girls that I still haven't found the stockings and one daughter said that's okay we will put out our shoes but my middle one said " No, lets do boots they hold more." So, I guess this year it will be boots!
  11. What age? Maybe have her do a list online of a lot of them so you can pick and choose. My daughter is 14 and wouldn't be caught dead listening to HS Musical, Jonas Brothers, or Miley Cyrus. She calls them " Want a be's ". My 9 year old is into those though. So it really depends on the age. My 14 year old daughters list was Twilight Soundtrack, Nickelback, 3 doors down, One Republic, and her favorite is Linkin Park but it really depends on your family. My kids get to listen to lots of types of music so this is just a little sampling of one type she listens to. Oh, she and her mom like David Cook too!
  12. Great question. Did you print the rebate online? I couldn't print any rebates online on black friday do to printer malfunction. Where do I get the rebates now? I will have several rebates too. I was going to wait and see when the products arrived.
  13. Okay, I don't know much about them but I'm considering the walmart 8" LCD portable dvd player for $49 plus $10 extra for case versus the 7"one at Kohls that comes with accessories for $49.99 plus I would get $10.00 back in coupon and would get 5%off. So Kohls would be cheaper but I'm questioning if 8" makes a big difference and LCD screen? Which would you buy? I will be buying two.
  14. Thanks everyone. We will head to the stores. I did ask my husband for panel insulation in the room she will be putting the drum set. We will go to the store we rent her saxs that's a great idea maybe we can get a discount even though she isn't giving up her saxaphone.
  15. My daughter is in 7th grade, 2nd year of band playing the tenor sax. She wants a drum set for Christmas. I have no idea what to look for in a drum set. I want just a starter set incase she decides it's not her thing but I don't want a poor quality one either so that parts break right away. What do I need to look for?
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