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Here I am in line at Kmart...


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I just called my hubby and he's the 10th in line - they had 9 Wii's and passed out tickets to the first 9 people who wanted them. They have over 60 Olevia tv's in stock with a bunch of picture frames, DVD players, SD cards, etc. We weren't going for the Wii anyway! Poor hubby - it's so cooolllld out there! I'm here with a sick 3-yr. old. Guess I'll be online shopping today!
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I had a ticket for a TV but decided not to get it since we had close to 3000 people standing online in the electronic section (people pushed everyone out of the way). They only had 10 Wii's and none of the DVD's or the GPS advertised were available
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I am finally home....with a Wii! I was 1st in line,I got there at 4:15,I thought they were opening at 6...LOL...I am glad I got there so early.I was there for an hour before anyone else showed up.

They gave out tickets (well flyers with numbers on them),thank God,if not it probably would've gotten ugly because they only had 7.They had 20-some of the tv's.That was a nice loooking tv,if I'de had the extra $$ I probably would have gotten one.


I am so sorry to those that didn't get one :( I have spoken to 2 Gamestops and they are supposed to have them tomorrow morning.That was my plan B.

Don't give up!



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SO... I went to Kmart this morning... and now I'm home... with.. NOTHING!!! AH!!!! son of a %$*!#.

I wanted the GPS.. they only had 4!! I didn't know kmart would be giving out tickets but mine did.. HOWEVER they said they were supposed to get 9 more GPS units but they never came and that the first 9 people to sign their name on a sheet of paper with their phone# would get them for $129 when they came in. Atleast theres a glimmer of hope.

I think I'll buy another one tomorrow JUST INC ASE this list thing doesnt pan out.


OH yea and my kmart had 10 Wii's.

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Got the stuff I went to Kmart for. Wasn't there for a Wii, our store only had 8 lots of mad people. Our store manager came out and gave the first few people in line a coupoon to use today for 10% off $50 or more for waiting so long out in the cold. Finally something nice from Kmart. Sorry to those of you who didn't get what they went for. Happy Thanksgiving.
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11 Wiis available this morning. Over 35 people there by 3am for them. I was # 4. Ticket in hand I bought my friend one (I didn't need one, but she did. She gave me $300 and told me to keep the change! Nice tip for freezing my butt off. Haha).


Tons of Tvs. Only 9 of the ear bud sets (I got one).


High School musical 2 cd was sold out as quick as the darn GPS systems. LOL. Thankfully I got it (only cd).


Im just happy I got everything on my list and was home by 7:40am.

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My store had 15 Wiis. Our friend held us a place in line. When the people in line who were there for the Wiis and werent the first 15 got mad because they camped out all night. Half the people left before I got there. So, I got what I wanted and I am home now to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner.
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I was there at 4:00 and went away empty-handed. I wanted a Wii, but they only had 8 and I estimate I was 15th or so in line. I had a ticket for the GPS unit in-hand, but those idiots handed out two sets of numbered tickets for the GPS units! The store manager guaranteed I could get one by Christmas for that price and took my name and number down. He said I could even go online and order one right now and the store would pay the difference. I don't really want it that much, so I probably won't bother.
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I'm back as well and glad that I had a back up plan for a TV. I was 32nd in line at Meijer and they had 31 TVs!!!


My Kmart only had 10 Wiis and about 300 people trying to get them. I'm glad I only wanted a TV! They had 40 of them and I had ticket number 8, I was about 50 people back in line.

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