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Our BF shopping is 95% shopping just for the boys.

We are up and out by 4:30am.... shop until 11am, go to breakfast.... At breakfast we go over our lists and make sure we did miss anything..., them depending, we either go back to my parent's to get the boys or continue shopping a little longer.


Since hubby has to work, this year is all messed up. So we already almost all of our xmas shopping for the boys done;). So I guess my mom and are going out instead, to "girl" shop...LOL

Posted (edited)

I'm usually in line at Circuit City between 2:30 and 3:00 AM (a friend trades off the 2:30 with me; the late arrival brings coffee).


The past few years, I had to be back at my place around 8:00 am so I could get a nap and then drive back to Columbia for the USC/Clemson game (as I was in the band), but this year, I'll be watching it on the Big Screen TV, so I can stay out as long as I want on Friday. :D

Edited by BrotherFlounder
I have been known to go to Walmart about 11:00pm on Thanksgiving evening and not get home till 9:00 or 10:00 pm Black Friday..., but on average out the door at 2:00am BF and home around 6:00pm. I usually grab a shower after unloading the car and crash and burn till very late Saturday morning. Then off and shopping some more at places I didn't hit the day before.
I usually head out at about 3:30am, and I'm done by 10am. However, the people in my network who go to Best Buy (yep...we have a network) are sometimes not out of there yet, so I'll hang out and hit some extra stores until they get back. After we make the exchange and settle up monetarily (they get my Best Buy stuff, I get their TRU/Meijer/Target/etc...), I still manage to get home before noon.
Every year it's a little different depending on the sales and how well we do. Depending on store opening we are in line about 3am. Some years we get home in the afternoon, some years we stay out shopping for the night owl specials! Last year we were diappointed in alot of the sales so we didn't shop all day.

My first round ends around 8am. Usually I sleep til 11 or so eat leftovers then head out again until late evening. I'm done for the day around dinner time (5-6), then we put up the tree.


*ETA* my first round starts around 3am, this year my cousins 16 year old should be babysitting so we wont leave til 4am, I think.


I can leave home around 3:30 a.m., line up for Menard's and usually Target, zip into Sears, Walgreen's, etc., wait for a shopping bag/prize ticket at the largest, local mall - sit in the food court there (eventually they bring out the free OJ and some pastries for BF shoppers) and wait for the prize drawings (purses, gift certificates, last year a Wii, $500, etc.), then drive home (disappointedly-but I'll win one day!!) by 10:20 a.m.


I don't think I am as gung-ho as some of the folks on this board!

I am usually in line at 11:30 or midnight to get the things i REALLY "need" but I am almost done shopping for everyone now, so really this year is going to be a "shop for the thrill & for myself day" I think, since I am so close, and depending on the sales, I am going to be doing the "midnight madness" at the Aurora Premium outlets then head to whichever store I want to be at after that... Typically I am home with more stuff then I sent out to get by 11 with my pajama's back on, putting up the tree and watching the grinch!!!!
All I can say is I'm normally finished up by the very latest 10 am. Time going out varies depending on if there are good enough buys to get there the night before. This year I will be going solo so it's going to be harder to decide where to go depending on what we need.
leave around 3:30am and get back home around 10:30am. I have a preschoolers and they're up by 8:30 so I know daddy it itchin' for me to get home and I'm ready for them to nap when I walk in. So I can too!

I'm out until either of the following happens...

A) I turn blue

B) I die

C) The items run out

D) Starbucks burns down (GOD FORBID!!!)

E) Bestbuy burns down

F) 4:00 PM. lol.

Last year we left the house at 4 and came back around 2. I don't know how some of you can stay out all day because I was dead tired come 2 o'clock. Not to mention that I hadn't bought much so I was not in the greatest of moods. We then went home and relaxed a bit and went out to a couple of local stores. Obviously at that time, there were not a lot of good deals left but we were just out to experience the holiday rush.
I'm usually done by lunch time and ready to eat then I'll go home and wrap what I got that morning and then may go back out that afternoon and then we put up the tree that night!

Usually, start between 1-2am, ending by 10am-1pm (thankfully). Really depends on the stores & so-called bargains. I am the only one that does the BF shopping, though frankly wish had some other ppl to "go around with".. Happy Shopping everyone!!!



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