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What are some of the Craziest or Funniest things you have seen on BF ?


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One of the craziest things I have seen was a guy waiting in the Walmart line with shorts and flip flops on. I swear it was below freezing that day I don't know how he survived. Another weird thing I saw was two women fighting over "the last cart" when there were a ton of additional carts a couple feet away in McDonalds area of Walmart :eyepoppin
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Funny things I saw were people in their jammies in line at Wal-Mart. For some reason most of the wierdos come to Wal-Mart on BF. :eek:


Far as one of the most craziest things I've ever seen for a BF? I didn't see it in person but there was a video that was passed around last year. Takes place at a Wal-Mart some BF's ago. The door opens and the associates dive for cover as the start of the line comes crashing thru. :eyepoppin Some poor lil' lady was at the very front, but she wasn't fast enough for the people behind her as they literally trampled the poor lady. You can see her gettin' stepped on and ran over and everthing. It was nuts. Apparantly the lady did get hurt a little. :( And that was not too long before I was in the line at WM myself. :shock: Fortunately, our WM was much more organized. I'll try to find the video if I can.

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I'm still trying to figure out the 14 year old boy who was in line behind us at BB. Wouldn't say what he was planning to get and didn't take a ticket for the doorbusters. But he made numerous phone calls overnight, asking people to bring him things... something to eat, then a jacket, then a 6 pack of soda. And different people actually brought them! Last time I saw him he was wandering through the video game section with empty hands... :confused:
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And if you're there to see them, you know what that means . . . :razz:

Yes, I am a wierdo :D and no, I would not go out in public in my pajamas :eyepoppin . Not just cuz it's very cold weather, but jeez people, have some decency in public and slip on a pair of jeans and a dirty t-shirt before leaving the house. It takes about 30 seconds even though that's enough time for about half a dozen more people to get in line. And by wierdos, I mean not just the pajama people. For example, last year there were some teens who came up right behind us actin' like they just came from bein' at the bar all nite. Others were just 'tweekin' like they were doin' drugs earlier. That's about when security started monitoring the line.


I'm crazy, but I ain't stupid. :razz:

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Anybody in their right mind wouldn't be out at WM on BF especially in the freezing cold at some ungodly hour.

Only the smart ones bundle up and prepare the night before. But smart or not, those are the ones gettin' all the computers and plasma TVs.


I know, I am usually there:D

Me too. None of us are in our right minds, eh? :cheesy:

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I saw something I thought was funny last year. Some people brought this little grill thingie that was low to the ground and they gathered around and burned a log to keep warm. :yup: I am glad I wasnt very close to them in line because I would have been upset about the smoke. When the store opened and the line moved they just left it there.
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When the lady who cut us in line at KB Toys fell on her butt after getting told to go to the end of the line. She pretended to be an employee and told us she was waiting for the guards to unlock the door. She got up, but seeing her slip and fall on her butt gave me some satisfaction. LOL. Im bad
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Last year at Wal-mart I was the first person standing at the Cabbage Patch Newborns then several other people gathered around the pallet. By the time that the pallet was opened there was a hugh crowd behind us. As soon as it was opened everyone started pushing to be able to get one, I got my two in my cart but I couldn't move because of the crowd. This was the first time in all my years of BF shopping that I was pushed and it hurt cause they pushed me into my cart and the CPN boxes, which made me really mad so I just started throwing the boxes behind me! Just image a woman throwing boxes behind her without knowing where they were going. I was doing the alternating hand throwing...right hand throwing a box over my head and left hand picking up a box and so on. A couple times I threw three or four boxes at one time and I even ended up seeing some boxes that I must have thrown so high and far that they ended up two rows behind me in the middle of a toy isle! After seeing me throwing the boxes a walmart employee standing there started doing the same thing on her side of the pallet! At the time I was so mad and just wanted to get the rest of my deals but shortly after leaving I called my DH who was at another store and I laughed my ass off about it!
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Last year at Wal-mart I was the first person standing at the Cabbage Patch Newborns then several other people gathered around the pallet. By the time that the pallet was opened there was a hugh crowd behind us. As soon as it was opened everyone started pushing to be able to get one, I got my two in my cart but I couldn't move because of the crowd. This was the first time in all my years of BF shopping that I was pushed and it hurt cause they pushed me into my cart and the CPN boxes, which made me really mad so I just started throwing the boxes behind me! Just image a woman throwing boxes behind her without knowing where they were going. I was doing the alternating hand throwing...right hand throwing a box over my head and left hand picking up a box and so on. A couple times I threw three or four boxes at one time and I even ended up seeing some boxes that I must have thrown so high and far that they ended up two rows behind me in the middle of a toy isle! After seeing me throwing the boxes a walmart employee standing there started doing the same thing on her side of the pallet! At the time I was so mad and just wanted to get the rest of my deals but shortly after leaving I called my DH who was at another store and I laughed my ass off about it!

OMG, I am dying laughing! I would probably have PIMP if I had seen that! (can you imagine being 2 or 3 isles over and all the sudden being hit by a flying cabbage patch) :lmao:



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I think the funniest thing that ever happened to me was a few years ago at Walmart. This was before our Walmart was open 24 hours. I was going through a divorce and asked a male friend of mine to help me obtain a small pool table that was a door buster that morning. So, off we went to Walmart to stand in line around 4:30 a.m. and it was about 35 degrees out. Anyway, I had some other things on my list so when the store opened, I told him to go get the pool table and I'd get the other things and we'd meet up somewhere. So, off I ran, grabbed my stuff and headed to toy department when I see him coming toward me empty handed. I was disappointed and figured surely he didn't know how to shop on this crazy morning. I was just about to ask him if they were out of the pool table already, when I realized he had blood running down his head/face. I said OMG...what happened? He said that he was trying to find the pool tables, when there was a mad rush on bikes and someone dropped one on his head!! I couldn't help but laugh...here he was doing me this HUGE favor, he never shopped in this craziness in all his life, gets mixed up in the middle of everyone, and a bike of all things falls on his head! We still laugh about that to this day...but he's never been back out there on BF!! LOL
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for a second, I'm thinking.... pimps.... what stores are you guys shopping at that has pimps by it.... cuz I wanna see that store!!! Then... it came a little clearer.


Wierdest thing I've seen was a couple years ago, when a couple of StormTroopers (full regalia) were in line to get in at Target. Wanted to ask them so bad what the getups were for, but feared the blaster..... always fear the blaster

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Oh, I have to chime in on this one! Several years ago, my oldest asked for a stereo and Target had a decent one on BF for $50, so DH and I waited in line for the store to open. For some reason, the employees put the "hot" electronic stuff on pallets by the women's lingerie, so when the doors opened, people were running through the lingerie dept to get to the stacks. On the way, of course, they were knocking down all the bras and panties and I saw at least 2 guys get their feet and ankles caught in bras straps and fall on their face! It was priceless. :D
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Oh, I have to chime in on this one! Several years ago, my oldest asked for a stereo and Target had a decent one on BF for $50, so DH and I waited in line for the store to open. For some reason, the employees put the "hot" electronic stuff on pallets by the women's lingerie, so when the doors opened, people were running through the lingerie dept to get to the stacks. On the way, of course, they were knocking down all the bras and panties and I saw at least 2 guys get their feet and ankles caught in bras straps and fall on their face! It was priceless. :D

That would have so funny to see that one make the evening news for BF! :lmao:

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Wierdest thing I've seen was a couple years ago, when a couple of StormTroopers (full regalia) were in line to get in at Target. Wanted to ask them so bad what the getups were for, but feared the blaster..... always fear the blaster

I would've been excited :cheesy: Other popular lines in my life were the premieres for the latest Star Wars movies.

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For me it would have to be last year, when I was waiting for walmart's doors to open and they let the walk ups go into the store before they let the waiters, so when our door finally opened everybody rushed the door and made a run for it. Well some idiot girl had on flip-flops, she slipped, her shoes went flying one way and she went another will everybody jumped over her to get to the sales. I'm surprised she wasnt made a welcome mat. :)
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Last year at Wal-mart I was the first person standing at the Cabbage Patch Newborns then several other people gathered around the pallet. By the time that the pallet was opened there was a hugh crowd behind us. As soon as it was opened everyone started pushing to be able to get one, I got my two in my cart but I couldn't move because of the crowd. This was the first time in all my years of BF shopping that I was pushed and it hurt cause they pushed me into my cart and the CPN boxes, which made me really mad so I just started throwing the boxes behind me! Just image a woman throwing boxes behind her without knowing where they were going. I was doing the alternating hand throwing...right hand throwing a box over my head and left hand picking up a box and so on. A couple times I threw three or four boxes at one time and I even ended up seeing some boxes that I must have thrown so high and far that they ended up two rows behind me in the middle of a toy isle! After seeing me throwing the boxes a walmart employee standing there started doing the same thing on her side of the pallet! At the time I was so mad and just wanted to get the rest of my deals but shortly after leaving I called my DH who was at another store and I laughed my ass off about it!

This is soooo funny. I bet those fools behind you were back there trying to catch them. You should have charged Walmart for your services;)

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OMG no joke last year somebodie(s) drove thru the WM parking lot at like 4 am MOONING the line!!:gd_shake: It was like 15 degrees out!!!! that so far has been the craziest

For a second I thought maybe you were in the same line as me. But I was at Kohls in Ohio and the same thing happened. It gave us all a good laugh!


The Craziest thing I seen was one year when a woman sprung up from a wheelchair and sprinted into KBToys. This was after we all let her cut in line because it was cold and raining (lightly) out. She asked and we said sure you go right ahead. Boy were we shocked! Someone yelled "It's a Miracle":eyepoppin

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One of the craziest things I ever saw was last year at WM. They had two employees standing not too far from the front doors with tags for the laptops. Behind them was a clothes rack, when the doors opened they got hit so hard by the crowd that the clothes rack broke and one of them took a pole to the back. He had a huge bruise from that. I did get my laptop but only because a really nice person accidently got two tickets and only needed one, she gave the extra to my mom (who also works there and was telling people where things were in the store as we waited in line).
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OMG, I am dying laughing! I would probably have PIMP if I had seen that! (can you imagine being 2 or 3 isles over and all the sudden being hit by a flying cabbage patch) :lmao:




OMG...i read this and counld'nt stop giggling..I was crying :sidesplit I was laughing for hard...I can picture my hubby standing there, getting hit.... turning around saying WTF??? it would even funnier cause we have boys.....why would we need cabbage heads??...LOL

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