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I agree the 22" Westinghouse is hands down the best PC monitor deal out there this year...

just wish there was a 23-24" that can do 1920x1200 on sale this year... 1050 vertical isn't

enough for me.

  chandras83 said:

How good is the Samsung 19" Widescreen LCD @ Staples for $129.99 compared to this???

It's only 1440x900 resolution, but if that's enough desktop space for you, it's a good

monitor. Samsung makes good LCD PC monitors.


My other problem with it besides the resolution is I wanted to use it as a TV for tailgating,

like I use my 17" Dell W1700 for currently. So, one a 19" isn't a big jump up, and two, the

Samsung won't have the TV inputs like Component video for HDTV I believe like the

Westinghouse does.


Other than those two things though, that's a good price on a good monitor.


They are with some of their new LCD TVs, so it's interesting that you say that about their

LCD monitors.


Here's a hands on user review: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1084570


To me it didn't look as bright and crisp in Best Buy as the other monitors they had, but that

could also have been settings since they were all displaying the same feed and we couldn't

mess with them much.


Could you make this a sticky? Or start a thread to compare BF deals on LCD monitors? I searched for a comparison of LCD monitors for BF and this is the closest I could get.



  neverborn said:

Westinghouse isn't a respectable brand - I bet that one comes with free dead pixels, that's my issue with not declaring it the winner.

I can only hope that there's more people like you out there so I can easily get one of these. You know nothing about Westinghouse as a brand, you're just assuming it's not good. There's really no need for this thread because the 22" Westinghouse is the best deal by far.

I picked up the 26" Widescreen LCD HDTV monitor at BB last year. The picture with HD is fantastic, and it works well as a monitor. However, I have had it lock up on me like 3-4 times where I was switching between sources and had to pull the plug to reset it. Also, the refresh rate is not the best; on certain really fast-action scenes on certain movies (explosions and the like) I experience some pixellation. With that being said, would I do it again? Yes. It's just for my bedroom, and for what I paid for it ($450 after signing up for Comcast, which I had anyway:D), it does what I need it to do
  soupsplatterer said:

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that you can do that w/ any monitor as long as your video adapter supports it.

Yeah but it is hard to type and hold the monitor on it's side at the same time. Especially a 22" wide screen.

  neverborn said:

T0mmy, way to threadcrap.

He wasn't thread crapping and I agree with his post. I have personal experience with a Westinghouse LCD and it had ZERO dead pixels.


Please read the forum rules and keep this thread on topic.


I live in the Metro East Illinois suburban area of Saint Louis. This will be my first black friday. Should I get my hopes up at getting one of those mags or the samsung? from Best buy?


I need to purchase a couple of monitors and those prices are right!

I've owned a 19" MAG 4:3 LCD for a little over a year now. It's great as a monitor, I don't really watch video on it, but it does only have 8ms response time. Personally, I'd go with Samsung over MAG, but they'll probably be pretty comparable. Why not jsut get the 22" westinghouse? If you're getting that AND another monitor, then I can see why you'd get the Samsung.
how early do you guys think we'll need to be for the 22 in Westinghouse. Hate to tell you guys this but my eyes are on that one too!! I'm thinking 2 or 3 am.... you guys think that's early enough?? I always here stories about people showing up around 3am to 100-200 people in line already. Shoot maybe I need to head there even earlier?

the 22 inch also has speakers on it, which I didn't notice when I purchased it online this morning for the 5 minutes it happen to be in stock. Added bonus if you don't have desktop speakers, which I don't.


135 is a great price for the 19 inch flat panel.

I'd recommend the 129 Samsung over the 135 Westinghouse (Samsung is at BBY) - I purchased an earlier version of that self-same model last year for 199, got in line at 4am at BBY, was the third one to grab one.
  Great Dane Mom said:

So, assuming I can't snag one of the 22" Westinghouse monitors, what do ya'all think about the 19" Westinghouse from Target for $149? I have a 10% off instore card so, my cost would be $135ish.

I bought this one this morning (the 19") at Target with no lines, no waiting. My husband carried it in and changed out the old one and Taaa-Daaa, I've got a new monitor that is bright. The old Gateway one kept getting darker and darker no matter what adjustments we made. I didn't know if I would like the widescreen, but I do!

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