Kymmber Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 i went to target last night, and ended up buying this schwinn bike My store had 3 or 4 changing tables that looked really nice, they were orignially 79.99 and were on sale for $19.xx thought that was a pretty good deal, but didn't need one, or know anyone who needed one!!! TONS of other baby items, like blankets, onesies, socks... Also had alot of the bulk items... tissues, clorox cleaners, lisols wipes, 2 pk old spice, lotions... I was really shocked how much my store still had!!!!
lovetoshopCA Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Bellsandbabies said: What about the coupons that sometimes print out with your receipt? Are those stackable too?Yes, but there are always a few cashiers who will try to argue. Not usually a big deal when you have a lot of stuff/coupons, but can be a problem if you don't. But I just stacked a Clariton MFG coupon with a register coupon for Claritin yesterday. DS1 has allergies and the DR. said to get kids Claritin (I really needed to add another bottle of stuff to my medicine cabinet). That stuff is expensive! But with a $2 MFG & a $3 register coupon it came down to only $4.50. UGH.
eicats77 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 KC-Traderbear said: Hit the jackpot on bulk items at one of the stores today. Most of the stores just had stuff here and there on an endcap, but this store had an entire aisle and they were marking some things straight from 15% to 50%. I got 300 ou. Tide containers for $10 (less all my tide coups). Ziploc bonus freezer bags, glad press and seal, clorox wipes, clorox hard surface cleaner, ziploc BIG bags, Tilex, Reynolds wrap, dawn dish soap. ALL of it was 1/2 price. I cleared out a bunch of my coupons too and used my 10% rewards today. Which target where you at? TIA
lzaina Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 My husband was in the Stow target and also picked up a bike for my ds. It was a blue and silver mongoose org.119 paid 29.98. He also picked up an electronic dart board for 2.48 and a greatland backpack for 4.98.
msharpsteen Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Has anyone seen any women's bikes on clearance? I've only seen kids and men so far...
kak Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 okay, I finely found some great deals!!!!! kids outdoor/indoor playhouse $32!!!!, king air matress on an endcap for $6.24, pack of 12 golf balls for my husband for $2.24, rubbermaid 2 gallon pitcher (left over form christmas ??) for $1.64, and the kids wooden art desk with stool for $5.24!!!! Also got my .52c poptarts!! For anyone interested :there were around 7 dorra tents (5ft) marked down to around $9, one wooden craft table left at $5.24, several of the butterfly sleepng bags$4, a diego scooter for around $6??, several sets of p.j's in the baby dept. for $2-3 and alot of winter hats and gloves for kids down to under a dollar. and around 10 sets of jr. golf club sets for around $9!!
justlisa27 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Is anyone else having problems checking DCPI #s? I keep getting "Could not recognize the DCPI value of" followed by whatever DCPI that I put in.
lzaina Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Are there any girls bikes out there on clearance?
kbrady2 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 justlisa27 said: Is anyone else having problems checking DCPI #s? I keep getting "Could not recognize the DCPI value of" followed by whatever DCPI that I put in. This happens a lot and it is sometimes because they don't sell that item online or some other issue. I rarely check that because to be honest, it isn't totall reliable and most of the time the item is not sold online and therefore not in the system.
tthomas99 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 I have been looking for girls bikes too but all I have found have been boys.
1angelnhvn Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 I haven't seen ANY bikes on clearance here in Indy? Has anyone else? If anyone has the info on any of the girls bikes it would help!!!!! We need a 20in!
kbabral Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Last night I found 4 MM juices! Also a folding outdoor chair (the kind that stays in a nylon bag) for $5.xx and a Men's golf club set orig. $130 for $32.24!!!!!! But I have to return the clubs, I bought them for DH's b-day next week and gave them to him early. They were to long for him. If he was only a few inches taller..........
juanadeal Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Fire Pits were 30% off at my Target today. They had some charcoal grills also but I didn't check the price on those.
luv2ydsale Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 WHATA Tucson, Grant road store, Eureka vacs 75% $30.04.....3 left there. lots of shutterfly at 50 % (no clue what it is but its there. lol Broadway store had 3 vacs left as well. 3X Gain clearanced to $2.78, EMC $1 so $1.78. Did happy dance with the Vac.
rebecca7675 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 1angelnhvn said: I haven't seen ANY bikes on clearance here in Indy? Has anyone else? If anyone has the info on any of the girls bikes it would help!!!!! We need a 20in!They maybe gone already. Mine (SE Michigan) clearanced all of these 2 weeks ago. Went straight from 30% to 75%. They did have a women's Schwinn of some sort but I have no information on it I just remember seeing it. It was funny because I went in about 630pm and there were about 10 bikes 75% came back two hours later and only 2 left. The store was not that busy either. No big deal. I got mine during the clearance last year but was trying to get one for my BIL.
rebecca7675 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 luv2ydsale said: WHATA Tucson, Grant road store, Eureka vacs 75% $30.04.....3 left there. lots of shutterfly at 50 % (no clue what it is but its there. lol Broadway store had 3 vacs left as well. 3X Gain clearanced to $2.78, EMC $1 so $1.78. Did happy dance with the Vac. Which Eureka was it?? We are looking for a new vac.
lzaina Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Got a cougar men's golf club starter set orig. $99 got it for $24.95.
yellowjeepster Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 (edited) Vogel location was doing a total clear out in the sporting goods. Consolidated what lil clearance was left to one area and was pricing new stuff in. Looked like they were doing the same in the shampoo area and boys underwear. Lots of teams out w/their guns beaping away, lol. I have never found any of the MM juice boxes. I have seen the 15 box and thought I was going to be lucky b/c they had some 10 box sets but they scanned full price. Any other Vogel shoppers find the deal on the juice? Also, they had at least 8 Guitar Hero games for the Wii. I thought I got lucky finding one last week., lol. Edited January 31, 2008 by yellowjeepster
Jordan34 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Shutterfly is no where to be found - not sure if it ever hit 75% or they just salvaged it. I did find: V-Tech Digital Camera scanned 0.00 got it for $12.48 Step 2 Wagon $14.98 Gloves for my girls .48 (2 pack) they had a ton on misc characters too. Coleman Packaway Lantern $4.24 (odd price marked $18.19 down to 75% - on Target's website states $15.99) Dino Sleeping Bag $2.48
1angelnhvn Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Found some bulk items that went to 50 off-chips, baggies, some 4 pk wipes, body wash (only had mens left at my store) No wipes. Did find some baby clearance at this store that wasn't there the other day but only at 30 off. (changing table, travel stroller systems, and the brittax stroller)...... Does the OP have the DPCI for the crib that was on clearance? I think a store I went to today had one but not sure?? (DPCI and the UPC if you have it) and color....was it honey........
dmked Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Got some kids lunch boxes 75% off they were between $2 and $3, big box of pampers 13.00, some bulk items at 50% off, and a Reebok gym bag for 4.48. No camping or sporting goods stuff left at my store.
luv2ydsale Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 rebecca7675 said: Which Eureka was it?? We are looking for a new vac.It was the eureka uno 12 volt...bright yellow.:)
1angelnhvn Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Oh yeah, firebowls 50% off and the outdoor fireplace 50% off.......... firebowl-009-04-0151 fireplace-009-04-0152 Wasn't interested but the store at 38th street on the west side had 5 or 6 of each!
sinkjk Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Anyone see any bikes on clearance in Ohio? I always buy a bunch for adopted families at Christmas but like to stock up now when the deals are there.
vsa3janes Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 yellowjeepster said: Vogel location was doing a total clear out in the sporting goods. Consolidated what lil clearance was left to one area and was pricing new stuff in. Looked like they were doing the same in the shampoo area and boys underwear. Lots of teams out w/their guns beaping away, lol. I have never found any of the MM juice boxes. I have seen the 15 box and thought I was going to be lucky b/c they had some 10 box sets but they scanned full price. Any other Vogel shoppers find the deal on the juice? Also, they had at least 8 Guitar Hero games for the Wii. I thought I got lucky finding one last week., lol.I have never found a juice deal, but, I have read here they are hard to come by. From reading here more and more GDers are starting to shop our Vogel store maybe that is why there are fewer deals being found, we should have kept it a local secret.
rebecca7675 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 luv2ydsale said: It was the eureka uno 12 volt...bright yellow.:)Thank you!! Going to check tonight!
afrey66 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 The Target on Irvington/I-19 in Tucson had outdoor lights at half off. The firebowls weren't on clearance yet so I'll have to look at another Target. I moved to the other side of the world and only have one Target that's close. I used to have 2 that were close to me and 2 more that weren't THAT far away, if I wanted to make a 'Tour of Targets'. Then I would go to the Irvington/I-19 during my lunch. Now I live and work close to this one. Oh well, just means I'll have to drive a little farther. :)
afrey66 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 The Target on Irvington/I-19 in Tucson had outdoor lights at half off. The firebowls weren't on clearance yet so I'll have to look at another Target. I moved to the other side of the world and only have one Target that's close. I used to have 2 that were close to me and 2 more that weren't THAT far away, if I wanted to make a 'Tour of Targets'. Then I would go to the Irvington/I-19 during my lunch. Now I live and work close to this one. Oh well, just means I'll have to drive a little farther. :)
jdoug Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 maryjoe said: Finally,no longer a MM virgin:D I found 2 grape packs. As soon as I spotted them I said OMG is that what I think it is, I grabbed them and ran to the scanner .69!! I had to muster all my selfcontrol not to jump up and down like a mad woman:yup: I had a goofy grin on my face all through the store:g_laughin , somethings gotta be wrong with me if finding juice makes me this happy I'm still a virgin. MM- that is!
staviles Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 jdoug said: I'm still a virgin. MM- that is! Me too...and MM virgin that is!!! lol
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