o_arlene Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 aj4545 said: When I scanned a cranium turbo game (also 90% off) last Saturday, the scanner said item not found. My heart dropped because I knew it was supposed to be on sale with Christmas stuff. I looked on the back and there were two barcodes!!! One barcode rings item not found and the other does the price. When I got to the registers, the guy scanned the wrong one and I had to tell him to scan the other one. Thank goodness I noticed this before I got up there because I would have hated to have gone what you went through! I notice that too...because when I grab one I ask the other people around me are these 90% too? and they say we scan it and said "item not found" so we don't know. Well 5 minutes later I decided to scan mine and it rang to $1.99. of course I started letting everybody know the price. So I guess that maybe they were scanning the the other barcode?
KrisinTn Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 4gr8girls said: That is so sweet of him. My husband would want to know why in the heck I was at Target AGAIN?!?! LOL! I am sure your dh has a few suggestions on how you can thank him:sib: ( I always wanted to use that smilie). Stowasser said: For another customer to actually notice the bad treatment, it must of been really bad. If I heard an exchange like that, I guess I probably would of spoken up to someone, if not that person. I definitely would of talked with the manager, I do not like seeing people whether employees or customers wrongly. The odds that someone else somewhat associated with you heard it too, well thats spooky. I hope your husband raises their attention to customer service. I have had really great experiences with Target employees and go to shop there because of that experience.My husband called and the person he spoke to was very nice and very sorry that I had to endure that kind of treatment. They were going to contact the management team at that Target, who in turn are supposed to contact us to tell us how the issue with the cashier will be handled. My husband is a district manager with another retail chain, and is a major stickler for customer service. I think that is why his employee was so tuned in to what was going on - it was just a perfect example of how not to treat a customer, it was just a strange twist of fate that it was her bosses wife. :) I have never been treated badly at the other Target that I normally shop at.l love the employees there. My husband told me that he was shocked that I was at the other Target, he told me I was "cheating" on the other store. I told him that he need not worry that I was going to be faithful from here on out. lol. I love the smiley... I didn't know that one even existed. All the same, I am thinking you are cruising right along the same line he is. Thanks again to all of you for all the support, and advice. It really is appreciated. You all are great.
KrisinTn Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 o_arlene said: I notice that too...because when I grab one I ask the other people around me are these 90% too? and they say we scan it and said "item not found" so we don't know. Well 5 minutes later I decided to scan mine and it rang to $1.99. of course I started letting everybody know the price. So I guess that maybe they were scanning the the other barcode?They very well could have been... I didn't notice that there were two bar codes. Wish I had noticed that in the store. Might have saved everyone a headache.
snausages Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 alexac said: Gottadealers; Please call your store with questions regarding returns. I just got off the phone with the manager at my location, and she said as long as you have your reciept, you will be refunded the money you paid, regardless of the clearance price it's at now. Holiday or regular clearance.My target guest services people were extremely nice and this is why I shop there!I guess it depends on the store you go to.Which store(s) do you shop at? I also hit the NJ stores too. :)
alimfp Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 Forgot to post this yesterday.. Upon checking out, I saw a lady with a cart FULL (I mean, FULL!!!) of Target bags. The BIG Target bags. And then there were wreaths piled on top of that. I listened and overheard her asking for the difference. She bought everything at half off and wanted the 90% off now. They refused. She even asked to rebuy it, but they said no, they'd put it all back out on the shelves tomorrow morning and she'd have to rebuy it then. She got SO mad and left (with the stuff). Eeks.
KC-Traderbear Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 alimfp said: Forgot to post this yesterday.. Upon checking out, I saw a lady with a cart FULL (I mean, FULL!!!) of Target bags. The BIG Target bags. And then there were wreaths piled on top of that. I listened and overheard her asking for the difference. She bought everything at half off and wanted the 90% off now. They refused. She even asked to rebuy it, but they said no, they'd put it all back out on the shelves tomorrow morning and she'd have to rebuy it then. She got SO mad and left (with the stuff). Eeks.... Oh brother. I mean REALLY?? Is that what she expected Target to do? Give her practically everything she had already purchased for nearly free? It's the risk you run when you buy something. Most likely, those items she was trying to return/rebuy would not have been on the shelves at 90% off. For me personally, 75% is as good as it gets for something I want. Mostly because if you aren't there when "the doors open" or the signs go up for 90% off, it's gone in a flash. Unless you are incredibly lucky to find the store bringing out pallets from the back. During 90% off, I find myself just picking up "crap" that I totally don't need, but can't resist for practically free (someone I know will be able to use it!) I for one will be sort of glad to see all the holiday stuff GO. It's fun while it lasts, but I'm ready to be done seeing Christmas stuff.
tntsmomie Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 lovetoshopCA said: Hmmm... I was wondering if they were doing that with some of the items in the housewares area. Those vacuum cleaners were just at 30% too, and someone said they got it 75%. I need to go check on the wine cooler I have been after! Ooh, and someone was looking for a sewing machine, those are in that area too. Actually, I saw a Hello Kitty sewing machine at our Target that was on clearance, didn't check the price, but there were quite a few there and I didn't see anyone hopping over to get one. I'll check next time I'm there. KrisinTn said: Thanks again! Had to give you a update, right after I got the corp number my husband called. He works about 5 minutes from the Target I was at today. He wanted to know if I had been at that particular Target at lunch, I said I had... (frantically trying to figure out why he is having me followed... ) He wanted to know if I had run into some trouble... (again, how the crap?!?) After I filled him in... he filled me in. One of his employees had been checking out at another register, and had of course taken note of this poor woman that the cashier was treating so badly... and recognized me from a picture my husband has on his desk of our family. She'd been in his office this afternoon and asked if he had talked to me... she wanted him to tell me (if it was me...) that she really felt bad for the way I had been treated. After he told me all that he asked for the information that was on the receipts, and said he would take care of the call... I almost feel sorry for the person he talked to ... he had that "calm" tone in his voice, you know - the one that always comes before the storm.... Yay for hubby! Pretty sure mine would've made me call...although he handled a confrontation tonight like a hero and I LOVED it! I hate being the bad guy.Glad you at least got "something" from corporate. Waiting to hear what the manager says from that particular store.... And yes, I LOVE that smilie!!
JennyWLS Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 Nothing all that great in Kentwood, MI. One small shelf of 90% Christmas things, a few aisles of 30% off toys with nothing worth grabbing...the best finds were in the kids clothing clearance. I found Hanes sweatpants for my son (infant/toddler section) for 98cents per piece!
wortmanfamily Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 Went to tonight - come home with 2 Hello Kitty Manicure Kits - $4.98 each 2 Hello Kitty Alarm Clocks w/headphone set - $4.98 each 2 Parents Magazine Toddler Phones - $.89 each (in reg. toy section w/other phones) 1 Ponyville xmas Tree - $.99 (in toy clearance) Then I was walking along the store and there were 2 random buggies just siting out in the aisle - no one was close to claim them - but I did notice some xmas stuff in them so I started looking through......I found 5 Thomas the Train Special Holiday Packs (each containing 3 vehicles) - I thought oh I bet these aren't on clearance but I will see if the cashier will take 90% off since they are xmas.....but I went to scan just in case - low and behold - they were $.99 EACH!!!!! YEAH! I kept 3 and gave one to a mom w/ a little boy and told her the price and then to a grandmother shopping for her 2 year grandson - they were thrilled - so was I! Any thoughts on toy marksdowns?!?!?!?!?!?
JackJack Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 o_arlene said: oh I have been watching those easels..does anyone else have seen these at 75%??I looked at them today but they were not 75% off.
wortmanfamily Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 Our store didn't have any easels but did have the art tables only 1/2 off for $19.99.
JackJack Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 They did have some Craylola sets 75% off though. Now $4.98...they were a great deal, but I had DH and DS4 with me and I had already pushed my luck at BBW so I will have to go back!! One was the spinner thing with the paint...my kids have the Lite-Brite one and they love it!
cokemeyer Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 love the smilie too!! My hubbie would NEVER in a million years make that call for me - he gets intimidated calling for a pizza using a coupon! that's why I'm the one with the checkbook - hee hee. I am usually such a "nice" shopper and always follow the rules, but try to mess with me when I'm toting my 5 year old, 3 year old and 10 month old and you won't like what you get back. I nearly took this rude cashier's head off the other day when totally unprovoked he nastily accused me of "ruining" his express line at Safeway because I had a few items over the limit. Normally I would always count the items and obey the rule, but I had all small things in the basket of my daughter's stroller and couldn't count them all exactly until they were on the belt. In addition there was NO ONE at any of the 3 open express lanes and long waits at the two open regular lines. So I let him know where to go with his complaint against me. :) I would totally understand it if a customer behind me was mad but what the heck does it hurt him?? Long gone is the customer is always right motto, but they sure don't have a hard time raising prices almost daily! Anway, back to Target. I have to say in 7 years of FREQUENT Target shopping (it is only about 5 mins from my house), I really have never had a bad experience at all. That is what sells me on the place, even more than the great buys and nice quality items. Today I went back again with the kiddos for round 3 and to my surprise some new stragglers were out on the 90% rack. I got a Dora stocking for $1.29, another See n say keychain for $.49, another Backyardigans toy for $.49, a gift card holder (stuffed dog) for $.29 and a cute stuffed Cookie Monster dressed for winter for $.49. Nothing spectacular but fun. Also, all the Shake and Go Crashups Speedway and I Can Play Guitar cartridges were ringing up 50% off even though only marked at 30% off..
Sacha Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 KrisinTn said: Thanks again! Had to give you a update, right after I got the corp number my husband called. He works about 5 minutes from the Target I was at today. He wanted to know if I had been at that particular Target at lunch, I said I had... (frantically trying to figure out why he is having me followed... ) He wanted to know if I had run into some trouble... (again, how the crap?!?) After I filled him in... he filled me in. One of his employees had been checking out at another register, and had of course taken note of this poor woman that the cashier was treating so badly... and recognized me from a picture my husband has on his desk of our family. She'd been in his office this afternoon and asked if he had talked to me... she wanted him to tell me (if it was me...) that she really felt bad for the way I had been treated. After he told me all that he asked for the information that was on the receipts, and said he would take care of the call... I almost feel sorry for the person he talked to ... he had that "calm" tone in his voice, you know - the one that always comes before the storm.... I just wanted to give your hubby some props for doing that for you!
Sacha Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 4gr8girls said: That is so sweet of him. My husband would want to know why in the heck I was at Target AGAIN?!?! LOL! I am sure your dh has a few suggestions on how you can thank him:sib: ( I always wanted to use that smilie). oh my god I never thought I would see a smilies doing that!!!! Its hilarious!
aj4545 Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 I found a Baby Phat perfume set!! Thanks to those of you who mentioned it!!! In getting my electrasol tabs, I found another coupon under the box that someone left behind. Score!! Then in the office supply aisle, I found two 3M cutters and a two pack of tape. They were laying on top of the packing tape and there were NO other two packs of tape that matched this packaging. The cutters were different colors than the ones hanging in the correct spot. I scan them and they scanned 90% off! Woohoo!!!! The two pack of tape was .39 and the cutters were .49. Fun to find stuff that no one else noticed!!!
Sacha Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 I went back to target too...found a few more christmas flags, and I bought 1 more of the cranium games for $2.49, the lomas target in ABQ still had 8 left on the shelf in toys if anyone in the area is still looking. Another deal was in boys... some of the pro spirit athletic wear hit 75% off got a few pairs of shorts as well as 2 long sleeve shirts...perfect for the comming soccer/baseball season! also the tooth tunes for 1/2 off ($3.98) normally I would have left them but I actually found 2 of the star wars ones I have only seen the high school musical ones at all my targets so I knew these would not last and my boys will love them.
supershopper1 Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 You found them too !!!! FYI, both the 2 pk & there is a 3 or 4 pk of tape at 90%. I can't remember which. My kids took them since I already had so much from the Kmart ups clearance. If something looks out of place,or just 1 or 2 scan them. I could be working overtime making ALOT more money, but finding hidden deals is so much more fun!
booga12345 Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 Sacha said: I went back to target too...found a few more christmas flags, and I bought 1 more of the cranium games for $2.49, the lomas target in ABQ still had 8 left on the shelf in toys if anyone in the area is still looking. Another deal was in boys... some of the pro spirit athletic wear hit 75% off got a few pairs of shorts as well as 2 long sleeve shirts...perfect for the comming soccer/baseball season! also the tooth tunes for 1/2 off ($3.98) normally I would have left them but I actually found 2 of the star wars ones I have only seen the high school musical ones at all my targets so I knew these would not last and my boys will love them.Hi Sacha, you're the first person I've noticed from Albuquerque here. Did they have anymore of the star wars tooth tunes? I didn't even know they had star wars ones. My little one is a star wars fanatic! Maybe he will actually brush his teeth :)
cre8kos4u Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 You guys are so lucky!!! I have not been able to find ANYTHING that you all have been finding. I even have my DH searching the aisles.
Sacha Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 booga12345 said: Hi Sacha, you're the first person I've noticed from Albuquerque here. Did they have anymore of the star wars tooth tunes? I didn't even know they had star wars ones. My little one is a star wars fanatic! Maybe he will actually brush his teeth :)exactly why I bought them! Yes there were a few left...They were on an endcap in the health & beauty section just piled on a shelf. Nice to "meet" you too :)
zeebas Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 if we base ourselves on last years calendar ...and wednesday being the day that toys get marked down....TOMMOROW is the day the day they would go down....?? any east coasters checking tommorow ? because this so cal shopper would LOVE to know before i leave at 7:30....am...Well i asked for the day of tommorow so i am keeping my fingers crossed
wortmanfamily Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 zeebas said: if we base ourselves on last years calendar ...and wednesday being the day that toys get marked down....TOMMOROW is the day the day they would go down....?? any east coasters checking tommorow ? because this so cal shopper would LOVE to know before i leave at 7:30....am...Well i asked for the day of tommorow so i am keeping my fingers crossed maybe they are already in bed....preparing to get up early and let us all know!?!?!?!?!?!
BoulderChick Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 I saw tons of preteen, kids, toddlers and baby clothing on clearence for 75% off! Too much stuff to list.
zeebas Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 i hope so !!!!!!!! last year someone had posted by 5:59 am pacific time ! ....lol
lovetoshopCA Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 zeebas said: i hope so !!!!!!!! last year someone had posted by 5:59 am pacific time ! ....lolHere in Pasadena, I am expecting one store to do it and the other to do it tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed, though. Seems like we have mostly had toys go down on Thursdays lately. I'll be out cruising tomorrow! We have several stores within easy drive, and I have a 10% shopping day to use!!
zeebas Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 sierra madre pasadena is where i will go 1st if they go down ! nice to meet you and good luck !
GJacobs Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 wortmanfamily said: someone on my local moms board posted that all the Hello Kitty items had been marked down to $4.98 today - the popcorn popper, toaster, water thing, and more.....so they went from 30% to 75%.At my target in Phoenix I did get the Hello Kitty toaster, waffle maker and clock radio for 4.98 each. The sewing machine was still 49.98 50% off, they had lots of those though.
justlisa27 Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 I was in our Target tonight and there was a girl zoning the clearance toys. She mentioned what a pain it was because there are so many but that they should be hitting 75% tomorrow so she won't have to deal with them anymore!!!! I will be there when they open! I was late last year (by two hours) and a lady bought just about every toy for eBay DS may be a little late to school Our store also had a ton of girl's and toddler's clothes at 75%, not many boys though.
sigrist_2000 Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 hilliard target (270), All the Hershey branded chocolate items: Fondue, Cocoa set, Silicone trays, ice cream sundae were 75% off!!! (they were just 30-50% off a few days ago...) trial size colgone...68 cents (comes with a $3.00 coupon off a $10 set) Cinderella scrapbook 3.74 Sit to Stand Giraffe 12.48 (50% off) (would have waited for 75%...but i love giraffes...and it wasnt that bad of a price!) 7 day Dog Food Travel pouches...2.48 (75% off) various cds...2.24 (75%off) they had some stuff left for 90% off xmas... jeopardy hand held game...3.72 (75% off!!!) tried to get scrapbooking items (christmas) for 90%...but as the cashier was in the process of giving me the discount...another associate came up to help bag my load and the cashier asked if these were 90% off...and he tells him i dont think so...so he doesnt give me the discount anymore but continued to ring in the items at FULL price...i had to say NO!...lol...i dont want them if they arent 90% off...so he took them all off except a couple..that i got charged for but didnt get...luckily it was only a 1.25....but i did get to keep a cd!!...yay! also lots of various things 75% off lots of toys on clearance...like 4-5 aisles...and lots in other aisles too!! theres only a handful of items i want when they hit 75% off...
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