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That's great, lol...


That's interesting, everyone in this picture is white. Even the rainbow is white. Perhaps in an ideal world, everyone would be white isn't that right, Rachel? Or should I call you RACIST? Nice try, Hitler. F


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You have to have an odd sense of humor, and a kind of tweaked way of looking at the world to get it. Millions of people do though, his site gets more traffic than 99% of internet sites.




The whole site is hilarious, check out the article "For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three" a jab at vegetarians

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:g_thumbsd I didn't find it funny at all. No offense to the OP.

What an OP?


I know..its kind of bad humor ..but extremely funny(Sorry i just find alot of stuff funny when I'm bored:) )

But seriously you didnt laugh at one of them?? giggle..??

I find it funny that this man has no life and goes online and criticize childrens artwork. Though I doubt these picture were sent in.

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What an OP?


I know..its kind of bad humor ..but extremely funny(Sorry i just find alot of stuff funny when I'm bored:) )

But seriously you didnt laugh at one of them?? giggle..??

I find it funny that this man has no life and goes online and criticize childrens artwork. Though I doubt these picture were sent in.

OP is original poster
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