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I ran into two situations where the picture on the ad was not what was offered at that price. Both were DVDs.


The first was Cirucit City. In their 2 for $8 Dvds ad, they prominantly display the special edition cover for Ferris Beuhler's Day Off, but the regular edition (which I already own) was what was in the bin.


Next at Wal-Mart, in their $9.87 Dvd ad, they show the collectors edition X-men III, but only had the regular edition available in the store.


Of course, being Black Friday, no one really cared when I brought it up an neither store had the opposite version available. It's really no big deal, but it's dissapointing to a videophile, such as myself, to look for specific Dvds and not find them.


Anybody else run into this?



I did. Walmart's printed Ad listed the My little pony castles as being $49.93 and available both instore and on walmart.com ... They were available on walmart.com, but our store had them for $53.88 instead of $49.93
Oh you mean like the guy behind me at CC that thought b/c it didn't say anything about having to have a voucher for the laptop he should be able to get one. Though him shouting bull**** repeatedly in front of his daughter was amuzing.
That sounds like what my DH did. But I don't think he was cursing. He was so upset after he found out that they handed out vouchers for the laptop computers and they had them available - but was only giving them to the people with the vouchers. It didn't say anywhere about vouchers in the ad, online or in the store.
  duls89 said:

The walmart I went to sold the triology set of x-men for $9.72, so I got all three movies for that price...

That is evil and wrong, you lucky sonnafagun!


Sports Authority rang up a 25% discount twice giving me a 50% discount. Best deal I got outside of Tower's going out of business sale




I contacted Wal-Mart central and they said they received quite a few complaints about it. Told me to call the district manager locally and they'd have to sell me the disc at that price.


Still waiting to hear from Circuit city.

The Sears ad was misleading about Ice Age 2. Looking at the ad, you would have thought it was $5.99. Hubby went there to get the free $10 GC and asked about it. They said it was a misprint. He called me and I picked up one at WM and PMed it with Compusa's ad for $9.99.
  laffnatu said:

The Sears ad was misleading about Ice Age 2. Looking at the ad, you would have thought it was $5.99. Hubby went there to get the free $10 GC and asked about it. They said it was a misprint. He called me and I picked up one at WM and PMed it with Compusa's ad for $9.99.

I don't have Sear's ad near me, but if it looked as if Ice Age 2 was on sale for 5.99, why not try to PM it for 5.99 at walmart?

  Josher5513 said:

I don't have Sear's ad near me, but if it looked as if Ice Age 2 was on sale for 5.99, why not try to PM it for 5.99 at walmart?


I considered it at Walmart. I received some slack from an employee while I was Pming quite a few boxed sets. First he told me that they weren't pming. Then he calls the operator and asks if they are Pming VHS. The operator says yes, they are pming VHS. ( I didn't have any vhs, most everything were dvd boxed set except for Geisha and Ice Age.)


He then has to call a CSM over because the House Season 1 box set was reg. $46.84 and I was trying to Pm it for $12.99. He tells the CSM that the operator said they were Pming VHS. I asked him then if they even sell VHS anymore. LOL. I didn't notice any back there but then again I wasn't looking. He tells the CSM that since he already started Pming me, that he would finish.


I should have tried it with the Sears ad but I figured he would argue with me about it. So I didn't press my luck. LOL.


On this site, the link to the Western Digital 250 GB harddrive @ Best Buy was to the essential edition and not the premium edition. The ad and sale was for the one with the green light, the one linked from this site to Best Buy in the other forum was to the Blue one (premium).


I saw tons of people in my Best Buy who picked up the Blue one instead of Green, sucks for them when they got rung up and got charged an extra $90 for the Premium Edition.

I PM'd Ice Age 2 for 3.99 at WM. My sears ad make it look like 3.99, and the clerk that I prefer at my WM is always easy with the PM's!
  pam24 said:

I PM'd Ice Age 2 for 3.99 at WM. My sears ad make it look like 3.99, and the clerk that I prefer at my WM is always easy with the PM's!

I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only person that thought it was included in the deal. They should have never put it there if it wasn't included with the cheap movies.



The way the ad looked it could have gone either way I think.. either $3.99 or $5.99. I thought it looked more like $3.99 but I thought I would have had a really hard time pming that. LOL.


I should have tried with the Sears ad anyway.

the cc i went on the ad had season 2 of house picture listed there and the sales guy had the nerve to tell me that is season one.... i should have argued with them on that.
  JChui said:

the cc i went on the ad had season 2 of house picture listed there and the sales guy had the nerve to tell me that is season one.... i should have argued with them on that.

OMG! You are right! I thought it was Season 1 also. I wondered why the box was blue and the writing area was orange.


I Pmed Season 1 at Walmart when it should have been Season 2.


Why in the world did they make the boxes look so much alike.....

Circuit City had nice really nice Optoma Projector/Dvd player w/ free screen and subwoofer for $499.99 after rebates, I went at 3:30 to try and grab one. Only problem was that there was only ONE in the store!!!!!!!! You'd expect them to at least have more than one if theyr'e gonna advertise it.. Also this video card I wanted, only had 4 on the shelf. What is up with this, I'm losing faith in BF..I tell ya, Circuit City bait and switch..
I got Season 1 of House at CC and in the checkout line my sister pointed out that it was Season 2 in the ad, but Season 1 was all that CC had in the $12.99 bin. I should have tried to argue for Season 2 at the $12.99 price but the girl checking us out at CC was so slow I couldn't bother with giving her another task to take her sweet time with.
Here's my story. Went to BB for bf and got the $250. laptop doorbuster and the verizon internet card (priced at$49.99) plus $100. off a laptop. Went to pay for it it rang up $179.99 had a descion with the sales rep. then another bb empolyee steped in got the card reduced since i was a new sign-up i got the verizon card for free i asked what about the $100. off of the laptop and he said since i got the card for free i'm not entiled to get the 100 bucks and they can not reduce a doorbuster laptop. Why did they print that in the ad? Please look at the bf ad for BB and you decide. I would have been happy to pay the $49.99 and get $100. off the laptop. (which i should have gotten in the first place).

Got an email from CC on the Ferris Bueller. They are sending me a $10 credit to adjust the price. It retails there for $12.99 - $10 credit is $2.99 or less than the ad. Yea, me!


Still no word back from Walleyworld.



My issue was macy's and the BOGOF bras. The signs in the stored said "BOGOF all (list of brands)" When I took my selection to the counter, they tried to tell me that mine wasn't included in the sale. The two I picked were part of the listed brands - So I told them that their sign DOES NOT say select styles, but rather ALL, and I had picked part of ALL.

I went to Circuit city in the morning to buy a the dvd player for 57.99, a guy at the store was handing them out and and there was a sign right by him, he gave me a polarid brand dvd player, when i check my reciept i not only didnt get the instant savings but i didnt get the rebate either. The portable dvd player advertised in the ad pages for 57.99 is the only ad in the entire paper that does not list the brand name. I think Circuit City pulled a fast one here. If they dont give me the rebate i will take it up the the BBB.



Did anyone else buy this 57.99 dvd player?

Went to Meijer's on Thanksgiving night after I realized I wasn't going to get my 189 desktop at BB. Went back to electronics looking for the GameBoy with 2 free games (it said "choose from any GBA games in stock). Got the last Game Boy. My son picked out the 2 games, 1 for 29.99 and 1 for 34.99. It wouldn't ring up right. Waited for about 15 minute or so and the manager came up and said it was only for games 29.99 and less. Didn't argue, just picked out a different game. But the ad did say any game in stock. My son was just happy to get it.



I went on Thanksgiving night and waited in line for the 9pm opening. They had a DLO home dock for ipod on sale for 59.00. When store opened I found advertised sign and selected item. Had to wait in checkout line for over an hour, when I got to checkout it rang up149.00 when I showed cashier the ad he called someone to register who said you have the deluxe model and sale is for regular model. I showed him the sign and where the sign was it was all deluxe models. He said sign is in wrong place I said ok where are the regular ones and was told we never got them in. He then said "You can buy this one for 149.00 or you are out of luck" That was my last visit to CompUSA

  Mikser said:



I went on Thanksgiving night and waited in line for the 9pm opening. They had a DLO home dock for ipod on sale for 59.00. When store opened I found advertised sign and selected item. Had to wait in checkout line for over an hour, when I got to checkout it rang up149.00 when I showed cashier the ad he called someone to register who said you have the deluxe model and sale is for regular model. I showed him the sign and where the sign was it was all deluxe models. He said sign is in wrong place I said ok where are the regular ones and was told we never got them in. He then said "You can buy this one for 149.00 or you are out of luck" That was my last visit to CompUSA

In many states, this could be a legal case of false advertisement... Especially if the manager acknowledges it's screwed up.

  Mikser said:



I went on Thanksgiving night and waited in line for the 9pm opening. They had a DLO home dock for ipod on sale for 59.00. When store opened I found advertised sign and selected item. Had to wait in checkout line for over an hour, when I got to checkout it rang up149.00 when I showed cashier the ad he called someone to register who said you have the deluxe model and sale is for regular model. I showed him the sign and where the sign was it was all deluxe models. He said sign is in wrong place I said ok where are the regular ones and was told we never got them in. He then said "You can buy this one for 149.00 or you are out of luck" That was my last visit to CompUSA

Oh I know I wouldn't be too happy either. That's not right. Is there anyone you can write to about this? Maybe if it happened to more than one person and they wrote the company, you could get a decent response!? Best of luck ;)


I sent them a letter on their website telling them I had made my last trip to CompUSA and I was telling them why just like I will be telling others.

From now on I will pricematch their ad at other stores.

  Mikser said:



I went on Thanksgiving night and waited in line for the 9pm opening. They had a DLO home dock for ipod on sale for 59.00. When store opened I found advertised sign and selected item. Had to wait in checkout line for over an hour, when I got to checkout it rang up149.00 when I showed cashier the ad he called someone to register who said you have the deluxe model and sale is for regular model. I showed him the sign and where the sign was it was all deluxe models. He said sign is in wrong place I said ok where are the regular ones and was told we never got them in. He then said "You can buy this one for 149.00 or you are out of luck" That was my last visit to CompUSA


If it were me, I'd call my state's attorney general. Don't know where you live but I'm in CT and that guy is ALWAYS on our local NBC station complaining about some sort of "injustice". That or the BBB might be an option. Or you could try a letter to corporate first, name the manager by name if you can, and explain to them that you are hoping to get resolution with them and if not you will be forced to take it to the ______ (Better Business Bureau, State Attorney General, Chamber of Commerce, local news channel, etc....). Perhaps that will ensure a quicker response. Also don't forget that it often goes farther to mail a letter than to email, and if it were me I'd send it with delivery confirmation and signature required- that'd get some extra attention. Good luck.

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