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Black Friday Purple Hearts??

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Anyone else thinks that there should be some sort of reward for those of us injured on BF? Last year I got a gouged (sp)ankle and missed taking a little people toy set to the eye by millimeters.....


Who else has been injured "in the heat of the battle"? lol :gdgirlfight3ol:


That would be me, I got slammed into a door one year and hurt my shoulder. Couldn't move it for days.


Not as bad as the guy working though, he got rushed and knocked into the clothes rack behind him. He took a metal bar to the back and ended up with a huge black bruise.


This was the first year of the laptop deal at Wal-Mart.

BF 2005, first year for my sister, I have this story somewhere else but oh well, i love telling it, lol. She got stuck up with the cabbage patch dolls, surrounded by people, she wanted out cause she got hers and had her 1 year old daughter w/ her in a cart. She couldn't, so she starts chucking dolls at people so they would back off. My mom was like someones throwing dolls, so we go up there, of course its my sister the newbie, roflmao. So, she starts throwing them to me to give to people my way so she could have a path to me. Well im catching and handing to ppl at like warp speed so everytime I turned around I would have to catch one. I delayed a little handed one to a little girl and turned around, BAMM!!!! Cardboard doll box right to the eye and forehead. It hurt for a while, a little blood, then bruise, but it was all good, it was my sister, lol.:D:tongue1:
I'm not sure if it's prevalent, but at BB about 4 years ago, I saw people who had soccer shinguards on, albeit on backwards, to prevent some pain of being run into by other carts. When I see people coming in looking like Hockey Goalies, I'll know it's time to stop running with the shoppers and take my chances in Pamplona.
  jellybean051901 said:

My sister had a pile of CPK dolls fall on her last year. No injuries though.

I was injured year before last over CP newborn dolls. I was in the very front and got ran over!!!!!!!!:sidesplit

Allmost got beat up over digital picture frames at Target, they only had 5 and I got one, but everywhere I went around the store people tried to steal if from my cart.
  tuttlebug said:

Allmost got beat up over digital picture frames at Target, they only had 5 and I got one, but everywhere I went around the store people tried to steal if from my cart.

haha, that's TERRIBLE! I can't believe people would go that far just to get a good deal! I think there'd be some swinging going on if that happened to me... haha!


2 stories...

2 years ago I was very pregnant and got shoved out of the way by a woman twice my age, I'm 34. I looked at her as we were both running, waddling fast that is, to the back of Wal-Mart and said. "Are you kidding me?" I saw her later as she was complaining that there were no more CP. I had my cart full of them and was heading to check out. Karma, huh?


3 years ago I was in the toy dept. at Target. There were 7 women standing around waiting for a stockroom employee to bring out the last box of some kind of toy car. I guess it was a hot item. The employee came out and said that there were only 5 in the box. Of course each woman claimed that she deserved one. The poor employee didn't know what to do, so he openend the box and threw it into the middle of the aisle to let the women fend for themselves. He ran out of the way as they ripped into the box. It was really pathetic and funny at the same time.

  jellybean051901 said:

We did see someone trip and fall on their face when they were running to get a TV at WM. No injuries though that I saw

I remember, thats the lady who fell and her wig went flying. That was on all the news channels.

  jellybean051901 said:

Wasn't there stories on the news last year of a person being trampled?

That was a black woman a couple of years back who seemed more concerned for her wig, than her life! The walmart video is still on the internet.


I wasn't exactly injured but I did sink into the mud past my ankles and just below my calf in Kohl's parking lot at 5:30am, in the dark! I was walking out to my car with a sewing machine & set of Farberware pots in my arms. There were no shopping carts. The boxes were big, bulky and heavy! I couldn't see where I was going, nearly fell over the curb and sunk into the mud :yuck:

I was alone and could not get out at first. I had to lean towards the curb to place the boxes down to make myself lighter :g_think: then I was able to pull one foot out (with my hands) then get it onto the curb. By doing that, I had some leverage to yank out my other foot :g_clap: I can laugh now but I was really mad. Not mad that I was covered in mud, mad that I wasted time that should have been spend on the road getting to Target :gdlol: :gdlol:

Picture It... Kmart 2002 the care bears were popular then. My daughter loved (still loves) Wish Bear. Kmart had them for like 9.99 I had already been to WM and the outlet mall so I decided to do left overs at KMart. After fighting for a TV at WM I was already in the "holiday" spirit. I wasn't really expecting to find anything but saw the care bears on an end cap. There was only 1 wish bear and about 30 of all the others. Another lady came up just as I was reaching for the bear and tried to grab it. I held on tight and she tried to yank it out of my hands. She ended up bumping into the shelf and knocking all the other CB's on top of us. (Boy, those boxes are pointy) Anyway I ended up with the carebear and and bloody cut above my eye. She didn't look any better but she didn't have the bear :D

This will be my 4th year going...my first year I had a cart rammed into my at wallmart and it hit me in the ankles hard...and of coarse I was wearing like clogs or birks something that didnt come up very far...it hurt SOO bad :(


It wasnt black fri but when they had the furbys I watched a woman get her nose broke over one in target! :confused:

I ran right out of my shoe one year going after a gamecube. Someone stepped on my shoe and I just kept going. The girl I had met in line grabbed my shoe and I grabbed her a gamecube... hehe I was like Mel Gibson that year, someone stepped in front of me on my way into Electronics after the gamecubes and I never stopped running, me and my one sock foot hopped up onto the checkout counter and slid into Electronics before I started passing the cubes to people who came after me. Once I was able to get out I got my shoe, ran up front, checked out and I was home and back in bed in less than an hour. YaY!!!
  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if it counts as an injury, but last year at CompUSA, I was trying to get a cheap GPS. During the rush in I was groped full on by one of the several men around me. Being a male myself I found this very upsetting and can only imagine what women have gone thru.




I worked at BB for two years, awhile ago. My first BF their we had TV's on sales, and I watched these two ladies on the floor fighting trying to get at them. The funniest part is everyone else just runs by trying to get to there items.


I know now to stay calm and cool no matter what happens that morning. ;)

Year before last we had a couple, my mother was hit in the head by people reaching over her for the portable dvd players at Wal-Mart. She was almost knocked to the floor but luckily we got her out of there. That same year my daughter who is now 15 was bitten on the hand by old ladies trying to get the GameBoy Advance at Wal-Mart. Luckily it didn't break the skin. That was her first year to go, I don't think it's the time or the place for little ones, and instead of scarinf her off, it made her more determined the next year. We get the usual, bruised or bloody heels, various bumps and bruises, every year, but nothing major.
  Gporter34 said:

That same year my daughter who is now 15 was bitten on the hand by old ladies trying to get the GameBoy Advance at Wal-Mart. Luckily it didn't break the skin.

No way, I would've bit her back or slapped her a shot, old lady or not! I can't believe it, your dd must've been shocked!


All of this talk has me excited about going bf shopping now :2bat::chairshot:slapcry::gdgirlfight3ol:

BF 2005 I was in Hallmark in my mall where the Ornaments are. And there were a huge crowd in that store right where the ornaments are. Anyways, I finally managed to get up to the ornaments and I bent down to pick one up. Just as I was about to stand up, someone got shoved into the ornaments and next thing I know a whole bunch of ornaments came toppling down and I ended up getting hit in the head with a lot of ornaments all in boxes. I ended up walking away with a huge migrane.
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