Kayakmom Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 To my Secret Santa... I wanted to post an update on what has become of my gifts. The soaps are being used - one in the downstairs bathroom (green matches perfectly) and one in the kitchen. They smell great and everyone loves them. I used the perfumes a couple times (nice!) and left them in the box near the tree. Well, today hubby comes downstairs to our room with the box and he took the perfumes out. I wondered what the heck he was doing. I had bought him a little gift that I won't disclose in this thread, but some who read the other forums may know by the clue "colossal collection". He used the box to store this particular special gift and put my perfumes on my dresser, lol. Meanwhile, we had been trying to think of a name for our Rock Band band. We went through some ideas over the past few days, but nothing seemed right. We wanted something special to us but nothing that would be too obvious to people we know (or our kids!) and today we found a name. We decided on "The Victoria Box". I don't know who you are so I wonder what your reaction will be, but it might be either or or or or . LOL. Either way, we love it and we were inspired by my Secret Santa gift. :) To my Ornament Exchange person - I love my ornament and when I FINALLY decorated my tree yesterday, my new ornament stayed near the top of the tree where I put all of my special ornaments. :) Thank you both!!!
eve'smom Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Eve YOU wouldn't give me info soooooooooooo you can't open it. lol:sidesplit :holiday04 Happy Holidays every one!
Swampbaby Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 OK I'm already looking forward to the 2008 Exchange. Getting ideas for cards as I didn't sign up for that this year. Should be ready to go just as soon as Eve gives the signal. Oh yeah, I will be on the ornament exchange again. I love the ones I received this year and they look so pretty on my tree.
eve Posted December 25, 2007 Author Posted December 25, 2007 ok so almost everyone should have all their stuff...... please pm me if you don't or have questions. it's close enough here is the list ornament exchangevicloo Sent to Shopping MomShopping Mom Sent to wyntyrosebella_4624_19 Sent to ddfoster1959aintstupid Did not Sent to becca0884]ddfoster1959 Sent to hockeyfanamolikewhoa Sent to laffnatuKayakmom Sent to likewhoaAndreaInNC Sent to bethanykay6gr8girls Sent to justjessie99krstee Sent to Kandyhwolf6330 Sent to ajdana726magickallight Sent to pastasaladchristib327 Sent to drmy91PeachieKeen Sent to Swampbabybethanykay6 Sent to CyntharianMcaitlinn Sent to eve'smommyervin2001 Sent to mcapel4444nikkilugi Sent to tlock1945sherril Sent to sadmom5hockeyfanamo Sent to mtallenJennifer0530 Sent to kselzermtallen Did not Sent to mychzazoemariesmamma Sent to AndreaInNCChristy Garner Sent to DramaQueenLucydgagnon Sent to guilliamjarerice Sent to myervin2001amyers12345 Sent to viclooMandaJo111 Sent to sherrilkamandjaw Sent to lovebears65pastasalad Sent to bella_4624_19pogiporkchop Sent to siageahSwampbaby Sent to eveKandy Sent to auntsisterDramaQueenLucy Sent to jarericewyntyrose Sent to sunni0913justjessie99 Sent to KayakmomIllinoismom Sent to krsteeSHELL35 Did not Sent to MandaJo111eve Sent to hwolf6330madi5 Sent to PeachieKeensiageah Sent to kamandjawmcapel4444 Sent to mahalia52tlock1945 Sent to madi5auntsister Sent to caitlinnGrassy Sent to pastasaladlovebears65 Sent to lvnlakers78eve'smom Sent to pogiporkchopdrmy91 Sent to IllinoismomBFQueenofNY Sent to ddfoster1959citrixguy Sent to aintstupidbecca0884 Sent to Christy Garnerann129 Sent to ang625kselzer Sent to ann129guilliam Sent to Jennifer0530CyntharianM Sent to gr8girlslaffnatu Sent to magickallightang625 Sent to BFQueenofNYsunni0913 Sent to zoemariesmammamychza Sent to amyers12345sadmom5 Sent to Grassybayhaysay Sent to christib327Lvnlakers78 Sent to nikkilugiajdana726 Sent to bayhaysaymahalia52 Sent to dgagnon Secret Santaajdana726 Sent to aerosmithgirlaintstupid Did not Sent to alimfpamyers12345 Sent to bella_4624_19ann129 Sent to jeninpa aerosmithgirl Sent to abentleyalimfp Sent to bayhaysayabentley Sent to bethanykay6bayhaysay Sent to caitlinnbethanykay6 Sent to christib327bella_4624_19 Sent to bugsettebugsette Sent to Christy GarnerChristy Garner Sent to citrixguycaitlinn Sent to CyntharianMchristib327 Sent to dmmillercitrixguy Sent to CocoaDiva43CyntharianM Sent to drmy91CocoaDiva43 Sent to droolbug2dgagnon Sent to gr8girlsdroolbug2 Did not Sent to DramaQueenLucydmmiller Sent to hwolf6330drmy91 Sent to guilliamDramaQueenLucy Sent to Fishboysmomeve Sent to likewhoaeve'smom Sent to dgagnonFishboysmom Sent to Grassygr8girls Sent to IllinoismomGrassy Sent to Jen198guilliam Sent to jazzy442hwolf6330 Sent to KayakmomIllinoismom Sent to kselzerJen198 Sent to jarericejazzy442 Sent to myervin2001jarerice Sent to kamandjawKayakmom Sent to laffnatukselzer Sent to lilquietkamandjaw Sent to lvnlakers78Kandy Sent to magickallightlikewhoa Sent to madi5laffnatu Sent to nikkilugililquiet Sent to pastasaladlvnlakers78 Sent to PeachieKeenmtallen Did not Sent to evemagickallight Sent to pogiporkchopmyervin2001 Sent to mychzaMandaJo111 Sent to eve'smommychza Sent to mcapel4444mcapel4444 Sent to noehlpmadi5 Sent to peekaboonikkilugi Sent to rykanoehlp Sent to sherrilpastasalad Sent to sunni0913PeachieKeen Sent to tori_deathangelpogiporkchop Sent to zoemariesmammapeekaboo Sent to ajdana726ryka Sent to Kandysherril Sent to SHELL35SHELL35 Did not Sent to sadmom5Shopping Mom Sent to ann129sadmom5 Sent to Shopping Mom sunni0913 Sent to aintstupidtori_deathangel Sent to amyers12345vicloo Sent to wyntyrosewyntyrose Sent to mtallenzoemariesmamma Sent to MandaJo111jeninpa Sent to vicloo alimfp (elf) sent ss to eveharrispizza4(elf) sent ss to DramaQueenLucyheatherkw(Elf) sent ornament to MandaJo111Swampbaby(elf) sent ornament to Kandymrn8(elf) sent ss to alimfpZoemariesmamma(elf) sent ss to sadmom5Eve(elf) sent ornament to mychzaBugsette(elf) sent ornament to becca0884 i'm tired and going to bed, 'night all,
alimfp Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 OMG, I had a feeling my elf was Nate (from the senders name and location, haha) but then I kept thinking, "No, he's not participating.. I don't remember seeing him post on this thread" LOL! Thank you, Nate!!! I am starting in on the book later this week. Again, Eve, thank you so so much. You did a heckuva job with everything this year. :)
ajdana726 Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 I am lol so hard, it says i sent myself the ornamanet.......I will forgive you i know that is late and probably has been a long day...I sent to bayhaysay Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
Swampbaby Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Eve, thanks so very much for all the hard work you've put into this 2007 Christmas Exchange. I know it's made me feel very special and I'm really looking forward to next year. Hopefully, those who did not follow through will not be allowed to join in next year. You know, once burned, twice shy.
Kandy Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Thanks so much for everyone who joined in the exchange & for all the elves last minutes works. I enjoyed doing this once again and look forward to it again. Thank's again eve. Job well done.
becca0884 Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Thanks again for running this, Eve. I really enjoyed it this year and look forward to participating again next year. :) I also want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!
DramaQueenLucy Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Thanks for the info eve...now you may open...lol
pastasalad Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Thank You Grassy for the beautiful ornament and again to lilquiet who was my ss Thanks Have a very Merry Christmas everyone
heatherkw Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 I have been off for a few days since DH left to go back to Iraq and exciting news as well -- that will be in a new thread. i got TWO beautiful personalized ornaments from my secret elf. And the timing could not have been better. I took DH to the airport on the 20th. When I got home I checked the mail. Since we are on post we have little locking boxes and if there is a package there will be a key to the larger box. And lo and behold there was a key. I always feel like a kid on a scavenger hunt when there is a key lol. I opened the box right there at the mailbox. The first ornament I opened was an American flag that said "God Bless SGT Nuckoles" :) Awe that one made me cry. A good cry mind you, it was so sweet. So then I realized there was a second one in the box. I opened it and it was a gorgeous frosted glass cross with God Bless the Nuckoles Family engraved on it. They are so beautiful. They look great on the tree. I took close up pics of them on the tree and sent to DH. He just made it back to Iraq today so he should see them soon. Thank you so much. :) It was so thoughtful. For those of you who are not happy about having to have an elf. Let me just say that I feel even more special getting an elf because I got someone that did something purely from their hearts, not because they were getting anything in return. Had my husband not been heading back right through all of this I would have gladly volunteered to be an elf. And trust me I will be next year.Thanks for posting the list Eve. I just wanted to say I had fun being an elf. I was VERY excited when she gave me my name b/c I pray for them all the time since she posted she pics of DH leaving. I imagine MandaJo knows it was me since I had to do a direct ship b/c it was so late already. I am glad I didn't get the one that had ALL their names on it since she is preggo. I was wondering if they would have more and thats why I didn't do one like that. Good thing:tongue1: I did want to do something special for DH since he is serving his country and his family is taking such good care of him so he can do his duty! Anyway I had fun and maybe next year I will remember to read the holiday thread a little earlier and sign up to join in time!
lennon2004 Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Thanks for all your work eve. :) And thanks to everyone for the cards! :)
eve Posted December 25, 2007 Author Posted December 25, 2007 link i just opened my boxmy elf, alimfp, sent me this cool essential burner, it came with lavender oil and candle so im all set for a relaxing evening one of these nights;)i told her she didn't have to get me anything, and this is really neatthanks;):gdhug1: i hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas,Happy Holiday
hwolf6330 Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 To my Secret Santa... I wanted to post an update on what has become of my gifts. The soaps are being used - one in the downstairs bathroom (green matches perfectly) and one in the kitchen. They smell great and everyone loves them. I used the perfumes a couple times (nice!) and left them in the box near the tree. Well, today hubby comes downstairs to our room with the box and he took the perfumes out. I wondered what the heck he was doing. I had bought him a little gift that I won't disclose in this thread, but some who read the other forums may know by the clue "colossal collection". He used the box to store this particular special gift and put my perfumes on my dresser, lol. Meanwhile, we had been trying to think of a name for our Rock Band band. We went through some ideas over the past few days, but nothing seemed right. We wanted something special to us but nothing that would be too obvious to people we know (or our kids!) and today we found a name. We decided on "The Victoria Box". I don't know who you are so I wonder what your reaction will be, but it might be either or or or or . LOL. Either way, we love it and we were inspired by my Secret Santa gift. :) To my Ornament Exchange person - I love my ornament and when I FINALLY decorated my tree yesterday, my new ornament stayed near the top of the tree where I put all of my special ornaments. :) Thank you both!!!Okay, Now that you know who your SS is, I can comment. It was killing me not to say anything sooner. I am so glad you like everything. As far as the use for the box, that is a good idea. Very discreet and it can be tied shut
eve'smom Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Thank you caitlinn & MandaJo111 for my ornament& my gift. I had so much fun this year I can't wait to do this next year.I hope every one has a safe,Christmas, New Years!:
DramaQueenLucy Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 eve you did a great job thanks so much for all that you did!! I want to thank my ornament person Christy Garner...yay I finally know who you are the Christmas tree is beautiful and how I love the Charlie Brown tree and book that you sent along with it that was above and beyond I thank you! I send my elf, harrispizza4, a special thanks you ran out last minute so I could get a SS and in the small amount of time that you had you still made it so special. The boys and the dogs loved their treats very much. Merry Christmas
hwolf6330 Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 dmmiller, thanks so much for the cheesecake. It was delicious. I saved it for today to share with the whole family. Eve, thanks for the ornament. It looks so pretty hanging on my tree in the kitchen/dining room. :)
laffnatu Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Thanks to likewhoa for the snowman christmas ornanments! Thanks Kayakmom for the B&BW bubble bath stuff and candle. I haven't had a chance to use them yet, but I plan on taking time to myself after all the birthdays are over this week. LOL
MandaJo111 Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Thanks for posting the list Eve. I just wanted to say I had fun being an elf. I was VERY excited when she gave me my name b/c I pray for them all the time since she posted she pics of DH leaving. I imagine MandaJo knows it was me since I had to do a direct ship b/c it was so late already. I am glad I didn't get the one that had ALL their names on it since she is preggo. I was wondering if they would have more and thats why I didn't do one like that. Good thing:tongue1: I did want to do something special for DH since he is serving his country and his family is taking such good care of him so he can do his duty! Anyway I had fun and maybe next year I will remember to read the holiday thread a little earlier and sign up to join in time!You know I did not know it was from you. Your name was no where on the package. It came direct from the company. They were in the nicest little velvet bags too. :) I feel extra special to have had you as my elf. Who knows maybe I will get you next year for secret Santa Thank you again :) Oh and as far as having more kids. Yeah DH wanted 16 when we got married. I have talked him down to 3 or 4 and we can foster and/or adopt later on down the road. lol I still can't believe I am actually preggo. :) zoemariesmamma -- You did so great with the gifts. :) I am still being a good girl and have not opened my birthday present or card yet. :) Thank you so much for all of the thoughtful gifts. You put a lot of time and thought into the.
magickallight Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Eve? Why does it show under ornament exchange that magickallight Sent to magickallight ?
jeninpa Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Okay, I have got to have the oddest SS,lol, it says they are a new member who joined 11-4-07 with 1 post!!! "Ann129" I was so excited to thank my SS so if this is actually my SS thank you soooo much but I don't know how exactly this could be,lol. Now I feel like a detective,ROFL, my SS's ONLY post is that they recieved their gift although the list shows nobody even had them. This will bug me until the mystery is solved.....especially since I LOVED my gift and want to know who to thank,lol.
kselzer Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Eve? Why does it show under ornament exchange that magickallight Sent to magickallight ? Were you by chance my ornament exchange person???? b/c my name isn't listed and I received an ornament...:)
Kandy Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 my OE person krstee did come through at the last minute rev'd on 12/24 as well as an elf Swampbaby also rec'vd 12/24. I heard krstee had a baby...Congrats Krstee.
kselzer Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Okay, I have got to have the oddest SS,lol, it says they are a new member who joined 11-4-07 with 1 post!!! "Ann129" I was so excited to thank my SS so if this is actually my SS thank you soooo much but I don't know how exactly this could be,lol. Now I feel like a detective,ROFL, my SS's ONLY post is that they recieved their gift although the list shows nobody even had them. This will bug me until the mystery is solved.....especially since I LOVED my gift and want to know who to thank,lol.I bought Ann129 her ornament. I figured eve knew what she was doing since Ann129's address matched another member's address (I was worried when I first got the name too and did some detective work ). But it was hard not having posts to go look through to get an idea of the type of things they liked and such, but the "likes" list was helpful.
kselzer Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Thanks Illinoismom for my SS gift - you are awesome :) MERRY CHRISTMAS all! I had a great time participating this year.
Kayakmom Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Okay, Now that you know who your SS is, I can comment. It was killing me not to say anything sooner. I am so glad you like everything. As far as the use for the box, that is a good idea. Very discreet and it can be tied shut Hehe, yep, nothing went to waste! Thank you again. :)
Illinoismom Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Thanks Illinoismom for my SS gift - you are awesome :) MERRY CHRISTMAS all! I had a great time participating this year.I am so happy uou liked the Items, You were not as easy as the mooses last year, But I am thrilled you liked them, I want to thank my SS and Ornament people they were great and I loved it all. Eve as always this is amazing and you never took me up on elf duty this year, But thats okay. You do an amazing job with this, I am a memeber of another forum, non deals, and I joined their ss and I never recieved nor diod who I send for ever stated they liked it hated it or anything. So next year it will be this one only,.
eve Posted December 26, 2007 Author Posted December 26, 2007 I bought Ann129 her ornament. I figured eve knew what she was doing since Ann129's address matched another member's address (I was worried when I first got the name too and did some detective work ). But it was hard not having posts to go look through to get an idea of the type of things they liked and such, but the "likes" list was helpful.Okay, I have got to have the oddest SS,lol, it says they are a new member who joined 11-4-07 with 1 post!!! "Ann129" I was so excited to thank my SS so if this is actually my SS thank you soooo much but I don't know how exactly this could be,lol. Now I feel like a detective,ROFL, my SS's ONLY post is that they recieved their gift although the list shows nobody even had them. This will bug me until the mystery is solved.....especially since I LOVED my gift and want to know who to thank,lol.Ann129 and eve'smom have been both casual watchers here for almost as long as i've been a member,lol, they wanted in on the fun so i said they had to actually join, i knew they would hold up their end so i didn't think anyone would mind;) it's really cute my mom really has no idea how to post or pm or anything but she has had so much fun learning and talking with everyone. I told her she has to start going to the lounge now, she'll love it. Eve? Why does it show under ornament exchange that magickallight Sent to magickallight ?i'll have to look at the list when i go home later this week, sorry:no: i was tired and in a hurry when i wrote it out the other night.feel free to post who you had if you want.
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