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  lis415529 said:
I received my ornament exchange today. I got a really cute snowman ornament and a beautiful Avon 2008 ornament. Thank you so much!! My daughter couldn't wait to put them on the tree.


  Illinoismom said:
I was the first to get my ornament


  kimpooh19 said:
Eve, I got my SS gift and I'm not clickable yet :D


  eve said:
I got 3 cards and a package today:holiday08thank you Wanda' date=' Tikicox,Chris. And thank you SS for my package! I loved the Angel,the lip balm,Frosted Berry lotion, cream they smell so good.:holiday02I[/quote']


you all are clickable now, or at least you should be


well my mail man was extremely late, i had almost given up and assumed i just got no mail. Well i just checked and i got of whole **** load of junk mail/magazines. But i also got a gift from my mother from time life a radio city Christmas spectacular DVD and i guess there is suppose to be an ornament but it is back ordered. I took her to see them last year:D

But thats not all i also got 3 cards ;) thanks Tlklcox, GrandaWK, an kmbrly

AND i got an ornament. :cheesy::g_dance:it was wrapped but i did not get any pictures before i opened it,lol. :) It is soooooooo pretty. It is a THOMAS KINKADE TEAPOT .... i took some pictures but my one time use camera did not do it justice. I will post them after i get it developed. HOW ON EARTH did you know i like teapots:confused: i do not remember putting it on my list. OMG THANK YOU..........

I received my SS on Sat. It was nice. I got a manicure set and a french manicure kit along with an ornament and a chocolate bar. I love the chocolate bar. yummy. :) I haven't gotten a chance to use the nail stuff yet. :( Someone tell my kids mommy needs some alone time to do her nails. :) Thanks again. My stuff was sent out Sat and my ppl should get it soon. I hope they like what I got them, because I tried to get something they like.
The Ornamental Fairy delivered my ornaments today. I have them on the tree still with their tags (didn't want them to get broken with all the clutter I have going on today...). I got a beautiful purple bird that clips to the tree, a fantastic flamingo which adds to my collection for my future flamingo tree! (the purple bird will still adorn that one too) and a shopper with the year and gottadeal ornament exchange on it so I will always be able to remember. I was home sick today so it was a great lift to my spirits!!! THank you ornament fairy!:)
I just received my SS and all I can say is THANK YOU !!!! :holiday02 I received a record and play snowman, an adorable snowman pillow ornament, a back to basics cocoa-latte express mug (I LOVE this), and a Martha Stewart stocking filled with lots of other goodies. Thank You so much!!!! This was just the pick me up I needed today. :holiday08:holiday16:holiday10
  eve said:

But i also got a gift from my mother from time life a radio city Christmas spectacular DVD and i guess there is suppose to be an ornament but it is back ordered. I took her to see them last year:D

Dh and I went to see that last year. We loved it! We wanted to take the kids this year, but couldn't afford it. Maybe next year. :rolleyes:


Well, I had a very trying day at work today, but it was totally made better by the package that was waiting for me when I got home. It appears as if my Secret Santa was out of control this year and made my day 100%. Not only did I get my favorite "sniff" of Bath and Body works items, the most adorable holiday scrapbook pages, some nice comfy socks, an air diffuser, and some Yummy! chocolate, but she even got my kiddos some items too. Included in my 2 ton package were hotwheels, chocolate bars, lip gloss, and coloring books for them. I don't know who you are but my DD 10 says you are awesome and wants to know if you will be our santa next year, and my DS 4, says he wants to tell you "G'anks", which in his world is Thanks. He is on the floor now playing with the hot wheels yelling "See you later suckers!" to the other cars. My DD 12 says you made her day also with the chocolate because in her words "It has been one of those days!"

Again, I know this is wordy but thank you so much, you were very thoughtful and I hope you have a Great Holiday Season.



It is so good to see everyone enjoying their ss gifts and ornaments. I love reading everyone's exciting description of what they got. I got four more cards today and added them to my christmas card tree stand. I'll have to take a picture when I get them all. Thanks so much for all the cards.:yup:

i was asked to post this.



Cocoadiva43 got her ornament package :)

  mychza said:

I received my SS on Sat. It was nice. I got a manicure set and a french manicure kit along with an ornament and a chocolate bar. I love the chocolate bar. yummy. :) I haven't gotten a chance to use the nail stuff yet. :( Someone tell my kids mommy needs some alone time to do her nails. :) Thanks again. My stuff was sent out Sat and my ppl should get it soon. I hope they like what I got them, because I tried to get something they like.

not ss, OE :)


I received my Ornament Exchange yesterday. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" to my OE person!! I know you said it was difficult finding something for me, but you couldn't have gotten anything better.

I got 3 black lacey crocheted ornaments- a witches head silohuette, a witches hat, and a witch on a broom in front of a moon. They are already hanging on my tree near my Wizard of Oz ornaments.

In case anyone is wondering I have a VERY eclectic tree with everything from "A Christmas Story", tons of Hallmark ornaments, beautiful glass blown traditional ornaments, ornaments that my father got in Japan when he was in the navy, others we have gotten when we travel, and even a glass hot pink doughnut with sparkly beaded "sprinkles"! Each one reminds of us a special time, place, or person when we look at them, and now I will think of GD when I look at these....


I got my OE exchange yesterday. I got a cute outhouse with a moose in the outhouse. a dove dark chocolate bar, 3M Mint bar, hair brush and purple flower hair clip!


My DD took the clip, DH took the dove bar and DS got the 3M before I got to take pictures.


Ornament Door Shut




Open Door



Kandy I love the moose! I want to know where they got that!


So I got my SS today! It was quite hard to get into the box, but as soon as I got the packaging box out to find my present wrapped. I smelled peanut butter! I ripped it open immediately :)


I found inside an assortment of homemade treats (YUM!!!), 2 chocolate Hershey bars, a gatorade, a box of popcorn, a nice card, and TWO MOVIES! Awesome! I had been wanting to get the Princess Bride (one of my favs!) and now I get to see A Beautiful Mind (everyone tells me how good it is!)


Thanks soo much Secret Santa! You rock :) I appreciate my Thanksgiving card too.


Now I have some delicious snacks during finals and something to look forward to watch afterwards!

Posted (edited)

I just got my SS box! Thank you SOOOOO much to whoever it was. From reading the card I feel like I should know them,lmao.


They got me a digital keychain! I love it! I always wanted one but of course would never buy myself one,lol. They got me a book, B&BW cream & shower gel, B&BW Aromatherapy, & B&BW hand sanitizer. I hope I'm not missing anything, there was too much! You super out did yourself! They also got DS4 these adorable letter cards (3pk), they got a mosaic sunflower puzzle for the family & I don't know what DD9,DD12 & DS13 got yet but I will post when they get home. Thank you again!!



DD9 just got home & she loves the High School musical trivia cards! Thank you (from her!)! lol


Forgot to add DS13 loved this puzzle thing my SS sent him! It was so simple yet very entertaining! I will have to find more of them! Thanks from him too!!


DD12 loved her gift to, a stationary pack. She doodles a lot so a great gift for her. Thanks from her too!

Edited by jeninpa
I'm guessing my SS is Jareice (Jaime right? lol) because I see the postal stamp says Mobile,AL,lol. Now I gotta go see if she is even from Alabama.....I'm thinking she is,lol.
Posted (edited)
  jarerice said:

I just shipped out my stuff!!!!! It was another big box this year!!!!


Okay.....it was from Alabama & mailed out the 5th,lol.


I also forgot to add that I got cucumber melon B&BW spray! I love that scent! lol AND a new purse! I never buy myself new purses so I was way overdue for one! lol You went way overboard!! lol

Edited by jeninpa

I received two very cute Red Hat Snowladies from my ornament exchange person. I'll have to hide them from my Red Hat Group or they'll turn up missing! Red Hatters have no conscience!!!

Thank you very much, I love them.



I got my ss package today.... I love it.... I'm going to try to post pictures later.... if not I will just tell you what I got. I love everything..... also it came from MN so I have to do some research too.
OH MY GOD!! I feel so terrible..i got my ornament a long time ago and thought that I had posted but i aparently didn't. It was the cutest handpainted ornament in a little santa box. I loved it and so did my little one. Fits perfectly with my tree!! I am so sorry that i didn't post sooner..it is finals week and i am going a bit nuts!! Thanks so much to my ornament person!

I received what was left of my SS package yesterday. :( Apparently it took quite a beating between here and Algona, WA. The mailing envelope was taped all over and had a sticker on it that was checked "Received unsealed at __________". A box probably would have travelled better.


It was the thought that counts, anyway!


I'm a delinquent Santa. I admit it. I finished shopping today. It will go out tomorrow and I will PM Eve the details. One good thing, is that it doesn't have too far to travel!

  Great Dane Mom said:

I received what was left of my SS package yesterday. :( Apparently it took quite a beating between here and Algona, WA. The mailing envelope was taped all over and had a sticker on it that was checked "Received unsealed at __________". A box probably would have traveled better.


It was the thought that counts, anyway!


I'm a delinquent Santa. I admit it. I finished shopping today. It will go out tomorrow and I will PM Eve the details. One good thing, is that it doesn't have too far to travel!


That is a shame Susan! Was anything salvageable??


I got my Ss gift today. All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH. I love it. I got kit kats, baby ruth (both my favorite) and chocolate santas (DH and DS confiscated them lol) I also got a manicure set with nail polish. A beautiful scarf, The Polar Express on DVD, hand wash, candles. I know there is more but I am upstairs getting ready for bed and the box is downstairs. I hope to take a picture tomorrow and post it.


Thank you so much to my SS. You went above and beyond. I have to ask where did you get the Yorkie ornament (it looks just like my baby except the hair is longer) He will look like that when he is 2 years and in full coat. I love it. It will be on my tree this year, then will send the year on my fireplace mantel along with my cat ornament from my Ornament santa.


Thank you I cant wait to find out who you are:D

  jeninpa said:

That is a shame Susan! Was anything salvageable??


LOL, well there was a mangled Lindt toffee bar, some green cellophane with some brown balls of some type (not sure what they were), and a tiny candle (I am burning the candle in the bathroom as I type). It smells good. It's a nice size for my little bathroom!

  Great Dane Mom said:

LOL, well there was a mangled Lindt toffee bar, some green cellophane with some brown balls of some type (not sure what they were), and a tiny candle (I am burning the candle in the bathroom as I type). It smells good. It's a nice size for my little bathroom!

Wonder if your SS took out insurance on the pkg? Maybe they will let Eve know.

I'm glad some part of it was usable.

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