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STUPID questions people ask you in the line


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Well, my girlfriend and I were #1 and #2 at a Best Buy in Miami, here are some of the stupid questions we were asked.


Is it open today?

What are you buying?

Why are you standing in line?

How many PS3's are there?

How many Wii's are there?

What is on sale?

Can I see the flyer? I got here and have no idea what is on sale.

(People over #100 coming to the front and asking) What are you getting to the whole line trying to see if they will get an item thats ticketed.


And the stupidest one all day...





Then I had the usual people driving by and cursing at you and stuff.


Fun day!

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Guest JeepMom
When I was waiting for the wal mart lap top earlier an employee asked the people in line what were wait for. I replied "Cheese" and she's like "Huh?" I say "Cheese, we are waiting on Cheese". Someone down in the line told her what we were waiting for. The guy next to me and I laughed at it. He said we were waiting for the gov'ment cheese, not just cheese at midnight.
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Me and my husband were #4 and #5 in line at Best Buy. We got asked so much crap we started answering with just as stupid questions.



What are you waiting for? >>>>> Santa Clause!


What all do they sale here? >>>>> Porn!


How long have you been here? >>>>> Since (enter your birth year)!


What time did you get here? >>>>> At ( enter you time of birth)!


Really, what time did you get here? >>>>> Monday evening, but they kept making us leave!


Can we have one of your tickets? >>>>> Yeah, ask me when I come back out!


And the kicker.....


Aren't you cold? >>>>> Nope, just my entire body!




What a wild ride!!! I think I'll do it again next year!:thumbsup:

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Guy drove by and said why are you standing in line . We said because of the black fri sale .. He said whats on sale we told him . He said your standing in line for that .> We said and then told him the prices.. Then he said your kidding right. So one girl says No we are just sitting here to see how many other people can sit in line then we are leaving :tongue1: Then said the famous words HERES YOUR SIGN :eek:
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Was at target last sunday morning for nintendoWii,Stood in line for 2 hours. Finally at 7:00

they gave out tickets for units. After everyone recieved tickets alot of people left because the store didn't open till 8:00. A man walked up and cut in line as the door was opened. Still

had to wait about 45 minutes,only letting 2-3 people pick games and system at a time. This man was behind me with games he had picked out. The cashier asked him for his ticket. :shock: what ticket? Duh!!! Then he complained about waiting the 45 minutes,after

people had camped out for a night.:rolleyes:

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Happily, I get in line late enough and am anti-social enough not to get asked silly questions. I hear plenty of imbecilic comments, but I usually just roll my eyes and let them believe their own silly myths.


This lady comes up to the front of the line (I was #5) and asked if this is the end of the line for Shoe Carnival.

You should have said, "No, we're all waiting for the tanning salon."


I like the porn thing. I'll have to use that next time.

Yeah, but those people weren't joking :jester:


The lady who was checking out behind us at Walmart leaned over and asked me while we were getting our items price matched, oh they will match other store's ads? (DUH)

Proper response: "Oh, you're right. They only price match their own ads!" :bonk:
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I had some Indian friends of mine in my group and all of the Indians who drove by would come up to them and ask in Hindi what was going on and if they were late for the deals. My friend would give me a signal if they asked if they can cut in line and in Hindi I would tell them no. That freaked them out so they would leave.
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I agree that most of the "supid questions" are pretty stupid. But I beg to differ on "What are you trying to buy?" My husband and I were around numbers 80-90 on line at Circuit City. We arrived about 1:00 am. We came specifically to purchase the Sony 40" LCD TV at $1199- I called on Wed night to find out how many of these TV's were available at this price. I was told the price is only available between 5-11 am, and that there were 25 available at this location. (Found out after getting into store that there were 0 in the store but price would be honored anyway..) Anyway the manager would not tell me on the phone that rain checks were available, as long as TV was paid for. So going on the assumption that you could only get this price if the TV was in the store, I certainly didn't want to stand around in the cold all night for nothing. So my husband asked the people in front of us from the front of the store to where we were standing to find out how many people were planning to purchase this TV. No one was irritated. People were very friendly, sharing with each other what they were in line for, to be curtious so that people wouldn't be wasting their time.
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Having people ask me questions does not bother me at all. What would bother me is hearing someone reply to an innocent inquiry with a sarcastic reply. I have a feeling that most of those people were just trying to make small talk, or legitimately needed a response for whatever reason.
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Well most people know whats on sale, what time a store opens and if this is a line. While we were in line for the MP3 at walmart we happened to be in front of the cool whip. So when some asked what we were in line for we would say this side is for the Cool whip ( which had no one in the line, and the other line is for the MP3 we got more laughs out of that one.
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The only thing that really bothered me I guess was a woman who would jump into your face and ask over and over What time is it now, How about now etc. This just kept going on for about 4 hrs. Even after someone said "It's about 5 min later from the last time you asked me. I know it's minor but this woman would jump into your face, then fire questions at you one after another.


I felt like I was with my kids on a trip "Are we there yet?" NO "Are we there yet?" No "How 'bout now?" Not yet. LOL

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The only thing that really bothered me I guess was a woman who would jump into your face and ask over and over What time is it now, How about now etc. This just kept going on for about 4 hrs. Even after someone said "It's about 5 min later from the last time you asked me. I know it's minor but this woman would jump into your face, then fire questions at you one after another.


I felt like I was with my kids on a trip "Are we there yet?" NO "Are we there yet?" No "How 'bout now?" Not yet. LOL



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I hate price matching (it doesn't have to be BF) and the person behind you(being nosy) asks if they can borrow your ad. I almost always say 'No, I need it somewhere else'. I also make the employee go make a copy if they say they need one. They hate that:tongue1: . They have to close the register and walk to customer service to make a copy. It's really good if you have a line behind you. Lol.
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