darianwiccan Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 $378 laptop from Wal-Mart. Also managed to watch some poor get trampled in the rush of crowd behind me while I held and petted my laptop. She was alright though, just a little shook up. I also got the new Trivial Pursuit: Book Lover's Edition and LOTR Trilogy Edition DVD Trivial Pursuit from TRU. Went to Sears to wait in line for the gift card. Got there at about 5:45. They had already passed out the cards, and the people who got them went to their cars to get warm while we all waited in line because we didn't know. About 10 of us let the management know that it was BS and that we were taking our business elsewhere.
denisekraemer Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I prebought last week the C315 camera from Target. This morning I walked in and went to the service counter. I asked for my price adjustment. The girl told me they were not price adjusting this weekend...I figure they knew about the BF site and were fighting back :). I asked to speak to the manager. I told him that I checked twice before purchasing the camera to make sure I would be able to price adjust. He told me ok...and gave me the difference. Of course, you should have seen the look of the girl behind the counter. It was so funny.
mommy2mycutie Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I came away with a poker table and nice poker case/chips from Target (total $50). The $10 4-pack of My Little Ponies & medical kit at Toys R Us. Along with a My Little Pony jewelry box that was green tagged (1/2 off) and a Good Morning Sunshine My Little Pony (total $50 at TRU). Two of the $1.99 Tide and buy 1 get 2 free rolls of wrapping paper at Walgreens. Also got 2 for the price of 1 books for my daughter (total $8). I also went to Wal*Mart, but waited until AFTER 11 since there weren't any doorbusters I needed and my morning sickness was really acting up. I spent another $50 there, but I am now officially, 100% done with my Christmas shopping!! WOOHOO!!
biomajor Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I went back to Target around 3 or so while my daughter was taking a nap and picked up the Sewing Machine that she's been eyeing and Battleship and the electric griddle. Now I can throw away the griddle that sparks when I turn it on!! I used the excuse that I'd forgotten about the griddle and remembered it while she was asleep, so I had to go then LOL She's a good kid!
jamieva Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Got to Best Buy at 4:45 and they were already letting people in because the line was so long. Got the 19" LCD Monitor for $169 after rebate. Check out only took about 20 minutes. Next was Toys R Us for Dress and Dance Dora the Explorer. Not much of a crowd there, no lines at checkout. Finally to Home Depot. Got the Ryobi 18 Volt cordless drill and flashlight combo for $30 (regularly $100)
Kandy Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Px - Kodak 360c & a printer dock - under 200.00 with $20CG and two 10% off coupons (DH got the PD) 2 DS games for $29.00 (madden 2005/poker game),Yoshi DS, Artari games for the DS. Price Matched tide for $1.99 (2) Walmart - 2 Carebears, Remote control Jeep, coffee pot, 2 tiggers (price matched kbtoys b1g1 @ the $16.00, rock tumbler pm Kmart @ 15.88, 128 mmc card for $13.88 TRU - Clue PX for $9.97 Walgreens - wrapping paper, 6 rolls for the price of two, b1g1 christmas cards, m&m b1g1, tide $1.99 (2), batteries AA 12 @ 3.99 b1g1.
EJnMO Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Best Buy - Initial 10.2 Widescreen DVD player 499.00 FREE INSTALL.
favdog Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 bigjimslade said: Family wide we got (we hit 5 different Dallas area stores all at once) 48 Emachines 150 desktops23 Toshiba 379 Laptop60 512MB Sandisk mp3 players62 Gateway Laptops Going to bed. Will post more later!Just so nobody overlooks the of black friday.
SuperMommy Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 You gotta be kidding me right? I have piles of stuff!! Got the 32" TV from CCDVD player About 10 DVDsA few CDsPaper shredderDisc cleanerCordless phoneMP3 playerclothes for DHZip Zaps for DHPizza stoneCheap digital camera (for DHs work)about 10 people's gifts that were on my listA few things for DD ( I buy most of her stuff when DHs with me) And there's more...too many to list
lesliepear Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Today's stuff (mostly practical): Staples: DVD burner, DVD-R disks, surge protector, calculator, Norton AV/Go Back Bundle Walgreens: 2 bottles of tide, free Quatro Razor, 1 Revlon Lipstick Gymboree: $101 of stuff for my son, including 3.99 shorts and a gift dress Target: PJ's, turtlenecks, slippers socks, 2 toys, diaper wipes (not BF, needed them), 2 1.00 section items, Shark Tales and Robots Sears: Digital Tire gauge Returned (or to be returned): PJ's for me from Target (too big), razor from Sears (wrong one, not 19.99 one), DVD+R's from Staples (no rebate) Ordered: Speakers and Batteries from Circuit City, 1 package DVD+R's from Staples Pretty quiet this year for us!
teresa92 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Our Walmart was wonderful! They brought out the pallets (unwrapped) at 3am. You could put the items in your cart, but the checkout lines didn't open until 5am. My friend and I got everything on our list & were the first ones out the door at 5:07am :) Here's my loot- Walmart: 2 Little People sets Cabbage Patch newborn Gameboy SP Gameboy Scooby Doo game 2 crock pots (rang up $3.03 each!) RC Hummer Mens jeans Target: Big Wheel Clue game Ants in your pants game Kmart: Law & Order game Best Buy: 32" tv
tommac Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Staples acer laptop 200 gb hard drive I arrive at my local circuit city at 12:30 am and there were already over 30 people ahead of me. The local circuit city had started to pass out vochers at 4:30 a.m. by this time the crowd had swell to over 200 hundred people. Five minutes later I heard people ahead of me in the crowd saying that the laptop vochers were gone. The employeee who was passing out the vochers confirm it to me a couple of minutes later ,that the store only receive fiftenn laptops and that there will be no rain checks. So I got out of the line and headed to staples which was not far from circuit city to see if I can get not only their laptops but the hard drive and dvd-rw they had on sale. Again I was 30 in the line and had to wait another hour for the store to open. As soon as the store open the crowd storm to the entrance and I waited in the front line and entered the store. I grab the 200 gb hard drive first but they were already out of the dvd-rw drive. Next I ask one of the employees there where are the laptops and he pointed me up to the customer service line where they were passing out the laptops. I was able to recieve one of the last one's they had in stock , paid for my items and left. At first I was disappointed in the laptop but I almost have the same specs as the cc toshiba one except 256 mb less of ram 20 gb less, and no s-video but it came with a year warantly. I will be upgrading the ram and get a slot card for the laptop soon so I am satisfied with what I got. I hope next year I will be able to shop at online cause It was way worse than last year Black Friday.
kfinto65 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 After a good day's sleep I decided to see if I could get the APC 1500VA UPS for $149.99 AR from CompUSA online. I checked and it was online for that price. I ordered it and didn't have to pay shipping!!! Plus I saved a lot of gas and time as the nearest CompUSA is 80 miles away.
Jackel Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I went to Walmart, I didn't have much on my list but I got everything I wanted I got, 20 inch TV/DVD combo for $98 Lightsaber for $8 Cabbage patch newborn for $10 Sewing Machine for $55 Pajamas for $10 I priced matched targets ad and got Quake 4 for $30
sbhiggins Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Started at CC. I arrived at 5 Am since I didn't want any doorbusters. Line was all the way around the bldg-- crazy!! Checkout took about 45 minutes. Only thing I didn't get were the $5 DVDs-- the crowd around the bin was three people deep and I didn't want to wait. I got: Friends season 9 Cinderella DVD Cranium turbo+ ziggity for free w/$20 rebate Screen cleaner FAR Coldplay CD for $6.99 Then on to Target. Arrived around 6:15. I got: $29.99 xmas tree + wreath (main things I wanted) $14.88 Charlie and choc. factory DVD fuzzy leopard print slippers $4.88 two sets of ornaments for tree (not on sale) Didn't get the PS2 game I wanted and Target refused to raincheck it. Had words about that to no effect. Left and went to Staples. Arrived at 7:15. They were out of the FAR paper shredder, so I left. Went to a Walgreens across the street. I got: 6 Planters peanuts (was told they didn't care about the limits) 2 Revlon $.99 lip glosses (forgot to use a $1 coupon I had!) Schick quattro power FAR alarm clock $4.99 - $4 rebate 3 of the Kodak instant cameras on sale for $3.99 - # $3/1 coupons-- thought it would be enough for Kodak $10 GC deal, but they rang up at $5.99 instead of $3.99 so I'll have to go back B1G1 12 pk batteries $3.99 plus a couple of clearance items Was heading to Radio shak (which is near home) but stopped at Hastings on the way home (media type store) because it was 7:55 and they were opening at 8-- this was the only place I actually waited in line. There were about 10 people there. I got: mini Ipod speaker set $29.99 - $20 rebate 2 $5.99 DVDs (About a boy and 21 grams) Bob Dylan 2 cd set that I thought was new and so I could use the flier coupon for any new CD for $8.99 on-- turned out it was used (though in perfect shape) and so on sale for $3.99!!! (as all used CDs were) CRT said I saved $21 on this item. At this point I had to go to the bathroom really bad so I headed home. Woke up DH and we hit Gamestop and EB games. He got 6 used games (B2G1 free) plus one more at EB games where he had $8 in credit. Had lunch out and then stopped at Walmart and PMd the PS2 game we couldn't get at Target. Last stop was Linens N Things for two new down pillows, on sale for $49.99 each, plus we each used a 20% off coupon so they were $39.99 each. I also ordered a few items from CC online on T'day-- batteries, memory stick and laptop kit. Pretty good day all around, though not as much fun shopping alone as it usually is with my family. I did ask my dad to pick up the $20 roaster oven at Walmart since I wasn't going to be there for the doorbusters. Oh, and at the T'day sale at Kmart, I got Alice in Wonderland and Bambi on DVD, 4 pepsi 2Ls, and the poker chip set for DH. Only thing I didn't get was DVD of 8 Mile-- even though it was on sale at lots of places, I couldn't find it anywhere. Hope everyone had a great day!! And get some sleep!
andreadawn45 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Here goes-Best Buy2 emachines- $149 1 Kodak digicam- $129 1 Grinch DVD $3.991 Spindle DVD+R/CD-R $2.99 AR Toys R UsPony Set- $9.99Portable DVD player- $99.99Madagascar DVD- FREE (after buying the dvd player)Easy Bake Oven- $9.99Chutes and Ladders (Dora)- $9.99Memory (Dora)- Free (after buying C & L game)Scooby umbrella- $8.99Vtech V.smile pocket- $79.99Polly Pocket Par-tay Bus- $29.99 Target (Mom picked up for me)Pop Culture 2 Trivial Pursuit- $18.88Scooby Doo 2 DVD- $5.88VPocket game- $14.99Robe for DD- $14 WalgreensPony land, Fisher Price art set, and football- $11.98Bunch of random stuff that was cheap...including Tide- $1.99 Old Navy- bought online tonightscarves for me, dd, and cousin- $5.00 eachgloves for dd and me- $5.00 estocking hat for dd and me- $5.00 efleece for dd, girl I know, and me- $10 evelour jacket and pants for dad's girlfriend- $10 e Whew...going to Gordmans in the morning to wander around and find stuff to put in my 25% off bag. Got to go to bed though! Sleep is messed up from staying out all night, and sleeping half the day!!
daworths8 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I got everything I needed except UNO Attack (no biggie) Even got my 3 gameboys (anyone remembers my situation) and returned the previous 3 I had bought begining of November that they wouldnt do a price adjustment on. So I bought 3 new ones today took them to the car, grabbed the old 3 out of car went to customer service............more money to shop with :) Did my own price adjustment Even spoke my mind at the gameboy buggy (they were in buggy, not a pallet), employee was being very nice instead of everyone running @ 5am she said I am personally handing them out (she knew who had been standing there all night) she was behind electronics counter so she wouldnt get hurt if they started acting crazy. Well like 10 minutes before 5 someone had asked about how many we could get. So she calls manager and asks manager says 1 untill everyone gets thru I started flying off the handle saying it doesnt say that in the paper NO LIMIT on what you could get. She calls her back says thats not gonna work and POOF that idea was dismissed. I needed 3 and I was getting 3 more for various friends waiting other places. Got my 6 and I was outta there
redsox05 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Starting from 2AM, each member of my family split up into different stores, allowing us to get almost everything we wanted. Here goes: Best Buy2 MAG 19" LCD Monitor - $169.99 AReMachines Celeron Desktop - $149.99 Sandisk Sansa 512MB MP3 Player - $39.99Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Xbox) - $9.99Samsung DVD Recorder - $99.99 ARDynex 75-Pac DVD+R Splindle- $2.99 AR Circuit CityLite-on DVD Recorder/VCR Combo - $149.99Wireless Keyboard & Mouse - $9.99I/O Magic 16x DVD Burner - $19.99 ARClean Dr. Screen Cleaner Pro - Free After RebateSamsonite Camcorder Bag - Free After RebateMotorized Disc Cleaner - Free After RebatePrince of Persia: Warrior Within (xbox)- $9.99 Office DepotFusion Collection w/ Desk, Chair, Mobile File & Bookshelf - $59.99 SearsAnimated 250 Light Wire Framed Deer - $14.99 Staples (there was a system failure at our staples but we came out alive)5-Sheet Shredder - Free After RebatePNY Attache 512MB USB 2.0 Flash Drive - $9.94 ARStaples Surge Protector - Free After RebatePlayo 50pk DVD-R Blank Media - $2.94 ARBrother MFC-3240 All in One - $29.98 AR TargetGame Boy Advance SP Bundle - $68.88 (was able to pick one up at noon!) Walmart20" Flat Screen TV / DVD Player Combo - $98.00 (price marked down)Mens Flannel Sleep Pants - $5.00 We pretty much have all our christmas shopping done now. :)
Genkii Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Started out at 4am Meijer:PSP Value Pack: $199.88PSP Games: 8 Games....buy one at regular price, get second at 60%Aviator DVD: $10Dodge Ball DVD: $10Hitch DVD: Didn't have them in stock....that's a must watch movie. CC:512MB Sandisk Memory Stick Duo: $19.99 w/rebate. (last one). Walmart:2 PSP Value Pack: 199.88 PM with Meijer10+ Assorted DVD's: $3.44 BB:Netgear Wireless Router/Adapter: $29.99 w/rebate.2 Dave Chappelle's Show DVD: $14.99 each Stores that were hit but didn't get anything was: Compusa and Staples.Got home at 9:30amDoorbuster deals for BB and CC was crappy this year. Overall I felt satisfied with my Black Friday experience this year. Hoped Everyone had Fun!!!
tinybott22 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 We got to Walmart @ 5:15 and bought: DVD Recorder Care Bears Barbie Zoo Set Entrapment DVD Malibu's Most Wanted DVD Austin Power's DVD Pleasantville DVD Girl's, Boy's, and Women's Jeans Stick Vac 2 Hot Wheels sets Twister/Trouble game set Batteries We didn't want any Big ticket items. So we got what we wanted and didn't need to get. :)
jpeyton Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 bigjimslade said: Family wide we got (we hit 5 different Dallas area stores all at once) 48 Emachines 150 desktops23 Toshiba 379 Laptop60 512MB Sandisk mp3 players62 Gateway Laptops Going to bed. Will post more later!We definitely need pictures for confirmation :)
Melissa Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Target: 2 Magic Glow Doodle Bears w/ Bonus for $18.88 ea. 2 Razor scooters for $19 ea. Clue $7.49 Twister $12.79 (not on sale but I needed it) Polar Express dvd $15.99 Meet the Fockers dvd $5.88 Rotating Ball of Lite $10 Toys R Us Bratz Hollywood Style doll $9.39 2 100 pc. Magnetix Sets $28.18 (Buy One Get One Free!) Polly Pocket Club Groove Bundle $28.16 Cinderella dvd $12.21 Sears 3 boxed shirt & tie sets $14.99 ea. Fleece throw $5.99 Bath & Body Works 4 bubble baths for $5 ea. Free paraffin hand mask ($12.50 value) ....And a bunch of clothes at Old Navy. :)
erh12275 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Well I got these at Walmart: $25 Leappad plus writing2-$5 Care Bears$10 Cabbage Patch$48 DVD/VCR $3.44 DVD's Devils Advocate, Shark Tale and 2weeks noticeShrekPriceMatched these itemsScooby Doo 2Simpsonsfamily GuyMemoryThen went to Circuit city:32in Rca TV.Then we had to go home. Wanted to stop at Kmart and Walgreens and Sears but that didn't happen because of the tv. UGH. But was still happy w/ the things I got.
mghtymth27 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Walmart -- Phillips 2gb mp3 player (for my daughter), only 3 at my store some people were not happey. HP digital camarma for $88 (for my son), also got a 1gb SD card for $40 and 2 SD 256mb cards ($13). Jeans for my son. $3 oversized bath towels. Bunchs of music CD's $8.72 Target -- 2 rocker chairs, poker table ($25). Menards -- Duffel bag set $10, poker chip set $4, table trivets $3 Bergners (spelling??) Down comforter $39 and squisi (spelling??) back massager -- the kind that you put on the chair and you sit on $14 K-mart -- Craftsman 12 piece set $10 and bunches of clothes at various places. I was going to stand out in line for the emachines desktop at best buy, but when I got there at 12:30 there was already about 50 people in line -- so I went to plan B (worked out pretty good considering all the stuff I was able to get!!!)
Marcster Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Wife and I left the house a 4:45 am...Sam's ClubNo Kate Spade purses that my wife liked...Bought a DVD/VCR combo for in-laws to give to my B-I-LBought a $25 Sam's/WM gift card for wife's Aunt to give to someone else(Both things we could've bought any time before Xmas) Dunkin' DonutsOur brand-new DD had 2 free donuts w/purchase of 24 oz. coffee Office Depot1 GB SD Card - $29.99 AR1 GB USB Flashdrive - $29.99 ARUSB Mini Keypad - $2.99 AR (picked up for a friend)MS Wireless keyboard/mouse - $19.99 AR (picked up for a friend)Two 25-packs of Maxell DVD+Rs - $4.99 each27" Olevia 16:9 LCD TV - $499.99 AR (plus $129.99 for 3 yr protection) StaplesCouldn't find anything on my list except for the Brother Labeler that OfficeMax also had on sale, so we left. OfficeMaxBrother PT-1180 Labeler - $9.99 ARD-Link Xtreme G Router - $39.99 ARRefurbished 1315 All in One - $29.99 (picked up for a friend)Family Tree Software - FAR (picked up for a friend)Two 200GB WD Hard Drives - $59.99 each (picked up for a friend)Lite-On DVD Recorder (like a VCR, but it records to DVDRs and DVD-RWs) -$69.99 ARWe were also able to use two $25.00 off coupons at OfficeMax, so we saved an additional $53 (incl. tax) beyond the rebates. MarshalsDidn't find anything. Bed Bath & BeyondDigital Tire gauge for $9.99 after coupon A.C. MooreTwo puzzles for friend to give to her kids for Xmas, we had 60% off coupons, but both items were already on sale so coupons were invalid. VF Factory OutletsWife bought Bobby Brown bronzer for $20.54, two shirts and a pair of pants, and a $240 purse marked down 50% off and the owner of the store knocked an additional $30.00 off just for her.
mghtymth27 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 almost forgot -- Circut City -- XM radio (Delphi) was supposed to be $30 out the door with a $30 mail in rebate --- but it rang up at $10 -- So I got it for $10 with a mail in rebate, it will still be free. also a man in the layaway department at Walmart gave my a $20 bill -- not sure why but I took it!!!!
sperdue Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Before BFWalmart2 3in1 Lexmark printers on sale in storeOnlineTarget$17.xx Pop culture 2 game (including tx, no shipping and used coupon from here :) ) We got soooo much yestday.. let's see if I can remember it all!First stopWalmart$7 sweater2 $10 3pc pajama sets6 $3.xx dvds Goody's$5.xx Jeans (really nice!!! were on sale and got a free $10 gc) Radio Shack$9.99 AR wireless keyboard/mouse package Walgreens4 $1.99 Tide3/$5.99 candles (big and smell great!)4 2/$1.00 Hersey's symphony bars mmmmm!2 2/$9.99 dvds Best buy3 512 mb MP3 2 $3.98 dvds$9.99 signed up for bb rewards program Staples$2.94 AR 50 pk of dvd-r JCPenney$48.xx Leather jacket (really nice!!) Target2 $10.44 deerfoam houseshoe boots (ultra soft!)5 asst boxes of chocolate on sale CVS$2.66 16 pk battery (4 at this stop) Home Depot$29.xx Bagless vac CVS different location$2.66 16 pk battery (5 at this stop) I know I'm forgetting some things.If I think of more, I'll edit my post.My friend that went got even more than I did,but that's not included here. We had a GREAT DAY! It was so much fun I can't wait til bf 2006!
n13n13 Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 I wne to Meijer on Thursday and Friday. Thurday: Dusty the vacuum for $10 CD alarm clock $10 4 pk of Capri sun for $4 PS2 with 4 games for $150 for sister in law my niece got the dirt devil vacuum for $90 and a few other things. Friday bullseye ball with extra frogs $25 Singing machine $25 ($10 mail in rebate) Littlest Pet shop play sets 2 pack with bonus pets $18 Went to target and picked up the light saber with the free cape. Today I bought an Iriver T30 (silver) with 2 month trial of napster for under $60 with tax (I had $15 BB Bucks from Mcd's still left)
Marcster Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 sperdue said: CVS$2.66 16 pk battery (4 at this stop)CVS different location$2.66 16 pk battery (5 at this stop) Holy Cow, Sperdue... That's a lotta batteries! Building your own back-up generator??? http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileys/jok.gif
sperdue Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Marcster said: Holy Cow, Sperdue... That's a lotta batteries! Building your own back-up generator??? http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileys/jok.giflmao!!! Nah, we got 3 - 512mb mp3 sansa players at bb that run on them and i've got several satellite tv remotes that do to.
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