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I know I buy those foot warmer and handwarmers you can find in the hunting section. Let me tell you those things work great.. this year we are getting a tent so we can get out of the wind. I think last year if it wasnt so windy it would not have been so bad. I had 5 layers of jackets on which kinds sucks once your in the store :cheesy: you fill your basket with your coats and dont have room for your goodies :razz:

2 years ago on BF it was 15 :eek: degrees here in nyc ,i wore a long jacket, scarf, gloves , hat , 2 pair of socks , 2 shirts under a sweater , long johns and boots.


Last year it was 60+ degrees :D so my winter coat i left in the car and walked around with a sweater. Hopefully this year us NYers will have great weather again ,we are currently experiencing strange weather(its 80 degrees in october!:D )

I just don't get cold on bf becuase I'm running around getting all the good deals..but usualy I start out with a turtle neck with t shirt under and vest over and by the end of the day I'm in the tshirt
I wear Carhardt socks for the day. If my feet stay warm the rest of me will follow. I also have the gang I am with go out for breakfast before going to the first store. We eat a good meal of hearty food before we hit the stores.:D

my setup:


long sleeve thermal+shirt over

long socks, jeans

sleeping bag (insulated kind)

camping/sleeping chair with leg rests


yea i live in florida, but it gets down to 30 here which is freezing to us when you are used to 80-90+

  BFQueenofNY said:

I was in Walmart yesterday and bought 6 coffees in a can that heat up when you open them. That should help! LOL

They also have chicken broth in cans like that. :)

we used the thermacare back wraps last year..kept us very toasty and then layered clothing as it usually gets hot running around. i loved it my mom has sensitive skin though and her back blistered a little
I have a propane heater that I got on clearance for $10. I also got a propane camping stove on clearance for $5. I may take both. the heater to keep warm... the stove to make .... Turkey Paninis? LOL.

Be careful with the Thermacare stuff...I once had a patient who'd used it for hip pain, and we had to treat her for wound care because she was burned so badly by it!


I'm in layers while I wait outside, with hat, scarf, mittens, and a cup of coffee to wake me up...then once I'm inside waiting to check out, I get rid of my coat and stuff, and then it stays in the car, because just running through a parking lot or through a mall to get to the next place (or just the thought of it ;) ) is enough to keep me warm!:D

Thankfully I live in Phoenix. :D It will be pretty chilly but nothing a jacket or seatshirt wont fix & a nice hot cup of coffee!! Of course, after the 1st store, the jacket gets left in the car!
  diecastbeatdown said:


yea i live in florida, but it gets down to 30 here which is freezing to us when you are used to 80-90+

I live in PA, and 30 is freezing to me too! :gdfrozen:


I stay away from those hand / foot warmer products, now. They actually do me more harm than good, because they make me sweat and then not long after than, my socks or gloves are wet and cold.


I'd recommend wearing layers, especially for your socks and body. A good set of gloves and a hat are a must. If you will be able to sit, take a blanket. If you're lucky, you'll have someone to share the blanket with and be even warmer!


Multiple layers---I strip down to the bottom layer which is usually jeans and a long sleeve t shirt shortly before the store opens.

hand and feet warmers

electric socks---or boot socks if it is not as cold

gloves, hat, scarf, tennis shoes


last year someone set up a propane burner thing

While sitting in line, I wrap up in a sub-zero sleeping bag. I pass it to my hubby to put in the car when the natives start getting restless. The excitement start to get palpable and we start doing our stretches!!!:P
Dress in layers and do not forget to your hat if it's really cold. You will lose most of your body heat through your head. Like dad use to say...feet cold?...Put a hat on! :smart:
well before Wal mart opened 24 hours I sat out freezing with blankets and warmers but now if it's my first stop i go around 2a.m. in the store cuz its open and shop for non BF specials till its time,..sometimes the ppl from around here take the stuff early by ripping the plastic,..last year i almost didnt get any of hte athletic girls suits for $7.00 ,..th3e managers had to gaurd the specials,..it was crazy
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