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one word...horrible..


I arrived at 4...i know...

anyway there was a line filled with 50+ ppl. I thought wow...good turn out for me xD. But i had to find a parking space for my car. After finding a parking space infront of a school building two blocks away , the line of 50 ppl turned into a line of 300+... CORRECTION ..there was no line. Everyone cutted inline:runaway: ..so did i. They had us waiting outside for 30 minutes after 5am.. little did we know they had open the parking lot gate and ppl that went in.. got into bb at 5am:bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs:


Door opens...and its a f..ing stampede...wth

By time i go inside and ask for the plasma , they told me its sold out :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs:

Guest Frieked
  mugs said:

You cut in line and didn't get your plasma? Cry me a river.

Seriously... I think you should start an official crybaby thread for all those people who got "screwed" and are claiming they're never going to go back to these stores ever again.
  dissident said:

yeah, the wal-mart supercenter route will be what I do from now on, as long as they leave them opened all night.

Our super center closed down and didnt let anybody in untill 5. What kind of crap was that! I didnt go but I would have been angry if went really early and they closed.
  mugs said:

You cut in line and didn't get your plasma? Cry me a river.

I didnt actualy "cut in line " it was 5:00 and the door was supposed to be opened..It wouldnt make sense to go all the way around the building to go into bb. It was like 100 ppl who did the same.


We arrived at BB at 11 pm and was like 25th line. The line grew and grew. We spoke to the manager who said that they would pass out the vouchers for the laptop and desktop computers about 3 to 3:30. People start coming for the back to cut in for the voucher. My voucher was 14 of 16 for the 370 Toshiba laptop. We I finally get in the store and finally get to the counter for the computer I was told that they handed out 2 more vouchers then what they had computers for. This after nearly 11 hours stand in their line.

Thinks happen for a reason, maybe I did not need the computer, but there was no excuse for the shortage or over handing out vouchers. "I'm sorry" is all they had to say. Putting complaints in w/BB online for all the good it will do.

Guest general41391
  mugs said:

You cut in line and didn't get your plasma? Cry me a river.

...god shut up loser:tongue1:

Wow, what a bitter crowd today. OK, you didnt get it. Neither did THOUSANDS of other people. Its ok, life will go on. There will be another deal, I promise. I dont see why everyone has to be so rude. We are all going on little to no sleep. Suck it up an freaking get in the holiday spirit, dammit!
  Bestbuy7 said:

I didnt actualy "cut in line " it was 5:00 and the door was supposed to be opened..It wouldnt make sense to go all the way around the building to go into bb. It was like 100 ppl who did the same.

Doesn't excuse it. It does make sense to go all the way around the

building... you know... behind the people who were there before you...


You, the other 100 people, and general for that matter for his worthless

comment in this thread are the real losers. People like you are what's wrong

with this world.

I got in Line on Thursday at 8pm (max 20degrees temp all night)...I was second in line... We don't have "vouchers" in Iowa so it was a mad dash at 5:00 back to get my Magnavox plasma... I loved... it.. colder than hell tho..hehe But I got it. they only had 3.
  general41391 said:

...god shut up loser:tongue1:

Are you kidding me? This is one of those people who cut in line and prevented YOU from getting what YOU wanted!


I had a great experience at BB today. I had purchased several items last week before I realized the customer service would not open until noon. So I chalked it up to bad luck ... and figured I didn't REALLY need those things anyway. Went to Penneys and a couple of other stores just before noon then went to BB about 1:30 to simply return the items I bought last week for a refund. The manager saw me bringing in this huge cart of merchandise and asked why I was returning the stuff.


I told him the exact truth ... and he said, "That's OK ... I'll match the prices for you anyway." I've always loved BB and buy a ton of stuff there. Their employees are always informed and polite. But this store is in a college town and most employees are probably hard working students. Guess it just depends on the store where you live.

Well here goes my sob story......... Several of us got to Best buy at 3:00 A.M. this morning. About 50 people were already in line. I won't complain about the temp because it was 40 degrees here in Mississippi. About 3:45 A.M. two employees were coming to everyone in line and asking questions while taping you on a video camera. It was funny. Then the geek squad came out dressed in their attire and announced that vouchers would be given out for items on the front page of the BB ad. Only 1 item per family on the page could be purchased. So it you wanted the MP3 and the laptop you wree crap put of luck. Then the people that got the computer vouchers were allowed in the store at 4:30 instead of 5. Needless to say the first 30 people in line got the vouchers for the computers. No where on the ad did it say you could only buy 1 of anything in total on the page. I mean I can understand 1 of each thing per family, but you had to choose 1 thing on the whole page. We left and just wnet to Target and Bath & Body Works.

There was no cutting in line at our BB. One lady saw a "friend" toward the front. She stood there chatting with him a little too long. The woman behind her said very sweetly, "You really ought to get in line now or you'll be even farther behind. I'd hate to think you were trying to cut because that would mean I'd have to take off my gloves to remove you, and I'm cold." She was a tiny little blonde, and said it so sweetly that it was scary. lol. The first lady assured her that she was just chatting, but left shortly thereafter. There was NO cutting. You just don't do things like that here without repercussions. You might have found yourself saving $400 on a laptop, but spending $800 to get your windshield or tires replaced. Saving places, yes. That was really annoying because we thought we were only 50-60 back and we went double that. Having the sheriff make regular rounds helped, I think.


I was very impressed with our BB. Those ignorami who showed up at 5 am and tried to get in were made to wait until the line was completely inside before allowing them entry. BB did a great job with organization and sticking to their plan, regardless of the shrill bitter old woman screaming at the top of her lungs that she demanded entry.


Faith, I love that they reserved one item per household. Wish that would've happened here. Instead 20 30-something eBay sellers who camped out took the best deals and the regular folk lost out on a lot of things.


You cut in line at the store I went too and a lady came out and YELLED at you (a customer). I didn't cut, I knew where the end of the line was.


Sorry, but I have no pity at all for those of you that showed up to these popular stores 2-3 hours or less until they opened. Now those that went at midnight or before and made out with nothing, that sucks. And those that did not cut, sorry to you as well.

Just hang close by your computer on Thanksgiving day and buy everything on line. I bought several items and it was report that all BB items were available on line , even the $149 computer. Next yr I may even get a BB rewards card (pay subscription) and save shipping cost. No way I'll brave the BB lines. Hype and competition has gotten out of hand this year and it will only get worse. No offence GottaDeal, I love this site, but it makes it harder to get the "steal" deals. :)
  ebony0421 said:

I think the stores just really under estimated the amount of people that would be shopping and the amount of product they should have.

they are blind to how to prep then, or have all new management who was not there the previous BF, it is has been this many people for years here, yet still they have not figured it out, yes the lines started earlier this year, but I have seen just as many or more people in each of the prior 2 years.


to the poster, you got there at 4, you shouldn't be dissapointed at all imho, please tell that to people getting there at 8pm the day before and still walking out empty handed.

  ebony0421 said:

I think the stores just really under estimated the amount of people that would be shopping and the amount of product they should have.

Haha... no, they knew there'd be a lot of people wanting the door busters, but they're losing money on them, that's why there's not a lot.

No one cut in our BB line. It was okay until people started trying. All we had to do was let the cop at the door know that these a**holes were not here all night and the cop told the people that were cutting they are NOT allowed in and to go back and get in line. Mind you this didnt work for very long since BB ran out of a lot of doorbusters before 5AM rolled around so then EVERYONE was hostile. Glad I got my stuff and was out by 515am. :insane:

our bb was one of the lame ones without doorbusters so we changes our plan from midnight to 4 am...when we got there we were about 10th in line....2 or 3 people came in spots they were saving but we didnt mind as they were in a much different demographic than us...by the time the store opened there were probobaly close to 200 people in line


i had gone on monday to plan my route where i would walk in and grab a cart and the tv i was after right nest to it then head to the back with the car stereos and then over to the voucher place to pick up my desktop (when i thought they still had doorbusters)...well wheni got in i realized the carts were now outside and there were more tvs in their place but with all the people coming in behind me i knew i would not get back in if i turned back for a cart so i carried the 20" tv...which is much more difficult with freezing hands btw..all the way back to thecar stereos where my friend grabbed one for him and me along with the free speakers...now we had to improvise a route to the front because there was no need to stop and pick up a voucher item...we wound up finding a path that was barley small enough that my tv didint fit through so my friend helped me hoist it over and we got to the checkout before everybody else...when i pulled out my best buy bucks...i thought it was going to be a bit of a hassle but all that happend was that she said i could only use half and i told her the official rules said nothing of that...she called over a manager and i was happy to see the one who had helped a new employee let me use 300 of them when i got my s2 last week...she didnt even count them and just took my word for it


by 5:10 am we were in my car and on our way to staples where we were 3rd in line....by they time the store opened there were well over 400 people there...they told us where everything is before hand and i was first to a checkout where i was able to use a $15 off $75 coupon matched from office depot...the lines got long as they had to change the reciept paper and one of my rebates didnt print but soon a manager came over and assured me i would be able to do the easy rebate without having the specific paper...by 6:15 i was home in bed with everything i wanted...aside from the $150 desktop that they chose to exclude from my region

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