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How is your job handled on Black Friday???

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I work only 2- evenings per week Friday is not one of those, so I always have the whole day off. Dh takes a vacation day every year so that he can watch the kids.
I'm job searching at the moment so I don't know how that will work yet, normally I have that day off as part of the Thanksgiving Holiday. DH's job is closed so he gets paid for the day off.
SAHM here too, but DH has to work. He always schedules himself to work the evening shift, which means 1pm. I have to get everything done & home by 12:30 at the latest :( It stinks, but I guess it makes for better time mgt, lol.
  fairydustcrissy said:

SAHM here too, but DH has to work. He always schedules himself to work the evening shift, which means 1pm. I have to get everything done & home by 12:30 at the latest :( It stinks, but I guess it makes for better time mgt, lol.

I had to do that last year.... it did make for better time management but I missed out on all the deals at the mall bc he had to be at work at 11am. Could be worse(no shopping at all):eek::eek::eek:

I do transcription at home so I can take off whenever I want, but it helps that the accounts I work on are closed for the holiday. One of them is the doctor's office I used to work at and they are off with pay. Can't wait to shop, just hope my sister doesn't have her babies that week. I told her to wait till we're done shopping or the next week.

being a nurse we are open 24/7/365. It is basically luck of the draw. This year- my luck has run out. Thats ok- next year I'm having surgery in November so I can be off for BF and for Thanksgiving- guaranteed!


This year- I plan on hitting as many blitz sales before then and just being mindful. I already started shopping for the holiday.

Just got a new job that does Friday as a paid holiday and half day on Christmas Eve. It's part of the reason I took the job, although my last company was really cool about letting us blow a vacation day on Black Friday.
  mommyofanangelb said:

My job considers Black Friday (or "Day after Thanksgiving" is what they call it) a part of our Thanksgiving holiday, so I dont have to pretend Im sick every year...lol :D or use any kind of vacation.


We also get Christmas Eve as a holiday, too. :)

Ditto here! That was one of the 1st things I asked about last year when I was interviewing for the job! :D

  conj said:

we usually have it as a paid day off, but they will not let us know until a couple weeks before.

Same here. If we don't get it off, I'll have to take a half day so I can go in late.

I have the day off with pay its considered part of the holiday (I just wish the day after christmas was the same way. I'm still waiting to hear if my vacation day has been approved on that)

It's a paid holiday for me, but I won't be doing any shopping. If I had to go out and shop in that chaos it would take me a week to stop sobbing while curled up in a ball on the floor.


Madness! It's madness, I tell you! :)


Unfortunately it is one of the busiest days at the pediatricians office. Everyone put off

having their sick kid seen on Thanksgiving (even though one of the offices in our group

is open 365 days a year..we take turns :( It is just chaos in the office that day. Luckily

I have been there for 20 years and I am taking the day off :fluffy:


I am however working Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas :(

  mommyofanangelb said:

My job considers Black Friday (or "Day after Thanksgiving" is what they call it) apart of our Thanksgiving holiday, so I dont have to pretend Im sick every year...lol :D or use any kind of vacation. So how do you handle your job or is it also apart of Thanksgiving.


We also get Christmas Eve as a holiday, too. :) I love my job.


EDIT*** "your" not "yor"...sorry!


Exactly the same here. But I "like" my job as oppossed to "love" my job.

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