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Everything posted by jesusluvu

  1. Last minute shopping needs under way. Need to get finished soon because I really want to enjoy the rest of the holiday and not stress over gifts.
  2. I received my ornament. THANK YOU!!!! I am so sorry I have not been as active the last 2 years. I went back to school and I am happy to say that I will be graduating this Friday!!!! Lots of papers and homework. Submitted my last 10 page paper on Sunday and had a 3 hour exam Monday. So, that is why I have been MIA. It was a lot but I got through it.
  3. Airpods are cheaper in their ad....might pull the trigger with them
  4. Depends on when I start. If I do a little here and there then a few hours at a time, but if I wait until the week of or Christmas eve ....ALL NIGHT!!!! I usually watch Christmas movies while I wrap and always watch the Christmas carol while wrapping on Christmas eve after watching the Popes Christmas Mass.
  5. I am right there with you. I seem to be scatter brain with all that I have going on but I plan on getting started this weekend and have my OE shipped by Tuesday if possible.
  6. I thought I was just not in the Christmas / BF spirit yet, but there is really nothing out there that I have seen. I am playing catch up on the site and AD viewing but dang......Is this it this year? I hope some surprise ads are going to drop
  7. I think I am going to pull the trigger on the projector that comes with the screen. I think that may be my gift to myself this year. At least one of them.
  8. https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Projector-Included-Roconia-Compatible/dp/B09FJLDY2X/ref=sr_1_7_sspa?crid=MMBM07S72CSE&keywords=projector+with+screen&qid=1699831519&sprefix=projector+with+screen%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-7-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1
  9. If anyone see's one of these on sale, especially a BF deal please let me know. Looking for on with the wheels
  10. I have a set and was about to order another pair
  11. I agree. This was a good deal. I got 2 of them and there still going strong. I got the 65in last year for 200+ and it is good as well. Now the surround sound I got to go with it was trash :
  12. Dang.... I am late but I sent my PM Bopeep
  13. This sale was a waste of time. It seems like they throwed this together in response to Amazon. Not real sales.
  14. I think it will be less this year or if I can book a trip it might be more. I guess it depends...
  15. Okay.... Southwest will be on my radar for black friday
  16. I was thinking about that this year. A vacation present for the family. They really dont need much or I am not spending the kind of money for the crazy gifts they may want. It is a great experience and family bonding
  17. Not a bad deal. Especially if they have a good holiday sale. You will get your money back fast.
  18. Ummmm. Brad you are making me feel bad. I have not had time to buy my first gift and you have sent out prize club stuff. Note to self - free up sometime and start doing something fun.
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